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Python and Django utilities shared between different openwisp modules


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Python and Django functions, classes and settings re-used across different OpenWISP modules, stored here with the aim of avoiding code duplication and ease maintenance.

Don't repeat yourself!

Current features

Table of Contents:

Install stable version from pypi

Install from pypi:

pip install openwisp-utils

# install optional dependencies for REST framework
pip install openwisp-utils[rest]

# install optional dependencies for tests (flake8, black and isort)
pip install openwisp-utils[qa]

# or install everything
pip install openwisp-utils[rest,qa]

Install development version

Install tarball:

pip install

Alternatively you can install via pip using git:

pip install -e git+git://

Using the admin_theme

The admin theme requires Django >= 2.2..

Add openwisp_utils.admin_theme to INSTALLED_APPS in


    'openwisp_utils.admin_theme',    # <----- add this

    # admin

Using DependencyLoader and DependencyFinder

Add the list of all packages extended to EXTENDED_APPS in

For example, if you've extended django_x509:

EXTENDED_APPS = ['django_x509']


This is a static finder which looks for static files in the static directory of the apps listed in settings.EXTENDED_APPS.

Add openwisp_utils.staticfiles.DependencyFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS in

    'openwisp_utils.staticfiles.DependencyFinder',    # <----- add this


This is a template loader which looks for templates in the templates directory of the apps listed in settings.EXTENDED_APPS.

Add openwisp_utils.loaders.DependencyLoader to template loaders in as shown below.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': [
                # ... other loaders ...
                'openwisp_utils.loaders.DependencyLoader',    # <----- add this
            'context_processors': [
                # ... omitted ...

Supplying custom CSS and JS for the admin theme

Add openwisp_utils.admin_theme.context_processor.admin_theme_settings to template context_processors in as shown below. This will allow to set OPENWISP_ADMIN_THEME_LINKS and OPENWISP_ADMIN_THEME_JS settings to provide CSS and JS files to customise admin theme.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': [
                # ... omitted ...
            'context_processors': [
                # ... other context processors ...
                'openwisp_utils.admin_theme.context_processor.admin_theme_settings'    # <----- add this


You will have to deploy these static files on your own.

In order to make django able to find and load these files you may want to use the STATICFILES_DIR setting in

You can learn more in the Django documentation.

OpenWISP Dashboard

The admin_theme sub app of this package provides an admin dashboard for OpenWISP which can be manipulated with the functions described in the next sections.

Example 1, monitoring:

Example 2, controller:


Allows including a specific django template in the OpenWISP dashboard.

It is designed to allow the inclusion of the geographic map shipped by OpenWISP Monitoring but can be used to include any custom element in the dashboard.

Note: templates are loaded before charts.


register_dashboard_template(position, config)
Parameter Description
position (int) The position of the template.
config (dict) The configuration of the template.
extra_config optional (dict) Extra configuration you want to pass to custom template.

Following properties can be configured for each template config:

Property Description
template (str) Path to pass to the template loader.
css (tuple) List of CSS files to load in the HTML page.
js (tuple) List of Javascript files to load in the HTML page.

Code example:

      from openwisp_utils.admin_theme import register_dashboard_template

        'template': 'admin/dashboard/device_map.html',
        'css': (
        'js': (
        'optional_variable': 'any_valid_value',

It is recommended to register dashboard templates from the ready method of the AppConfig of the app where the templates are defined.


This function can be used to remove a template from the dashboard.


Parameter Description
template_name (str) The name of the template to remove.

Code example:

from openwisp_utils.admin_theme import unregister_dashboard_template


Note: an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised the specified dashboard template is not registered.


Adds a chart to the OpenWISP dashboard.

At the moment only pie charts are supported.

The code works by defining the type of query which will be executed, and optionally, how the returned values have to be colored and labeled.


register_dashboard_chart(position, config)
Parameter Description
position (int) Position of the chart.
config (dict) Configuration of chart.

