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Chapter 1 ‐ Introduction To Linux
Genomic studies like the one we are engaged in produce vast amounts of data, usually in the form of very large text* files. Commands available on the Linux command line are particularly suited for working with such files and it is therefore arguably one of the most important tools in a bioinformatician’s toolkit. The command-line enables one to search, manipulate and distil large text files that are difficult or impossible to handle with applications like Word or Excel. By chaining simple commands you can write pipelines to perform certain tasks, and run bioinformatics software for which no web or GUI interface is available.
* We'll explore the distinction between "text files" and "binary files" later
In this section of the course you will learn to:
- Navigate the file system using the Linux command shell (chapters 1-6)
- Use basic shell commands to view and filter data (chapters 7-9)
- Install new tools and use these to assess the quality of raw ONT reads (chapters 10-11)
You will use the following tools:
- Ubuntu Linux with XFCE4 desktop: https://www.xubuntu.org
- Bash: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell)
- GNU coreutils: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils
- Miniconda3: https://docs.conda.io/miniconda.html
- NanoPack toolkit: https://github.com/wdecoster/nanopack
The command-line interface in Linux is provided by a program called the shell. The most common shell program found in Linux distributions is Bash (the name is a pun on the original developer Stephen Bourne - Bourne Again Shell). Bash is a command processor, i.e. a program that takes commands and passes them to the Linux kernel, which executes them.
The shell runs in a text window, where the user types commands and views outputs. This text window is called a terminal emulator, or simply a terminal. Bash can also read commands from a text file, called a shell script, in which case it doesn't necessarily need a terminal. (And you can also run other commands than a shell, like a text editor, in the terminal.)
➔ Open a terminal window now, by clicking the Terminal icon on your Linux desktop
You can move and resize the terminal window using the mouse, or maximise it using the maximise icon, and increase and decrease the text size by selecting ‘View > Zoom In’ and ‘View > Zoom Out’ from the menu bar. You can open as many terminal windows as you like.
What you will see in your terminal window is the command prompt, which consists in this case of a user name (training), the name of the machine this user is working on (eg. vm-01), and the name of the current directory (~), followed by a $ sign that marks the end of the prompt:
For the sake of simplicity, and because the prompt can change, in our examples we will just use the $ sign to represent the entire command prompt. The basic structure of a Linux command line is:
command [option(s)][argument(s)]
- command: the operation or program you want Linux to execute
- options: (also called flags or switches): modify the way the command works
- arguments: filenames or other targets that direct the action of the command
The options and arguments are not always needed, when a command has some default behaviour. Commands are executed by typing the command line at the command prompt, followed by pressing the [Enter] key (aka. the [Return] key, aka. ⏎).
Let’s try two examples:
The date command simply displays the current date and time in the terminal. If run with no options it shows the local time, but if run with the “-u” option it shows UTC. By convention, options to Linux commands are always preceded by hyphens like this, while arguments are not.
$ date
Fri 19 Jun 15:35:03 BST 2020
$ date -u
Fri 19 Jun 14:35:20 UTC 2020
Note: You must put a space between the command name (“date”) and the option (“-u”), but you must not put a space between the hyphen and the letter “u”. Also, you must use all lower case.
➔ In your terminal, run the two “date” commands as shown.
➔ Break the rules in the note above - what happens?
The ls (list) command lists the contents of the current directory:
$ ls
Desktop Public Videos
Documents Music R Templates bin
Downloads Pictures RNAseq Variants igv
And, like the date command earlier, the ls command accepts options which modify the behaviour of the program. Here, we’ll use the -l option to get a long listing, and the -h option to show file sizes in a human-readable style.
$ ls -l -h Pictures
total 532K
-rw-r--r-- 1 training users 24K Apr 10 2018 edgen_logo_lores_white.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 training users 505K Apr 10 2018 edgen_wallpaper.png
The meaning of the first few columns will be explained later, but you can see that the size of the files in kilobytes, and the date they were created, is displayed before the file name.
The shell remembers the commands you have run, and previous command lines can be recalled using the [Up arrow] key. This is particularly useful to run a similar command without writing the whole command out again.
You can move the cursor using the [Right arrow] and [Left arrow] keys. To jump directly to the beginning or end of a command, use the [Home] and [End] keys, respectively. Note that after editing the command you don't have to move the cursor back to the end before you press [Enter].
➔ Run the ls command line above
➔ Compare the result with what you see in the graphical file explorer
➔ Use the up arrow to recall the command, and combine the two options, so instead of “-l -h” you have “-lh”. Do you see the same output?
➔ Type the command: history. What do you see?
The Mouse
In the terminal, the mouse does not move the input cursor - you must use the arrow keys for that. Having said this, the mouse can still be handy. Besides using the mouse to resize and scroll the terminal window, you can use it to select and copy text.
