- Navigate to the HashMap project Directory.
- Run the following command:
pytest HashMap_pytest.py
- Python 3.6.0
- pytest 4.6.2 (
pip install -U pytest
HashMap(self, load_factor=0.75)
HashMap implementation using a singly linked list entry implementation (NodeEntry) inspired by the JDK's HashMap.
The running time of get() and put() operations is dependent on the depth of the bucket associated with a key's hash. For well distributed hashes, depth should be small. This property can be improved by using a TreeEntry implementation for suitably large buckets (the JDK's HashMap treeifies buckets at a depth of 8 if the table has 64+ buckets).
The put() operation is also impacted by resize operations triggered by the HashMap's len() hitting its resize threshold (generally bucket_count * load_factor).
HashMap.get(self, key)
Retrieves the value for the supplied key from the HashMap
param: key: The key whose value is being retrieved.
return: The value associated with the supplied key.
HashMap.put(self, key, value, only_if_absent=False)
Inserts a key, value mapping into the HashMap.
param: key: The key to be inserted.
param: value: The value to be inserted.
param: only_if_absent: if True, the value will only be updated if the key does not already exist in the HashMap.
return: The previous value for the given key or None.
HashMap.compute(self, key, func, only_if_absent=False)
Computes the value associated with a given key based on its existing value using the supplied lambda.
param: key
param: func: The function that will be applied to derive the new value (signature k,v: v).
param: only_if_absent: If True, func will only be applied when the key does not already exist in the HashMap.
return: The newly computed value or None.
HashMap.remove(self, key, value=None, match_value=False)
Removes the key/value mapping from the table for the supplied key.
param: key: The key to remove.
param: value: The value to remove (only applicable when match_value=True).
param: match_value: If true, the key/value mapping will only be removed if its value matches the supplied value.
return: The removed value or None.
HashMap.Entry(self, hash_code, key, value)
Entry base class -- implementation of nesting is left to subclasses (e.g. NodeEntry -- implemented, TreeEntry -- not implemented)
HashMap.NodeEntry(self, hash_code, key, value)
Entry implementation using a singly linked list structure.