Following properties can be configured for each chart config:

Property Description

It is a required property in form of dict containing following properties:

Property Description
name (str) Chart title shown in the user interface.
app_label (str) App label of the model that will be used to query the database.
model (str) Name of the model that will be used to query the database.
group_by (str) The property which will be used to group values.
annotate Alternative to group_by, dict used for more complex queries.
aggregate Alternative to group_by, dict used for more complex queries.
colors An optional dict which can be used to define colors for each distinct value shown in the pie charts.
labels An optional dict which can be used to define translatable strings for each distinct value shown in the pie charts. Can be used also to provide fallback human readable values for raw values stored in the database which would be otherwise hard to understand for the user.
filters An optional dict which can be used when using aggregate and annotate in query_params to define the link that will be generated to filter results (pie charts are clickable and clicking on a portion of it will show the filtered results).

Code example:

    from openwisp_utils.admin_theme import register_dashboard_chart

        'query_params': {
            'name': 'Operator Project Distribution',
            'app_label': 'test_project',
            'model': 'operator',
            'group_by': 'project__name',
        'colors': {'Utils': 'red', 'User': 'orange'},

For real world examples, look at the code of OpenWISP Controller and OpenWISP Monitoring.

Note: an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if a dashboard element is already registered at same position.

It is recommended to register dashboard charts from the ready method of the AppConfig of the app where the models are defined. Checkout of the test_project for reference.


This function can used to remove a chart from the dashboard.


Parameter Description
chart_name (str) The name of the chart to remove.

Code example:

from openwisp_utils.admin_theme import unregister_dashboard_chart

unregister_dashboard_chart('Operator Project Distribution')

Note: an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised the specified dashboard chart is not registered.

Main navigation menu

The admin_theme sub app of this package provides a navigation menu that can be manipulated with the functions described in the next sections.

Add openwisp_utils.admin_theme.context_processor.menu_groups to template context_processors in as shown below.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': [
                # ... omitted ...
            'context_processors': [
                # ... other context processors ...
                'openwisp_utils.admin_theme.context_processor.menu_groups'    # <----- add this


Allows registering a new menu item or group at the specified position in the Main Navigation Menu.


register_menu_group(position, config)
Parameter Description
position (int) Position of the group or item.
config (dict) Configuration of the goup or item.

Code example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from import register_menu_group

        'label': _('My Group'),
        'items': {
            1: {
                'label': _('Users List'),
                'model': 'auth.User',
                'name': 'changelist',
                'icon': 'list-icon',
            2: {
                'label': _('Add User'),
                'model': 'auth.User',
                'name': 'add',
                'icon': 'add-icon',
        'icon': 'user-group-icon',
        'model': 'test_project.Shelf',
        'name': 'changelist',
        'label': _('View Shelf'),
        'icon': 'shelf-icon',
    position=3, config={'label': _('My Link'), 'url': ''}


An ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if a menu element is already registered at the same position.

An ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if the supplied configuration does not match with the different types of possible configurations available (different configurations will be discussed in the next section).

It is recommended to use register_menu_group in the ready method of the AppConfig.

register_menu_items is obsoleted by register_menu_group and will be removed in future versions. Links added using register_menu_items will be shown at the top of navigation menu and above any register_menu_group items.

Adding a custom link

To add a link that contains a custom URL the following syntax can be used.


register_menu_group(position=1, config={
    "label": "Link Label",
    "url": "link_url",
    "icon": "my-icon"

Following is the description of the configuration:

Parameter Description
label (str) Display text for the link.
url (str) url for the link.
icon An optional str CSS class name for the icon. No icon is displayed if not provided.

Adding a model link

To add a link that contains URL of add form or change list page of a model then following syntax can be used. Users will only be able to see links for models they have permission to either view or edit.


# add a link of list page
        'model': 'my_project.MyModel',
        'name': 'changelist',
        'label': 'MyModel List',
        'icon': 'my-model-list-class',

# add a link of add page
        'model': 'my_project.MyModel',
        'name': 'add',
        'label': 'MyModel Add Item',
        'icon': 'my-model-add-class',

Following is the description of the configuration:

Parameter Description
model (str) Model of the app for which you to add link.
name (str) url name. eg. changelist or add.
label An optional str display text for the link. It is automatically generated if not provided.
icon An optional str CSS class name for the icon. No icon is displayed if not provided.

Adding a menu group

To add a nested group of links in the menu the following syntax can be used. It creates a dropdown in the menu.