In this section we have learnt the following commands:
Command | Description |
date | show the date and time |
ls | list contents of a directory |
history | show a listing of previous command lines |
prompt | a small piece of text printed by the shell indicating that it is ready to receive a command line. Conventionally ends with a $ sign |
command | a program or operation you tell the shell to run |
options | settings that modify the behaviour of the command. By convention they are single letters preceded by a hyphen |
arguments | items such as a file or directory yo want the command to operate on |
command line history | Use the up arrow to recall previous commands, and the left and right arrows to edit the command |
There are several ways to find out what a command does and what options are available for that command.
Most commands can be run with the --help or -h option to get a brief description of the command, e.g.:
$ ls --help
Some commands don't have a --help or -h option. For these commands you can try the help function instead:
$ help cd
$ help help
If you run the second of those you will see that help “Display[s] information about builtin commands.” So it only tells you what Bash knows about the command, and Bash itself only knows about basic commands.
$ man ls
The man command opens up a manual page (or "manpage”) for a particular command. Manpages generally contain more detailed information than you’ll get with the --help or -h flags, plus you can get information on just about any command on the system.
You can scroll through the man page one line at a time using the [Down arrow] and [Up arrow] keys, or one screen at a time using the [Page Down] key or space bar, and the [Page Up] or [B] key.
You can search in the manpage by typing a / followed by your search term and pressing [Enter]. This will highlight all occurrences of your search term in the manpage. You can use [N] and [Shift]+[N] to jump forwards and backwards between the highlighted occurrences.
Some manpages are more informative than others, but one tip when encountering a new command is to skip down to the bottom, as there are often examples of how to use the command near the end.
To quit the manpage, use the [Q] key. ([Ctrl]+[C] doesn't work in this case)
Stopping a command with [Ctrl]+[C]
When you want to kill (ie. quit immediately from) a job you’re running in the terminal, use the [Ctrl]+[C] key combination.
Often this key combination fixes the problem when your terminal stops responding or when for some reason you’ve lost the command prompt. It can also be used to quickly abandon the current command you are typing and bring up a fresh prompt.
Note that in many applications like word processors this key combination is used to copy text, but in the shell it is used to stop programs.
In this section we have learned the following commands:
Command | Description |
command --help | show help for command |
help command | show help for command |
man command | show manual page for command |
[Ctrl]+[C] | kill the current job |
Before continuing, we need to ensure some sample files are in place. ➔ Run the following command:
$ tar -xvaf NERC_EcologicalGenomics/tar/linux_course.tar.xz
You should see a list of files being unpacked and copied, as above. If you get an error, check that you typed the command exactly as shown, including the spaces. Remember you can recall the command using the up arrow to edit it. It’s not a problem if you run this command more than once.
Files on the Linux system are grouped into directories (also known as folders, just as in a Windows or Mac environment). The directories are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure. At the top is the root directory “/” that holds everything else. The root directory contains files and subdirectories. The subdirectories in turn can contain files and subdirectories, and so on.
Below is a small part of the directory structure on our system.
To identify any file or directory we can give an absolute path to that file by starting from the root and working down. These paths are written as a list of directory names separated by forward-slash characters.
In the command above, for example, NERC_EcologicalGenomics/tar/linux_course.tar.xz refers to a file named linux_course.tar.xz within a tar subdirectory within a NERC_EcologicalGenomics subdirectory within the current working directory. In Linux, all files are accessed within the same hierarchical structure, no matter what physical disk they are stored on.)
To avoid having to type out the full path to every file you work with, the shell maintains a current working directory and any commands, like ls, will run in that context.
$ pwd
“pwd” means “print working directory”. When you first start a shell, your working directory will be your home directory. In our case this is /home/training. That is, the training directory within the home directory within the root directory.
Note that, although there is a directory named simply home, this is not your home directory, but /home/training is!
If you refer to the name of a file or directory and don’t start the path with a “/” then Linux will resolve the path relative to the working directory. So the following commands do the same thing.
$ ls /home/training/Linux
Downloads mouse_exons.bed Mus_musculus_snps_19_1_20000000.vcf sequence_alignment drosophila_species.txt toy.sam drosophila_species_cleaned.txt
$ ls Linux
Downloads mouse_exons.bed Mus_musculus_snps_19_1_20000000.vcf sequence_alignment drosophila_species.txt toy.sam drosophila_species_cleaned.txt
Best practices for choosing good file and directory names
Everything in Linux is case sensitive. If in doubt, stick to lower case. The filename myfile is not the same as Myfile, MyFile, or myFile. Similarly, typing the command pwd is different to typing PWD.
File and directory names should only contain letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, and full stops.
File and directory names should not contain any spaces.
In contrast to graphical environments, the command-line interface can become cumbersome when your file names contain spaces or special characters. For example, the shell will split the filename my file.txt to be two arguments, i.e. "my" and "file.txt". To use this filename, you will need to enclose the entire filename in quotation marks or escape the space with a backslash, so that the shell understands that the space is part of the name:
"my file" or my\ file
So, it’s best to try to avoid spaces and unusual characters altogether, even though Linux will not prevent you from putting them into file names.
