Run JavaScript code from Python.
PyExecJS is a porting of ExecJS from Ruby. PyExecJS automatically picks the best runtime available to evaluate your JavaScript program, then returns the result to you as a Python object.
A short example:
>>> import execjs
>>> execjs.eval("'red yellow blue'.split(' ')")
['red', 'yellow', 'blue']
>>> ctx = execjs.compile("""
... function add(x, y) {
... return x + y;
... }
... """)
>>>"add", 1, 2)
Of course, you can pick particular JavaScript runtime by get() function:
>>> default = execjs.get() # the automatically picked runtime
>>> default.eval("1 + 2")
>>> jscript = execjs.get("JScript")
>>> jscript.eval("1 + 2")
>>> node = execjs.get("Node")
>>> node.eval("1 + 2")
If EXECJS_RUNTIME environment variable is specified, PyExecJS pick the JavaScript runtime as a default:
>>> #execjs.get().name # this value is depends on your environment.
>>> os.environ["EXECJS_RUNTIME"] = "Node"
>>> execjs.get().name
'Node.js (V8)'
PyExecJS supports these runtimes:
- PyV8 - A python wrapper for Google V8 engine,
- Node.js
- Apple JavaScriptCore - Included with Mac OS X
- Mozilla SpiderMonkey
- Microsoft Windows Script Host (JScript)
$ pip install PyExecJS
$ easy_install PyExecJS
Copyright (c) 2012 Omoto Kenji. Copyright (c) 2011 Sam Stephenson and Josh Peek.
Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for details.
- Supported Python 3.3
- Fixed file handle leaking
- Fixed issue with passenger-nginx-4.0
- Removed "import execjs" (it prevent execution of by Python 2.6)
- Javascript sources were embeded in 'which' command were reimplemented by pure python.
- Python 2.6.x was supported.
- Forgotten shell=True was added to Popen.
- First release.