        'label': 'My Group Label',
        'items': {
            1: {'label': 'Link Label', 'url': 'link_url', 'icon': 'my-icon'},
            2: {
                'model': 'my_project.MyModel',
                'name': 'changelist',
                'label': 'MyModel List',
                'icon': 'my-model-list-class',
        'icon': 'my-group-icon-class',

Following is the description of the configuration:

Parameter Description
label (str) Display name for the link.
items (dict) Items to be displayed in the dropdown. It can be a dict of custom links or model links with key as their position in the group.
icon An optional str CSS class name for the icon. No icon is displayed if not provided.


Allows adding an item to a registered group.


register_menu_subitem(group_position, item_position, config)
Parameter Description
group_position (int) Position of the group in which item should be added.
item_position (int) Position at which item should be added in the group
config (dict) Configuration of the item.

Code example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from import register_menu_subitem

# To register a model link
        'label': _('Users List'),
        'model': 'auth.User',
        'name': 'changelist',
        'icon': 'list-icon',

# To register a custom link
    config={'label': _('My Link'), 'url': ''},


An ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if the group is not already registered at group_position.

An ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if the group already has an item registered at item_position.

It is only possible to register links to specific models or custom URL. An ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised if the configuration of group is provided in the function.

It is recommended to use register_menu_subitem in the ready method of the AppConfig.

How to use custom icons in the menu

Create a CSS file and use the following syntax to provide the image for each icon used in the menu. The CSS class name should be the same as the icon parameter used in the configuration of a menu item or group. Also icon being used should be in svg format.


    mask-image: url(imageurl);
    -webkit-mask-image: url(imageurl);

Follow the instructions in Supplying custom CSS and JS for the admin theme to know how to configure your OpenWISP instance to load custom CSS files.

Admin filters

The admin_theme sub app provides an improved UI for the changelist filter which occupies less space compared to the original implementation in django: filters are displayed horizontally on the top (instead of vertically on the side) and filter options are hidden in dropdown menus which are expanded once clicked.

Multiple filters can be applied at same time with the help of "apply filter" button. This button is only visible when total number of filters is greater than 4. When filters in use are less or equal to 4 the "apply filter" button is not visible and filters work like in the original django implementation (as soon as a filter option is selected the filter is applied and the page is reloaded).

Model utilities


Model class which provides a UUID4 primary key.


Model class inheriting UUIDModel which provides two additional fields:

  • created
  • modified

Which use respectively AutoCreatedField, AutoLastModifiedField from model_utils.fields (self-updating fields providing the creation date-time and the last modified date-time).


A model field whic provides a random key or token, widely used across openwisp modules.

Admin utilities


Admin mixin which adds two readonly fields created and modified.

This is an admin mixin for models inheriting TimeStampedEditableModel which adds the fields created and modified to the database.


A read-only ModelAdmin base class.

Will include the id field by default, which can be excluded by supplying the exclude attribute, eg:

from openwisp_utils.admin import ReadOnlyAdmin

class PostAuthReadOnlyAdmin(ReadOnlyAdmin):
    exclude = ['id']


A mixin designed for inline items and model forms, ensures the item is created even if the default values are unchanged.

Without this, when creating new objects, inline items won't be saved unless users change the default values.


An admin class that provides the UUID of the object as a read-only input field (to make it easy and quick to copy/paste).


An admin class that provides an URL as a read-only input field (to make it easy and quick to copy/paste).


A stacked inline admin class that displays a help text for entire inline object. Following is an example:

from openwisp_utils.admin import HelpTextStackedInline

class SubnetDivisionRuleInlineAdmin(
    MultitenantAdminMixin, TimeReadonlyAdminMixin, HelpTextStackedInline
    model = Model
    # It is required to set "help_text" attribute
    help_text = {
        # (required) Help text to display
        'text': _(
            'Please keep in mind that once the subnet division rule is created '
            'and used, changing "Size" and "Number of Subnets" and decreasing '
            '"Number of IPs" will not be possible.'
        # (optional) You can provide a link to documentation for user reference
        'documentation_url': (
        # (optional) Icon to be shown along with help text. By default it uses
        # "/static/admin/img/icon-alert.svg"
        'image_url': '/static/admin/img/icon-alert.svg'

Code utilities


Generates an random string of 32 characters.