In this section we have learned the following command:
Command | Description |
pwd | print working directory |
And the following concepts:
Concept | Description |
Home directory | The place in the filesystem heirarchy where a given user on a Linux system keeps their own files |
The root directory - "/" | The top of the unified file system hierarchy |
Absolute path - e.g. "/home/training" | The location of a file, fully specified by starting at the root directory |
Relative path - e.g. "Linux/toy.sam" | A file location not beginning with "/" is interpreted relative to the current working directory |
With the cd (change directory) command you can go to another working directory:
$ cd Linux
$ pwd
Note that the shell command prompt now has changed, from training@vm-01:~$ to training@vm-01]:Linux$
Tab completion
You can save yourself a lot of typing by using tab completion. Tab completion means that partially typed file names are automatically filled in by pressing the [Tab] key. In the example above, if you type only cd L and then press the [Tab] key, your command will automatically be completed to cd Linux/ because Linux is the only subdirectory starting with the letter L. If nothing happens after pressing the [Tab] key, it may mean that there are several options to complete your command. For example, if you type cd D and then press the [Tab] key, nothing will happen, because there are several subdirectories that start with the letter D. Pressing the [Tab] key again will show all these options: Desktop/ Documents/ Downloads/. For successful tab completion, in this case, you have to type some more letters.
➔ Practise some tab completions, and try to use it from now on, as it will save you a lot of time and also will prevent you from making typos!
Use cd .. to go to the directory above your current directory (i.e. its parent directory). In this case, this puts us back in the home directory:
$ cd ..
$ pwd
And if you repeat the cd .. command twice more this takes us right up to the file system root:
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
$ pwd
To go straight back to your home directory, use cd without any argument
$ cd
$ pwd
You may have noticed that the prompt uses a ~ character to indicate you are in your home directory. This is a standard shell shorthand, so **cd ~** is an equivalent command that takes you directly home.
In the previous chapter we mentioned absolute and relative paths. Remember an absolute path specifies a location from the root of the filesystem, starts with a /, and will always be valid - while a relative path specifies a location starting from the current location, does not start with a /, and will no longer be valid if you change directory.
The simplest and most common form of relative path is just the name of a single file or subdirectory in the current directory, but you can also chain multiple directory names and the “..” path element.
To demonstrate, first go the Linux directory within your home directory:
$ cd Linux
To go from here to /home/training/Downloads in a single step, we can construct a path that goes back up to the parent directory in order to find the Downloads directory.
$ cd ../Downloads
This will work from the Linux directory, or any directory which is in /home/training, but if we started from somewhere else we’d need to construct a different route, or type the full absolute path, or use the “~” shorthand.
$ cd ~/Downloads
Which is equivalent to:
$ cd /home/training/Downloads
One common gotcha is this:
$ cd ~/Linux
$ ls
...list of files, as expected...
$ ls Linux
ls: cannot access 'Linux': No such file or directory
$ cd Linux
bash: cd: Linux: No such file or directory
If you are already working inside a directory, then referring to that directory by name doesn’t work, as shown above. This is because the rules of relative paths say that they are relative to the working directory, and here the Linux directory is not within the working directory it is the working directory. The final two commands above refer to a directory named Linux within the directory named Linux, which we could create, but right now there is no such directory.
Finally, the single dot . is a shorthand for the working (current) directory, just as .. means the parent directory. This seems pretty redundant now but we’ll find a use for it later.
$ cd ././.
# Running this changes nothing!
Linux does not need to be in any given directory to access a file
A common misconception for beginners is that Linux can only “see” a file if you cd to the directory where the file is stored, but really the ability to change working directory is only to avoid you having to type out long absolute paths. You can get Linux to generate an absolute path to any file with the realpath command:
$ cd ~/Linux
$ realpath toy.sam
In this section we have learned the following commands and symbols:
Command | Description |
cd dir | change directory to subdirectory dir |
cd .. | change directory to parent directory |
cd | change directory to home directory |
~ | shorthand for home directory |
. | shorthand for the working (current) directory |
(1) Open a new shell window, which will put you in your home directory.
➔ List the contents of the sequence_alignment subdirectory within the Linux directory. Do you need to use cd to do this?
➔ What about changing to the Linux directory and then listing the contents of your home directory without changing back?
(2) Using --help, learn how the -a option affects the ls command.
(3) Using the man command, find the option to sort the list of files by modification time when using ls command (Hint: search the ls man page for the word “modification”).
(4) Look at the diagram showing the directory structure in section 3. Write out the absolute paths to the following directories: home (i.e. the directory with the name “home”), dev, training, and Linux.
(5) Similar to above, starting from your home directory (/home/training), write out the relative paths to the following directories: home (i.e. the directory with the name “home”), dev, training, and Linux.
$ cd Linux
$ cd sequence_alignment
$ ls
or, without changind the directory
$ ls Linux/sequence_alignment
$ cd ~/linux
$ ls ..
or _ls ~_ or ls /home/training
$ ls --help
-a, --all do not ignore entries starting with .
Tip: Try running ls -a in your home directory.
Files and directories starting with a . are not shown unless the -a flag is used. They are referred to as hidden files and directories (or dotfiles). Aside from the directory shortcuts . and .. these mostly contain configuration settings and temporary files belonging to applications you run.
