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Den1al edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 1 revision

Most of the configuration for JSShell are stored in a file called config.json in the resources directory. That file holds various details about your deployed JSShell server, including connection strings to the database and to which domain this server corresponds.

Following are human readable description for each of the config.json fields:


  • HOST - the address in which the python server will listen on. When deploying with docker (which is the most recommended method), this field should remain on the default value:
  • PORT - the port in which the python server will listen on. When deploying with docker keep the default value (5000) so the docker-compose file will know to which port to map it. The docker file tunnels the selected port number to another publicly facing port (usually 443 to support HTTPS).
  • DEBUG - whether the python server should run on debug mode.
  • STARTUP_SCRIPT - when the shell component of this framework is loaded, this script will run in the context of the shell. This parameter defines where the startup script resides. By default, it resides in the resources folder. These scripts are the perfect place to automate tasks before you start using the shell component.
  • URL - this is the URL where our victims/clients will be contacting to. If you are using a domain name, define this key to be https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>. Note that the schema part (http/https) should be defined properly according to your usage of TLS.
  • DOMAIN - when using a custom domain, this property defines the value of that domain. This value is being mostly used to determine where the TLS certificates reside on your server.


The key MONGO contains data on the database connection:

  • MONGODB_DB - the database name.
  • MONGODB_HOST - the database host. When deploying with docker set it to "db" (the database container name), otherwise set it to the address of where your database is deployed.
  • MONGODB_PORT - the port of the database.
  • MONGODB_USERNAME - the username of the database.
  • MONGODB_PASSWORD - the password of the username defined before. It is used to authenticate to the database server. If you changed this value and using the docker deployment, make sure to update it also in the docker-compose.yml file.
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