Returns a new dict which is the result of the merge of the two dictionaries, all elements are deep-copied to avoid modifying the original data structures.


from openwisp_utils.utils import deep_merge_dicts

mergd_dict = deep_merge_dicts(dict1, dict2)


If the program is being executed during automated tests the value supplied in the test argument will be returned, otherwise the one supplied in the value argument is returned.

from openwisp_utils.utils import default_or_test

THROTTLE_RATE = getattr(
    default_or_test(value='20/day', test=None),


default colors: ['white_bold', 'green_bold', 'yellow_bold', 'red_bold']

If you want to print a string in Red Bold, you can do it as below.

from openwisp_utils.utils import print_color

print_color('This is the printed in Red Bold', color_name='red_bold')

You may also provide the end arguement similar to built-in print method.


Extends collections.SortedDict and implements logic to sort inserted items based on key value. Sorting is done at insert operation which incurs memory space overhead.

Storage utilities

A static storage backend for compression inheriting from django-compress-staticfiles's CompressStaticFilesStorage class.

Adds support for excluding file types using OPENWISP_STATICFILES_VERSIONED_EXCLUDE setting.

To use point STATICFILES_STORAGE to in


Admin Theme utilities

This function allows sending email in both plain text and HTML version (using the template and logo that can be customised using OPENWISP_EMAIL_TEMPLATE and OPENWISP_EMAIL_LOGO respectively).

In case the HTML version if not needed it may be disabled by setting OPENWISP_HTML_EMAIL to False.


send_email(subject, body_text, body_html, recipients)
Parameter Description
subject (str) The subject of the email template.
body_text (str) The body of the text message to be emailed.
body_html (str) The body of the html template to be emailed.
recipients (list) The list of recipients to send the mail to.
extra_context optional (dict) Extra context which is passed to the template. The dictionary keys call_to_action_text and call_to_action_url can be passed to show a call to action button. Similarly, footer can be passed to add a footer.

Note: Data passed in body should be validated and user supplied data should not be sent directly to the function.

REST API utilities


A model serializer which calls the model instance full_clean().


If you're creating an OpenWISP module which provides a REST API built with Django REST Framework, chances is that you may need to define some default settings to control its throttling or other aspects.

Here's how to easily do it:

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from openwisp_utils.api.apps import ApiAppConfig

class MyModuleConfig(ApiAppConfig):
    name = 'my_openwisp_module'
    label = 'my_module'
    verbose_name = _('My OpenWISP Module')

    # assumes API is enabled by default
    API_ENABLED = getattr(settings, 'MY_OPENWISP_MODULE_API_ENABLED', True)
    # set throttling rates for your module here
        'DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES': {'my_module': '400/hour'},

Every openwisp module which has an API should use this class to configure its own default settings, which will be merged with the settings of the other modules.

Test utilities


This method can be used to mock a signal call inorder to easily verify that the signal has been called.

Usage example as a context-manager:

from openwisp_utils.tests import catch_signal

with catch_signal(openwisp_signal) as handler:


This class extends the default test runner provided by Django and logs the time spent by each test, making it easier to spot slow tests by highlighting time taken by it in yellow (time shall be highlighted in red if it crosses the second threshold).

By default tests are considered slow if they take more than 0.3 seconds but you can control this with OPENWISP_SLOW_TEST_THRESHOLD.

In order to switch to this test runner you have set the following in your

TEST_RUNNER = 'openwisp_utils.tests.TimeLoggingTestRunner'


This decorator can be used to capture standard output produced by tests, either to silence it or to write assertions.

Example usage:

from openwisp_utils.tests import capture_stdout

def test_something(self):
    function_generating_output() # pseudo code

def test_something_again(self, captured_ouput):
    # pseudo code
    # now you can create assertions on the captured output
    self.assertIn('expected stdout', captured_ouput.getvalue())
    # if there are more than one assertions, clear the captured output first
    # you can create new assertion now
    self.assertIn('another output', captured_ouput.getvalue())


  • If assertions need to be made on the captured output, an additional argument (in the example above is named captured_output) can be passed as an argument to the decorated test method, alternatively it can be omitted.
  • A StingIO instance is used for capturing output by default but if needed it's possible to pass a custom StringIO instance to the decorator function.


Equivalent to capture_stdout, but for standard error.