$ man ls
-t sort by modification time, newest first
Remember - to quit the manpage, use the [Q] key.
Tip: try running ls -alt in your home directory.
home: /home
dev: /dev
training: /home/training
Linux: /home/training/Linux
home: ..
dev: ../../dev
training: .
Linux: Linux
Reminder Make sure that you are in the directory ~/Linux when starting a new chapter, unless it’s explicitly stated that you have to be in another directory!
$ cd ~/Linux
Now we will have a look at how to create, copy, move, and remove files and directories within the shell.
First create two new directories, temp1 and temp2, using the mkdir (make directory) command:
$ mkdir temp1 temp2
And check whether the directories have indeed been crated:
$ ls
temp1 temp2 ...
Change to the temp1 directory:
$ cd temp1
Create two (empty) files, myfile1.txt and myfile2.txt, using the touch* command:
$ touch myfile1.txt myfile2.txt
And check whether the files have been created
$ ls
myfile1.txt myfile2.txt
Files can be copied using the cp (copy) command:
$ cp myfile1.txt ~/Linux/temp2
Because we copied it, the temp1 directory still contains the file myfile1.txt:
$ ls
myfile1.txt myfile2.txt
Files can be moved using the mv move) command:
$ mv myfile2.txt ~/Linux/temp2
Because we moved it, the temp1 directory doesn't contain the file myfile2.txt anymore:
$ ls
The mv command is also the command we use to rename files:
$ mv myfile1.txt myfile1_renamed.txt
$ ls
Specifying the cp and mv targets
The cp and mv commands are entered in the format:
command source target (e.g. cp myfile1.txt ../temp2)
Note that: If the target is an existing directory, the command will create a file with the same name as the source in the target directory. In this case you may have multiple source files.
If the target is an existing file, the command will overwrite the target file.
If the target does not exist, the command will create a new file with that name.
Files can be removed using the rm (remove) command:
$ rm myfile1_renamed.txt
$ ls
Go back to the directory ~/Linux:
$ cd ~/Linux
Directories can be removed using the rmdir (remove directory) command. However, rmdir can only remove empty directories.
Thus, directory temp1 can be removed:
$ rmdir temp1
$ ls
But directory temp2 cannot be removed in this way, as it contains two files:
$ rmdir temp2
rmdir: failed to remove 'temp2': Directory not empty
No new is good news
You'll see that the above rmdir command showed an error message, but the previous commands (touch, rm, mv, cd, rmdir) just returned straight to the prompt. This is a tenet of the classic UNIX design - if a command worked as expected and has nothing unusual to report it says nothing. The core system commands all follow this pattern.
Often you can add a -v flag to get a verbose output, saying what was done.
One way to remove a non-empty directory is to first remove all the files it contains using rm, and then the directory itself using rmdir.
A quicker way is to remove the directory and its contents in one go using rm with the -r (i.e. recursive) option:
$ rm -r temp2
So, rmdir may seem redundant but it is safer than rm -r, in that it will never remove any files, only empty folders.
In this section we have learned the following commands:
Command | Description |
mkdir dir1 [dir2...] | create directory dir1 [dir2...] |
touch file1 [file2...] | create empty file file1 [file2...] |
cp file1 dir1 | copy file1 to dir1 |
mv file1 dir1 | move file1 into dir1 |
mv file1 file2 | rename file1 to file2 |
rmdir dir1 [dir2...] | remove empty directory dir1 [dir2...] |
rm file1 [file2...] | remove file1 [file2...] |
rm -r dir1 [dir2...] | recursively remove directory dir1 [dir2...] and its contents |
When you remove or overwrite files from the command-line, they are gone. Forever. They are not put in a Trash or Recycle bin like in a graphical environment, so there is no easy way to get them back!
You can of course make your own ~/Trash directory and move things to there instead of deleting them, then empty out the trash when you are sure. This is good practise.
You can also manipulate files via the Graphical User Interface (GUI) browser (we won't tell!) but this may not always be available, and when you are already in the right directory in your shell it is quicker to type a command than navigate in the GUI.
Finally you can add the -i flag to cp, mv and rm so you will be specifically asked if you really want to remove each file. “-i” here is short for “interactive” On some systems this may be set as the default, but you should never rely on it.
Get into the habit of using the safe rmdir when you think the directory is empty, and triple-checking whenever you use rm -r. A “classic mistake” is to type something like: $ rm -r ~/myproject /temp_files.
That extra space in the command means the entire ~/myproject directory is going to silently vanish, followed by an error message saying that /temp_files cannot be found. The danger is especially high if you are in a root shell (an administrative shell where file permissions, as described below, are not enforced). People have destroyed their whole systems with a single mistyped rm -r command. After this, recovery from backup is the only option.
Sometimes, you want to operate on multiple files at once. The Bash shell supports wildcard characters “*” and “?” to enable this.
