Calculate MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 hashes for the files and search them against VirusTotal's databases (PublicAPIv3)
Simply clone the repository and the script's all you need along with a few public APIs
Before you can run the script, you need to:
- Register for VirusTotal's Public API.
Here's an excellent article covering just that (by VT itself): VirusTotal APIs
Requires Python (3.XX)
Install all dependencies using the requirements.txt file. Here's how:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Once you've signed up for the API, insert the API_KEY into the config.ini file which is provided along with the cloned script. As an example:
- Start-up the script using:
python -h
python3 -h
Here's a list of commands you can use to get started with Vetter:
d:\EbryxLabs\vetter-py>python -h
usage: [-h] --dir Directory to scan [--config Configuration file] [--algo Algorithms to use] [--filepath File to scan on VT] --mode Mode of operations [hash/search/scan/auto]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dir Directory to scan
Starting point of files to hash or hashes to search on VT (./)
--config Configuration file
Configuration file for VT (config.ini)
--algo Algorithms to use
Hashing algorithms [MD5, SHA1, SHA256*]
--filepath File to scan on VT
Scan the file on VT by using it's complete path {MAX SIZE: 32MB}
--mode Mode of operations [hash/search/scan/auto]
Calculate hashes, search hashes, or scan a file on VT. 'auto' calculates hashes and searches them on VT
At the moment, Vetter provides three options.
- You can calculate the hashes for files in the input directory
python --dir ./ --mode hash
- You can search the calculated hashes or any of your own hash files against VirusTotal's APIs (it uses PublicAPIV3)
python --dir ./ --mode search
- You can do both these steps at once using the "auto" mode
python --dir ./ --mode auto
- Specify the configuration file if you're not using the standard file provided with the script
python --dir ./ --mode auto --config config-prod.ini
- Specify the hashing function you'd like to use by specifying it in a CSV format:
python --dir ./ --mode search --algo md5,sha1
- If you wish to scan a file on VT, you can do it by selecting the 'scan' mode: {Please ensure a file of less than 32 MB!}
python --dir ./ --mode scan --filepath ./Scripts/abc.ps1
Tested on:
- Windows 10 Pro
- Ubuntu 18.04
Please feel free to open issues related to your queries, problems, or anything you'd like us to add. It's open for contribution as well!