simple functions for doing oauth login with github. compatible with any node http server that uses handler callbacks that look like function(req, res) {}
var githubOAuth = require('github-oauth')({
githubClient: process.env['GITHUB_CLIENT'],
githubSecret: process.env['GITHUB_SECRET'],
baseURL: 'http://localhost',
loginURI: '/login',
callbackURI: '/callback',
scope: 'user', // optional, default scope is set to user
state: 'example' // optional, default state is a random string
require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
if (req.url.match(/login/)) return githubOAuth.login(req, res)
if (req.url.match(/callback/)) return githubOAuth.callback(req, res)
githubOAuth.on('error', function(err) {
console.error('there was a login error', err)
githubOAuth.on('token', function(token, serverResponse) {
console.log('here is your shiny new github oauth token', token)
// now go to http://localhost/login
If you want to support no scope, pass in scope: ''
// where myAppRouter is a router that will work with:
// myAppRouter.get('/github/login', function(req, res) {})
// works like this
// or even more bonus:
githubOauth.addRoutes(myAppRouter, function(err, token, serverResponse, tokenResponse) {