Example usage:

from openwisp_utils.tests import capture_stderr

def test_error(self):
    function_generating_error() # pseudo code

def test_error_again(self, captured_error):
    # pseudo code
    # now you can create assertions on captured error
    self.assertIn('expected error', captured_error.getvalue())
    # if there are more than one assertions, clear the captured error first
    # you can create new assertion now
    self.assertIn('another expected error', captured_error.getvalue())


Equivalent to capture_stdout and capture_stderr, but captures both types of output (standard output and standard error).

Example usage:

from openwisp_utils.tests import capture_any_output

def test_something_out(self):
    function_generating_output() # pseudo code

def test_out_again(self, captured_output, captured_error):
    # pseudo code
    # now you can create assertions on captured error
    self.assertIn('expected stdout', captured_output.getvalue())
    self.assertIn('expected stderr', captured_error.getvalue())


This mixin overrides the assertNumQueries assertion from the django test case to run in a subTest so that the query check does not block the whole test if it fails.

Example usage:

from django.test import TestCase
from openwisp_utils.tests import AssertNumQueriesSubTestMixin

class MyTest(AssertNumQueriesSubTestMixin, TestCase):
    def my_test(self):
        with self.assertNumQueries(2):

        # the assertion above will fail but this line will be executed
        print('This will be printed anyway.')

Quality Assurance Checks

This package contains some common QA checks that are used in the automated builds of different OpenWISP modules.


This shell script automatically formats Python and CSS code according to the OpenWISP coding style conventions.

It runs isort and black to format python code (these two dependencies are required and installed automatically when running pip install openwisp-utils[qa]).

The stylelint and jshint programs are used to perform style checks on CSS and JS code respectively, but they are optional: if stylelint and/or jshint are not installed, the check(s) will be skipped.


Shell script to run the following quality assurance checks:

  • checkmigrations
  • checkcommit
  • checkendline
  • checkpendingmigrations
  • checkrst
  • flake8 - Python code linter
  • isort - Sorts python imports alphabetically, and seperated into sections
  • black - Formats python code using a common standard
  • csslinter - Formats and checks CSS code using stylelint common standard
  • jslinter - Checks Javascript code using jshint common standard

If a check requires a flag, it can be passed forward in the same way.

Usage example:

openwisp-qa-check --migration-path <path> --message <commit-message>

Any unneeded checks can be skipped by passing --skip-<check-name>

Usage example:

openwisp-qa-check --skip-isort

For backward compatibility csslinter and jslinter are skipped by default. To run them in checks pass arguements in this way.

Usage example:

# To activate csslinter
openwisp-qa-check --csslinter

# To activate jslinter
openwisp-qa-check --jslinter

You can do multiple checkmigrations by passing the arguments with space-delimited string.

For example, this multiple checkmigrations:

checkmigrations --migrations-to-ignore 3 \
        --migration-path ./openwisp_users/migrations/ || exit 1

checkmigrations --migrations-to-ignore 2 \
        --migration-path ./tests/testapp/migrations/ || exit 1

Can be changed with:

openwisp-qa-check --migrations-to-ignore "3 2" \
        --migration-path "./openwisp_users/migrations/ ./tests/testapp/migrations/"


Ensures the latest migrations created have a human readable name.

We want to avoid having many migrations named like

This way we can reconstruct the evolution of our database schemas faster, with less efforts and hence less costs.

Usage example:

checkmigrations --migration-path ./django_freeradius/migrations/


Ensures the last commit message follows our commit message style guidelines.

We want to keep the commit log readable, consistent and easy to scan in order to make it easy to analyze the history of our modules, which is also a very important activity when performing maintenance.

Usage example:

checkcommit --message "$(git log --format=%B -n 1)"

If, for some reason, you wish to skip this QA check for a specific commit message you can add #noqa to the end of your commit message.

Usage example:

[qa] Improved #20

Simulation of a special unplanned case


Ensures that a blank line is kept at the end of each file.


Ensures there django migrations are up to date and no new migrations need to be created.

It accepts an optional --migration-module flag indicating the django app name that should be passed to ./ makemigrations, eg: ./ makemigrations $MIGRATION_MODULE.