$ cd Linux
$ ls *.txt
drosophila_species.txt drosophila_species_cleaned.txt
The * can represent any number of any characters. There are two files in the directory that end with .txt and so the shell expands the pattern for us and passes both the filenames as arguments to the ls command. It’s important to note that this is a feature of the shell itself, not the ls program. A single * expands to all the filenames and subdirectory names in the current directory.
$ ls *
training@vm-01:Linux$ ls *
Mus_musculus_snps_19_1_20000000.vcf mouse_exons.bed
drosophila_species.txt toy.sam
Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz SRR026762.fastq.gz
Here, the * expands to the names of the 5 files plus the 2 directories. The ls command prints back the filenames, and lists the contents of the directories (but would not list any subdirectories inside them).
The ? character is like * but matches only a single character. If you still have the temp1 and temp2 directories from the previous chapter you could say:
$ ls temp?
$ rmdir temp?
These multi-file matching patterns are called “glob” patterns, which is simply short for “global” because they are used to apply a single operation globally over many files.
A number of tools and programming languages aside from the shell support this type of pattern.
(1) Go to the directory ~/Linux. In this directory, create a directory named directory1. Within directory1, create two subdirectories, named subdirectory1 and subdirectory2. In subirectory1, create two empty files, named file1 and file2.
Use the tree command to visualise what you have created. We've not used this command yet, but it’s basically a version of ls that lists directories and their contents at once. You could use the relevant manpage to discover how it works, or just run it and see. You should see something a little like this:
(2) Copy file1 and file2 from subdirectory1 to subdirectory2. (hint - if you want to copy both files in one go, you can use the * or ? wildcard). Check whether both files have been copied.
(3) Stay in the directory ~/Linux. Remove subdirectory1 and the files it contains with a single command. Check whether the directory has been deleted.
(1) This is one way to do it...
$ cd ~/Linux
$ mkdir directory1
$ cd directory1
$ mkdir subdirectory1
$ mkdir subdirectory2
$ cd subdirectory1
$ touch file1
$ touch file2
$ cd ~/Linux
$ tree directory1
It is possible to make all the directories and files in just two commands, using a shell feature we've not seen yet; nobody would expect you to come up with the following. But to show it's possible:
$ mkdir -p directory1/subdirectory{1,2}
$ touch directory1/subdirectory1/file{1,2}
(2) Again, this is just one possible way...
$ cd ~/Linux/directory1/subdirectory1
$ cp file1 ../subdirectory2
$ cp file2 ../subdirectory2
Or with the ? wildcard
$ cp file? ../subdirectory2
$ ls ../subdirectory2
file1 file2
$ rm -r directory1/subdirectory1
or (two commands, but safer!):
$ rm directory1/subdirectory1/*
$ rmdir directory1/subdirectory1
So far we've moved empty files around and completely ignored the file contents. Let’s finally take a look at some sequence data, and introduce some core Linux commands to access text files.
$ cd NERC_EcologicalGenomics/demo_data/misc/
$ ls
$ head small.fastq
The FASTQ format is a standard way of storing raw sequencer reads. Each read is represented by four lines of text:
- a header line, beginning with @
- the sequence itself
- a ‘+’ spacer line
- a string of gibberish-looking characters encoding the quality of each basecall
Since the FASTQ format is a type of text file and not a binary format we can display and filter it using standard Linux tools, even though none of these tools were written specifically with FASTQ files in mind. The head command above prints the first few lines of the file to the terminal. By default, 10 lines are printed so we are seeing the first two sequence records and half of the third.
This is very useful to peek at a large file. If you want to see the whole file you can use the cat (concatenate) command, but if the file is large it will just whizz up the screen too fast to read.
$ cat small.fastq
...lots of output...
The less command (the name is another pun - an improved version of the older more command) allows you to look at the file content one screen at a time:
$ less mouse_exons.bed
You have used the less command already, indirectly, because it is the text viewer used to read man pages. You can scroll around with the [Down arrow] and [Up arrow] keys, get help by pressing [H], and quit by pressing [Q].
Much like head, the tail command just returns the last 10 lines of the file, or you can specify the number of lines using the -n option:
$ tail -n 4 small.fastq
The wc (word count) command returns the number of lines, words and bytes in a file:
$ wc small.fastq
100 100 3292 small.fastq
If you're only interested in the number of lines, add the -l option:
$ wc -l small.fastq
100 small.fastq
As we know there are 4 lines of text per sequence, this file must therefore contain 25 sequences.
In this section we have learned the following commands:
Command | Description |
cat file | output content of file |
less file | output content of file one screen at a time |
head file | output first 10 lines of file |
head -n num file | output first num lines of file |
tail file | output last 10 lines of file |
tail -n num file | output last num lines of file |
wc file | print number of lines, words, and bytes in file |
wc -l file | print number of lines in file |
Alternatively referred to as a soft link or symlink, a symbolic link is a pseudo-file that links to another file or directory (called the target of the link).
