pysnoo2 is a python library to interact with the SNOO Smart Sleeper Bassinet. pysnoo2 is based on pysnoo by @rado0x54
Please use this library at your own risk and make sure that you do not violate the Terms of Service of HappiestBaby. Note that happiest baby can change their API any anytime and may cause this library to break.
pip install pysnoo2
- Refresh tokens are not currently working, access tokens are instead granted every 3 hours as needed.
- Save pubnub tokens off similar to how access tokens are saved for re-use
Programatically, the project provides two main class inferfaces. The Snoo API Client interface and the Snoo PubNub interface
Here's a short example to setup both. It uses the Snoo API Interface to get the Snoo serial number, and access token, and pubnub access token which are required to initialize the PubNub interface. More usage examples can be found by looking at the CLI Tool
async with SnooAuthSession(token, token_updater) as auth:
if not auth.authorized:
# Init Auth
new_token = await auth.fetch_token()
# Snoo API Interface
snoo = Snoo(auth)
devices = await snoo.get_devices()
if not devices:
# No devices
print('There is no Snoo connected to that account!')
# Snoo PubNub Interface
pubnubToken = await snoo.pubnub_auth()
pubnub = SnooPubNub(pubnubToken,
last_activity_state = (await pubnub.history())[0]
if last_activity_state.state_machine.state == SessionLevel.ONLINE:
# Start
await pubnub.publish_start()
# Stop
await pubnub.publish_goto_state(SessionLevel.ONLINE)
await pubnub.stop()
The pysnoo package contains the snoo
CLI tool:
# snoo -h
Snoo Smart Bassinett
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
username for Snoo account
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
username for Snoo account
-t file, --token_file file
Cached token file to read and write an existing OAuth Token to.
-d DATETIME, --datetime DATETIME
Datetime in ISO8601 fromat. Used for some commands.
-l level, --level SessionLevel
Used to set the level with the level command. See SessionLevel for valid values.
-v, --verbose Show verbose logging.
If the tool cannot find a valid oauth token in --token_file
by default), it will automatically query for
a username and password on the first run. After a successful authentication a token will be placed in the specified
file. Subsequent calls that have access to the token will not query for credentials any longer.
# snoo status
Username: [email protected]
awake (since: 0:34:54.891556)
# ls .snoo_token.txt
# snoo status
awake (since: 0:36:27.266366)
snoo status
returns the current status of the snoo.
snoo monitor
monitors the live events emited by the Snoo Bassinet. Monitoring can be cancelled
via CTRL-C
. The command always returns the last historic event when launching.
# snoo monitor
"left_safety_clip": 1,
"rx_signal": {
"rssi": -45,
"strength": 99
"right_safety_clip": 1,
"sw_version": "v1.14.22",
"event_time_ms": 1698816595667,
"state_machine": {
"up_transition": "NONE",
"since_session_start_ms": -1,
"sticky_white_noise": "off",
"weaning": "off",
"time_left": -1,
"session_id": "0",
"state": "ONLINE",
"is_active_session": "false",
"down_transition": "NONE",
"hold": "off",
"audio": "on"
"system_state": "normal",
"event": "status_requested"
snoo toggle
toggle the Snoo Bassinet between an active and a paused state.
snoo toggle_hold
will toggle the hold option on or off.
snoo up
will transition the Snoo Bassinet one level up (if available)
snoo down
will transition the Snoo Bassinet one level down (if available)
snoo history
will return the last 100 events from the Snoo Bassinet.
# snoo history
{'event': 'cry',
'event_time': '2021-02-13T16:02:23.025Z',
'left_safety_clip': True,
'right_safety_clip': True,
'rx_signal': {'rssi': -45, 'strength': 100},
'state_machine': {'audio': True,
'down_transition': 'LEVEL1',
'hold': False,
'is_active_session': True,
'session_id': '1696520262',
'since_session_start': '1:01:40.420000',
'state': 'LEVEL2',
'sticky_white_noise': False,
'time_left': '0:06:00',
'up_transition': 'LEVEL3',
'weaning': False},
'sw_version': 'v1.14.12',
'system_state': 'normal'}
{'event': 'activity',
'event_time': '2021-02-13T16:02:40.628Z',
'left_safety_clip': True,
'right_safety_clip': True,
'rx_signal': {'rssi': -45, 'strength': 100},
'state_machine': {'audio': True,
'down_transition': 'NONE',
'hold': False,
'is_active_session': False,
'session_id': '0',
'since_session_start': None,
'state': 'ONLINE',
'sticky_white_noise': False,
'time_left': None,
'up_transition': 'NONE',
'weaning': False},
'sw_version': 'v1.14.12',
'system_state': 'normal'}
snoo baby
returns data about the baby and the settings of the linked Snoo Bassinet.
{'baby': 'ID',
'babyName': 'BABY_NAME',
'birthDate': '2021-01-17',
'createdAt': '2020-11-18T16:12:08.064Z',
'disabledLimiter': False,
'pictures': [{'encoded': False,
'id': 'PICTURE_ID',
'mime': 'image/png',
'updatedAt': '2021-01-21T10:45:07.542Z'}],
'preemie': None,
'settings': {'carRideMode': False,
'daytimeStart': 7,
'minimalLevel': 'baseline',
'minimalLevelVolume': 'lvl-1',
'motionLimiter': True,
'offlineLock': False,
'responsivenessLevel': 'lvl0',
'soothingLevelVolume': 'lvl0',
'weaning': False},
'sex': 'Male',
'updatedAt': '2021-02-02T22:23:10.770Z',
'updatedByUserAt': '2021-02-02T21:35:45.665Z'}
Some of these settings can be upgraded programmatically.
snoo device
returns information around the linked Snoo Bassinet:
{'baby': 'BABY_ID',
'createdAt': '2019-02-19T19:03:13.544Z',
'firmwareUpdateDate': '2021-01-14T17:36:51.149Z',
'firmwareVersion': 'v1.14.12',
'lastProvisionSuccess': '2020-11-18T16:25:57.973Z',
'lastSSID': {'name': 'SSID-Network', 'updatedAt': '2021-01-28T22:04:21.151Z'},
'serialNumber': 'SERIAL_NUMBER',
'timezone': 'America/New_York',
'updatedAt': '2021-02-13T16:50:16.685Z'}
snoo user
returns account related information:
{'email': 'EMAIL',
'givenName': 'GIVEN_NAME',
'region': 'US',
'surname': 'SURNAME',
'userId': 'USER_ID'}
snoo last_session
returns information around the last or currently active session.
{'currentStatus': 'awake',
'currentStatusDuration': '0:51:04.121661',
'endTime': '2021-02-13T16:02:40.635Z',
'levels': ['BASELINE', 'LEVEL1', 'LEVEL2', 'ONLINE'],
'startTime': '2021-02-13T15:00:42.604Z'}
snoo session_avg -d DATETIME
returns the average values for the week starting from DATETIME
# snoo session_avg -d 2021-01-30T07:00:00
{'daySleepAVG': '5:38:43',
'days': {'daySleep': ['4:46:18',
'longestSleep': ['3:25:44',
'nightSleep': ['8:12:50',
'nightWakings': [4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3],
'totalSleep': ['12:59:08',
'longestSleepAVG': '3:33:57',
'nightSleepAVG': '7:38:44',
'nightWakingsAVG': 4,
'totalSleepAVG': '13:17:27'}
snoo total
returns the total time the Snoo Bassinet has been in operation.
# snoo total
11 days, 9:13:32