Checks the syntax of all ReStructuredText files to ensure they can be published on pypi or using python-sphinx.



default: openwisp_utils.admin_theme.admin.OpenwispAdminSite

If you need to use a customized admin site class, you can use this setting.


default: OpenWISP Admin

Title value used in the <title> HTML tag of the admin site.


default: OpenWISP

Heading text used in the main <h1> HTML tag (the logo) of the admin site.


default: Network administration

Title shown to users in the index page of the admin site.


default: False

When True, enables the OpenWISP Dashboard. Upon login, the user will be greeted with the dashboard instead of the default Django admin index page.


default: []

Note: this setting requires the admin_theme_settings context processor in order to work.

Allows to override the default CSS and favicon, as well as add extra <link> HTML elements if needed.

This setting overrides the default theme, you can reuse the default CSS or replace it entirely.

The following example shows how to keep using the default CSS, supply an additional CSS and replace the favicon.

Example usage:

    {'type': 'text/css', 'href': '/static/admin/css/openwisp.css', 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'media': 'all'},
    {'type': 'text/css', 'href': '/static/admin/css/custom-theme.css', 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'media': 'all'},
    {'type': 'image/x-icon', 'href': '/static/favicon.png', 'rel': 'icon'}


default: []

Allows to pass a list of strings representing URLs of custom JS files to load.

Example usage:



default: False

When True, enables Django user links on the admin site.


These links are already shown in the main navigation menu and for this reason are hidden by default.


default: True

Whether the OpenAPI documentation is enabled.

When enabled, you can view the available documentation using the Swagger endpoint at /api/v1/docs/.

You also need to add the following url to your project

urlpatterns += [
    url(r'^api/v1/', include('openwisp_utils.api.urls')),



    'title': 'OpenWISP API',
    'default_version': 'v1',
    'description': 'OpenWISP REST API',

Define OpenAPI general information. NOTE: This setting requires OPENWISP_API_DOCS = True to take effect.

For more information about optional parameters check the drf-yasg documentation.


default: [0.3, 1] (seconds)

It can be used to change the thresholds used by TimeLoggingTestRunner to detect slow tests (0.3s by default) and highlight the slowest ones (1s by default) amongst them.


default: ['leaflet/*/*.png']

Allows to pass a list of Unix shell-style wildcards for files to be excluded by CompressStaticFilesStorage.

By default Leaflet PNGs have been excluded to avoid bugs like openwisp/ansible-openwisp2#232.

Example usage:



type bool
default True

If True, an HTML themed version of the email can be sent using the send_email function.


type str
default openwisp_utils/email_template.html

This setting allows to change the django template used for sending emails with the send_email function. It is recommended to extend the default email template as in the example below.

{% extends 'openwisp_utils/email_template.html' %}
{% block styles %}
{{ block.super }}
  .background {
    height: 100%;
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #8ccbbe 50%, #3797a4 50%);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    padding: 50px;

  .mail-header {
    background-color: #3797a4;
    color: white;
{% endblock styles %}

Similarly, you can customize the HTML of the template by overriding the body block. See email_template.html for reference implementation.


type str
default OpenWISP logo

This setting allows to change the logo which is displayed in HTML version of the email.

Note: Provide a URL which points to the logo on your own web server. Ensure that the URL provided is publicly accessible from the internet. Otherwise, the logo may not be displayed in the email.

Installing for development

Install the system dependencies:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

# For running E2E Selenium tests
sudo apt install chromium

Install your forked repo:

git clone git://<your_fork>/openwisp-utils
cd openwisp-utils/
pip install -e .[qa,rest]

Install test requirements:

pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Install node dependencies used for testing:

npm install -g stylelint jshint

Set up the pre-push hook to run tests and QA checks automatically right before the git push action, so that if anything fails the push operation will be aborted:

openwisp-pre-push-hook --install

Install WebDriver for Chromium for your browser version from and Extract chromedriver to one of directories from your $PATH (example: ~/.local/bin/).

Create database:

cd tests/
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser

Run development server:

cd tests/
./ runserver

You can access the admin interface of the test project at

Run tests with:

./ --parallel


Please refer to the OpenWISP contributing guidelines.


See OpenWISP Support Channels.






Python and Django utilities shared between different openwisp modules







No packages published


  • Python 63.7%
  • CSS 15.2%
  • JavaScript 9.4%
  • HTML 8.3%
  • Shell 3.4%