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alexisBelt edited this page Oct 28, 2023 · 3 revisions


The grazing functionality simulates grazing on each individual plant with the option to get output detailing how much biomass was grazed.

End of Year Grazing

grazing_EndOfYear() is called every year before stat_collect(). This simulates grazing on the individuals of each resource group. There are three functions regarding grazing, and are called according to the following: grazing_EndOfYear() -> Species_Proportion_Grazing() -> indiv_proportion_Grazing().


grazing_EndOfYear() cycles through each resource group, making sure first that the current year is past the grazing start year, and then cycles through all of the species in that group, accumulating the grazing for each Species using Species_Proportion_Grazing(). Species_Proportion_Grazing takes Species[sp]->extragrowth and multiplies it by proportionGrazing to calculate how much of the extra growth for the year has been grazed. Then, the function cycles through each individual plant in that species and calls indiv_proportion_Grazing() to simulate grazing on each plant. indiv_proportion_Grazing() calculates grazing on each plant by taking each individual's normal growth and multiplying it by the grazing proportion. This grazing loss is subtracted from the individual's normal growth.

Grazing Flag and Output

Grazing is determined by grazingfrq. If grazingfrq > 0, grazing will occur. Grazing is accumulated for each resource group by the _Grazed variable in Stats.c, but the data will not be outputted unless specified by the graz flag. Grazing output is the loss from extra growth and normal growth for each resource group, by each year, averaged between all iterations.

Associated Variables

  • grazingfrq - Perform grazing on this group at this frequency. Set in (nongridded) or grid_disturbances.csv (gridded)
  • grazingfreq_startyr - Start year for grazing based on the grazing frequency. Set in (nongridded) or grid_disturbances.csv (gridded)
  • proportion_grazing - Proportion of biomass removed during grazing year. Set in (nongridded) or grid_disturbances.csv (gridded)
  • res_grazed - Resource group biomass removed by livestock grazing
  • graz - If TRUE output grazed biomass. Set in
  • normal_growth - biomass the plant gained this year excluding superfluous biomass.