Install dependencies:
poetry install
Prepare .env and .env.test
make prepare_envs
Fill .env and .env.test:
Env file:
# General application settings DEBUG = "True" # Enables debug mode (set to "False" for production) LOG_LEVEL = "debug" # Sets the logging level (debug, info, warning, error, critical) APP_PORT = 8000 # Port on which the application will run SERVICE_NAME = "balance-service" # Name of the service # Database connection settings DATABASE__DRIVERNAME = "postgresql+asyncpg" # Database driver (PostgreSQL with asyncpg) DATABASE__HOST = "db" # Hostname of the database server DATABASE__PORT = 5432 # Port of the database server DATABASE__POSTGRES_USERNAME = "postgres" # Username for database connection DATABASE__POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "" # Password for database connection (set a secure password for production) DATABASE__DB_NAME = "" # Name of the database (e.g., balance_db)
Env for tests:
# Database connection settings for the test environment DATABASE__DRIVERNAME = "postgresql+asyncpg" # Database driver (PostgreSQL with asyncpg) DATABASE__HOST = "db_test" # Hostname of the test database server (likely a Docker container) DATABASE__PORT = 5433 # Port of the test database server DATABASE__POSTGRES_USERNAME = "postgres" # Username for test database connection DATABASE__POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "" # Password for test database connection (often left blank for test databases) DATABASE__DB_NAME = "" # Name of the test database (e.g., balance_db_test)
Start application and database:
make start_app
Migrate database:
make make_db_migrations
Make commands:
start_test_db: # Start the test database in a Docker container. sudo docker compose --env-file .env.test -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build stop_test_db: # Stop the test database container. sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml stop run_tests: # Run the test suite against the test database. clear sudo docker compose --env-file .env.test -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build -d -poetry run pytest sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml stop start_app_detached: # Start the application in detached mode (background). sudo docker compose up --build -d start_app: # Start the application in the foreground. sudo docker compose up --build stop_app: # Stop the application. sudo docker compose stop prepare_envs: # Prepare envs. cp .env.dist .env cp .env.test.dist .env.test make_db_migrations: # Make database migrations. poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate poetry run alembic upgrade head
This is for test purposes only.