We have 3 commits in cherry-A
We have 1 commit in cherry-B
Now, we want put cherry-A's 3rd commit into cherry-B branch
# 1st step: go to cherry-B branch
# 2nd step type command below:
git cherry-pick `3rd-commit-hash-value`
# or we can use `-n`: which means cherry-pick the commit contents but NOT create a commit immediately (keep the file in the staged status)
git cherry-pick `3rd-commit-hash-value` -n
# Done
Reference here
git submodules
: allows developer to keep a git repository as subdirectory of another git repository (Its a snapshot of another repository)
Common command:
# Example: In your current project, you can create submodule of another project
git submodule add https://github.com/DamengRandom/git-recalls.git
Why we need git submodules: Assuming that when you have a project in git which depends on a particular versions
of other projects