Symbolic links are created using the ln command with the -s option. The -r option is also useful as it makes ln resolve paths automatically when making the link:
$ ln -sr ~/Linux/mouse_exons.bed ~/Public
Symlinks are shown in long-format directory listings, with an l in the first character and a -> annotation that gives the target name. The target may be a relative or an absolute path, and relative paths are always relative to the directory containing the symlink:
$ ls -l ~/Public
lrwxrwxrwx 1 training training 29 Feb 27 13:55 mouse_exons.bed -> ../Linux/mouse_exons.bed
We’ve not covered permissions yet, but the “rwx…” part in the listing relates to the file permissions, and since symbolic links have no permissions of their own, so they show up as “lrwxrwxrwx”.
If you try to read or edit the link, you will end up reading or editing the contents of the file where the link points. Deleting the symbolic link does not affect the target file. If, however, the target file to which the link points is removed or renamed, the link will stop working. This situation is called a “dangling symlink”.
It is possible, and sometimes useful, to make symlinks to directories rather than files, and you can also make a link to to a link in which case Linux will follow the chain until it gets to a real file (or a hits a dangling link). However, things can get confusing if you have too many links like this. There is a realpath command which, for any file, will resolve the links and give you the “canonical”, ie. link-free, absolute path to a file.
$ realpath Public/mouse_exons.bed
In this section we have learned the following commands:
Command | Description |
ln -sr file1 dir1 | Assuming dir1 exists, make a symbolic link to file1 in dir1 |
ln -sr file1 link1 | Assuming link1 does not exists, create a symlink named link1 pointing to file1 |
realpath file1 | Show the canonical absolute path to any file, resolving all links |
When typing the commands below, remember to use tab-completion to avoid typing the long filenames in full, and note that several command lines are shown wrapped over two lines because they are too long to print on one line, but you need to type them as one line.
$ cd NERC_EcologicalGenomics/demo_data/misc/demo_data/raw_data/
$ cd 24130TA0003_03
$ ls
$ less 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_2f2823 fb_barcode03_pass.fastq.gz
Like the file we saw in the previous chapter, this file also contains FASTQ sequence records. It’s a lot bigger, both in terms of the number of sequences and their length, but the format is the same.
However, this file is also compressed with gzip (GNU zip). The fastq.gz extension has been used to indicate the zipped format. Compressed files use less disk space to store and can be transferred faster, and are commonly encountered in bioinformatics.
After quitting from less (press Q), try to use head on the same file:
$ head -n 6 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_ 2f2823fb_barcode03_pass.fastq.gz
%¾(>�?������w1��o��F�N�h�wTon�B���y.����m��$��t���B�Ղ�)u�_}��3���RH�����9=ꇖ���a��wW��z����.��/��:Rj����JH���6�9RS�%���0�X�s��6ob���L<A-��:��,�_n�1~n�kZ�}����R�X���Ut�',�wU�l��\b���hee�]ŵ���:<�[�ő��OK[uau@dR�}�g "C���u5���Hav�&k�&E���@QQKg�:�|)ol�
Ewwww! The head command, unlike the less command, does not know about gzipped files and just shows the compressed binary data directly. Printing a binary file to the terminal is neither useful nor pretty, and using wc to try and count the lines will give us a nonsense result. We’ll need to unzip the file.
First, copy the file to your home directory (remembering that ~ is shorthand for home):
$ cp 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_2f2823fb_barcode03_pass.fastq.gz ~
This takes a little while as it’s a big file. Have a look at the size of the file:
$ cd ~
$ ls -lh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 training users 2.3G Apr 7 10:21 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_2f2823fb_barcode03_pass.fastq.gz
Note that with the option -h (human readable format) file/directory sizes are shown using unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, etc. So this file is taking up 2.3 gigabytes on disk.
Unzip (de-compress) the file using the gunzip command:
$ gunzip 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_2f2823fb_barcode03_pass.fastq.gz
This should take a minute or so.
- How big is the uncompressed file?
- Confirm that you can now use the head command to peek at the first few lines of the file. What are the last 6 bases of the 10th sequence?
- How many sequence records are in this FASTQ file?
You can zip the file again using the gzip command, but note that this will take several minutes:
$ gzip 20221221_EGS2_24130TApool03_24130TApool03_PAM37551_2f2823fb_barcode03_pass.fastq
In most cases it is unnecessary to gunzip a compressed file before reading the contents, because we can combine the command zcat with other commands in one go, as we’ll see in the next chapter.
Like cat, zcat prints the whole content of the file to the screen, but it decompresses it on-the-fly. You can try running zcat on this sample file but it will take a long time to print out as the file is large. To interrupt the process, use [Ctrl]+[C].
A tar (tape archive) file, with extension .tar, is another common file format whereby entire directory structures and all of the files within them have been placed into a single file. Normally these are then compressed with gzip so you get a file with the extension .tar.gz (sometimes .tgz). Tar files, compressed or not, can be extracted using the tar -xaf command, eg:
$ wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/tar/tar-latest.tar.gz
$ tar -xaf tar-latest.tar.gz
where: -x means extract files from an archive, -a automatically handles the decompression and -f specifies the archive file to read. It's also normal to add -v, the flag verbose for verbose output, so you get to see a list of what is being unpacked.
