The Todo application has been worked on in this repository. Users can register or log in Todo the application. Users can add, update, delete, and complete todo list. Users can see how many todos are completed and how many are incomplete. Users can filter by todo list date or todo title. Users can see a summary of the user todo list by going to the dashboard.
- React JS
- React Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React Hooks
- React Router
- React Router Dom
- Protected Route
- Axios
- RESTful APIs
- React Paginate
- React Apexcharts
- React Toastify
- Firebase
- Bootstrap5
- Font Awesome
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Cors
- Nodemon
- Dotenv
- MongoDB
- Firebase JWT Token
- Firebase Admin
- Frontend: Netlify
- Backend: Vercel
- User Profile Page
- Dashboard Page
- Todo List Page
- Todo Complete
- Todo Incomplete
- Todo Add Page
- Todo Update Page
- Users (Admin) Page
- Login Page
- Register Page
- Forgot Password Page
- Error Page