Adds useful snippets for working with Unreal Engine 4 C++ Code.
This is especially useful on Linux, as auto-completion in IDEs seems to fail a lot due to UE4s huge codebase.
All snippets start with the letter u, so if you're looking for all the snippets, just type that and explore :)
- print strings to screen
- print messages to log
- spawn emitters at location / attached
- play sounds at location / attached
- spawn actors
- spawn actors deferred
- safely get world (with if check, needed for spawning things)
- create UEnums
- create UStructs
- create UClasses (as if you ever needed to but why not)
- cast UObjects
- uproperty and ufunction macro
- creating default subobjects (components)
- single & multi linetrace by channel/object/profile
- single & multi overlap by channel/object/profile
- multi sweep by channel/object/profile
- set timer & clear timer
- input axis & input action binding
- subclass pointer
- replication functions
- getting all actors of a class
- finding Datatable rows
- creating SaveGames
- loading SaveGames
- saving SaveGames