Other archive file formats
Linux tar files perform exactly the same function as zip files more normally used in Windows, and Linux can also pack and unpack .zip files as well as any other compressed format you are likely to encounter. Likewise, software to handle tar files is widely available for Mac and Windows so you should never have a problem exchanging files whatever format you use.
A reason for sticking to tar format on Linux is that tar knows about file ownership, permissions, symlinks and other quirks of the Linux filesystem.
In this section we have learned the following commands:
Command | Description |
gunzip file.gz | decompress file.gz to file |
gzip file.gz | compress file to file.gz |
zcat file.gz | output content of file.gz |
tar -xvaf file.tar.gz | extract file.tar.gz listing the files as they are extracted |
Some of the real power of the Linux shell comes from the ability to string commands together to form "shell pipelines".
With the | (pipe) operator (which you can find on most keyboards at the bottom left next to the [Shift] key), the output of one command, written on the left of the pipe, can be used as input for another command, placed on the right of the pipe. The intermediate output is never saved to disk, it is passed directly from one command to another.
For example, if you want to count up the number of lines in a gzipped FASTQ file (see previous chapter) you can do this by first using zcat to get the real uncompressed content of the file, and then piping the output of zcat into wc to count the lines in the file:
$ zcat ~/Linux/sequence_alignment/6991_1.fastq.gz | wc -l
If you simply run wc on the original file, you'll get a result but it will be nonsense as wc does not know how to decompress the file before counting the contents. You might think that the wc command should be enhanced to work on gzipped files, as with less, but with pipes there is no need; you can simply join the commands together to make your own.
With the > (redirect) operator, the output of a command can be saved in a file, rather than being shown in the terminal.
For a simple example, let’s say we want to create a file 'my_commands.txt', that contains the text “My commands:”, followed by the contents of our command history.
To this end, first write a line saying “My commands:” to a new file. This can be done using the echo command, which simply prints out any text that you give it, then redirect this to the file:
$ echo My commands: > my_commands.txt
To check this text really is in the my_commands.txt file, cat it to the screen:
$ cat my_commands.txt
My commands:
If we now add the contents of our command history to the file using the > operator, it turns out that the original content of the file is overwritten and the first line is gone:
$ history > my_commands.txt
$ head my_commands.txt
1 echo Hello World!
2 ls
3 history
To add output to the contents of an already existing file without overwriting it, we should use the >> (append) operator instead:
$ echo My commands: > my_commands.txt
$ history >> my_commands.txt
$ head my_commands.txt
My commands:
1 echo Hello World!
2 ls
Multiple pipes and redirection can be combined on one line:
$ echo My last 6 commands in reverse order: > my_commands.txt
$ history | tail -n 6 | tac >> my_commands.txt
$ cat my_commands.txt
My last 6 commands in reverse order:
287 history | tail -n 6 >> my_commands.txt
286 echo My last 6 commands: > my_commands.txt
285 yes Linux is great
284 head my_commands.txt
283 history >> my_commands.txt
282 echo My commands: > my_commands.txt
In this section we have learned the following shell features:
Command | Description |
echo any text you like | print back the given text (without redirection it will just appear in the terminal) |
command1 | command2 | use output of command1 as input for command2 |
command > file | redirect output of command to file |
command >> file | append output of command to end of file |
tac file | print the lines of file in reverse (backwards cat - not a commonly used command but sometimes handy) |
It’s now time to find your own sequence data file. Look under NERC_EcologicalGenomics
$ cd NERC_EcologicalGenomics
$ ls
You’ll see demo_data and reference directories, as well as a dated directory for this specific course. Change into this dated directory, and then into the raw_data directory within it. Look for the subdirectory with your own sample number. Within this you’ll see your raw sequences in a single .fastq.gz file. You may also see an .md5 file; you can ignore this.
Answer the following without using the gunzip command. You will need to use zcat with a pipe to another command.
- How many lines (and therefore sequence records) are in this FASTQ file?
- What are the last 6 bases of the 100th sequence?
If you want to do simple arithmetic right in the shell you can use the bc command like so:
$ echo 4000 / 4 | bc
It’s possible to count the number of lines in the file and divide the result by 4 in a single command line, but we do not yet know enough shell syntax to make this work, so you’ll need to just copy and paste the number into the new command line.
The grep command in Linux is used to scan text files for any pattern you supply. We’ll be using it later in the course. To try it, first take a look at the file drosophila_species_cleaned.txt.
$ cd ~/Linux
$ less drosophila_species_cleaned.txt
(remember to press ‘q’ to quit the viewer)
This text file contains a list of drosophila species (copied from Wikipedia). The name of the species is listed, as well as the entomologist who named the species, and the year. Which new drosophila species were named in 1980?
$ grep 1980 drosophila_species_cleaned.txt
D. altissima - Tsacas, 1980
D. anisoctena - Tsacas, 1980
D. bahunde - Tsacas, 1980
D. bakondjo - Tsacas, 1980
The grep command is searching for the text “1980”, and if this appears one or more times within a line it prints the whole line. If the text is not found then it does not print that line. We can combine the above command with a pipe and wc to count the lines and tell us how many species were named in 1980.
