Releases: Digicreon/Temma
Releases · Digicreon/Temma
New features
- Add flash variables.
- Add Debug plugin. It can be used to show a debug bar on development environments.
- Add KebabCaseUrl plugin, usable to manage kebab-case URLs.
- Add ExtendedArray utility object. Used to improve configuration overloading by platform.
- Session: add 'cookieDomain' parameter in configuration.
- Email: add templatedMail() method.
- Text: add ascii(), hasLower(), hasUpper() and convertCase() methods.
- Request: add isAjax() method.
- Response and Smarty view: add HTML stream prepend and append.
- Auth attribute: add flash variable to tell why a user is not allowed to access to a resource.
Internal modification
- Auth controller: change session variables to flash variables.
- Auth controller: manage empty roles or services.
- Log: code refactoring.
- Add information (file name and line number) in case of critical error
New features
- Asynk: Stable version of Temma's asynchronous processing.
- Add CLI command for Temma updates.
- Dao: add 'sort' and 'limit' parameters to update() method.
- Add Discord datasource.
- SQS datasource: add long polling duration option on readings.
- Loader: replace the
array by a Registry object, to allow object-oriented usage.
- Configuration: overloading by environment.
- Router plugin: debug action with no parameter.
- Socket datasource: initialization.
Smarty view
- Enable auto-escaping.
- Management of Smarty v5 in addition to Smarty v4.
- Add 'hash' Smarty modifier.
Language plugin
- Add l10n Smarty block tag.
- Add support for translation files in PHP, JSON, YAML, Neon formats.
New features
- Loader: add controller and DAO instantiation.
- Sql datasource: add buffered requests.
- Dao: add support for associative array as criteria in count(), get(), search(), remove() and update() methods.
- Config: management of the ENVIRONMENT environment variable, for dynamic configuration file loading.
- BaseConvert: add special bases.
Stable version of Temma 2
See the Temma website for instructions on how to migrate from Temma v1, and to access the full documentation.