Simple query to Have I been Pwned API.
2019-09 : The Have I been pwned account API is now covered by a $3.5/month fee and is no longer supported by this script.
However, the password API is still functional at the moment.
The password API query follows the secure way of querying the API, as described in this article. Only the first 5 characters of the SHA-1 hash are sent to the query URL.
code excerpt:
password_hash = hashlib.sha1(password.encode()).hexdigest().upper() # password is SHA-1 hashed
password = '' # then erased
password_hash_prefix = password_hash[:5] # this part is sent to the query URL
password_hash_suffix = password_hash[5:] # this part is used to lookup the hash locally in the query response content
- Download and extract the latest release.
- Open a terminal to the extracted directory.
$ curl --location --output
$ unzip
$ mv haveibeenpwned-query-master/ haveibeenpwned-query
$ cd haveibeenpwned-query
(Optional) Configure Python virtual environment :
$ python -m venv .env
$ . .env/bin/activate (Linux)
$ .env\Scripts\activate.bat (Windows)
Install :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Display help :
$ python --help
$ python --help