$ grep 1980 drosophila_species_cleaned.txt | wc -l
Or, how many were named by Hardy?
$ grep Hardy drosophila_species_cleaned.txt | wc -l
D. Elmo Hardy was a busy man!
grep does a lot more than searching for simple fixed strings. It supports a powerful pattern language called regular expressions - grep is short for “global regular expression print”. Learning regular expressions is beyond the scope of todays course but they are well worth knowing about and there is more info in the bonus workbook.
It’s time to use some dedicated bioinformatics software to look at the quality of the raw sequence data. So far, we’ve been using core tools that come with the Linux distribution, and there are also a bunch of extra tools installed on the teaching VMs for you, but often in bioinformatics you’ll need to install your own software. Installing software can be surprisingly problematic, and the Bioconda project exists to try and make it easier by maintaining a catalogue of thousands of free software packages.
You can find the Bioconda home page at https://bioconda.github.io/
To get it set up on the VM, we’re going to use some slightly different instructions compared to those on the official Bioconda site, because we think these work better. We’ll use an installer that bundles two programs called conda and mamba. In the command shell:
$ cd
$ wget https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh
Saving to: ‘Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh’
$ bash Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh
The wget command above downloads files from the web on the command line. You could also obtain this file by using a web browser search for “mambaforge” then follow the links to find the download. Sadly, tab completion cannot help with web links, so be careful typing the address.
Accept the licence (press space to scroll through it) and press Enter to accept the default install location. When asked if you want to “run conda init” say “yes”.
If you miss this last option it’s not really a problem. Just run this at the shell prompt:
$ mambaforge/bin/conda init
Note the advice to “close and re-open your current shell”. Do this now. Your prompt should now start with “(base)” indicating that conda+mamba is working.
There are some setup instructions on https://bioconda.github.io/, but because we’re using Mamabaforge we only need to run one of the commands:
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
You shouldn’t see any output from this command.
This setup only has to be done once, and after this Mamabaforge will be ready to install bioinformatics packages using the mamba installer. We’ll install part of the NanoPack toolset .
$ mamba install nanocomp==1.21.0 nanoplot==1.41.0 chopper==0.5.0 pandas==1.5.3
Mamba will have a think about what dependent packages it needs to make all this work. This takes about 2 minutes. Press Y to download and install everything. Sometimes, mamba will decide it can’t make all the packages play nicely together, but in this case it should all be fine. There may well be more recent versions of the nanocomp/nanoplot packages available but we’ve tested these versions for this course.
You might well be wondering what “pandas==1.5.3” has to do with anything in the command above. Pandas is an extension to the Python language for data science, and is needed by the NanoPlot tool we want to run. When testing the course materials we discovered that Mamba was installing Pandas 2.0 and this is incompatible with NanoPlot 1.41, resulting in the program crashing. The workaround is to tell Mamba explicitly to install the older version of Pandas.
At some point soon this will likely be fixed, but for now we have this workaround. It’s not uncommon to hit such snags with bioinformatics software, and the solution for a new bioinformatician is to not be disheartened and make use of on-line forums to access help and find solutions.
Now we can try running the commands:
$ NanoComp -–help
$ NanoPlot --help
This reassures us the programs were installed and the commands are available. Even though we only asked for NanoComp, the NanoPlot package has been installed as a dependency. To see where the programs actually got installed, we can use the which command.
$ which NanoPlot
$ echo $PATH
So the NanoPlot program has gone into the mambaforge/bin directory in /home/training. The reason that we can run this program without typing the full location into the command is that Conda has added this directory to the default PATH, and we can see what the PATH is by running the second command.
The PATH setting in the shell is a list of locations, separated by colons. You’ll see that each is an absolute path to a place where the shell can look for programs. All the programs we’ve run so far, including Bash itself, are in one of these directories, or else they are built into the Bash shell.
$ which ls
$ which bash
$ which less
$ which cd
$ type cd
cd is a shell builtin
A final thing to note is that the Conda system installed everything within the home directory, and thus did not require administrator level access. On these VMs you are the only user, but many Linux systems are shared and the ability to install your own software without affecting other users or needing the administrator password can be very useful.
Directory of Linux commands (http://archive.oreilly.com/linux/cmd/):
A directory of 687 Linux commands (taken from Linux in a Nutshell, 5th Edition), with for each command a description and list of available options.
LinuxQuestions (http://www.linuxquestions.org):
A community-driven, self-help web site for Linux users. The most popular section of the site are the forums, where Linux users can share their knowledge and experience. Newcomers to the Linux world (often called newbies) can ask questions and Linux experts can offer advice.
Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com):
A question-and-answer website on the topic of computer programming.
Biostars (http://www.biostars.org):
A question-and-answer website with a focus on bioinformatics, computational genomics and biological data analysis.
Before posting a question on one of the above websites, you should always first try to find the answer yourself by (1) doing a Google search and (2) searching the website for previously asked questions!
Also, even in this internet age, it’s worth getting a good book.