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This simulator models a blockchain-based trading environment specifically designed for 5G resource trading. It enables the study of transaction dynamics, consensus mechanisms, and resource management within decentralized markets using NS3.

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Trade-5G Simulation using NS3

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Workflow Overview
  3. Features
  1. Installation Guide
  2. Usage
  3. Code Structure
  4. Results
  5. Contact
  6. References


The Trade-5G Simulation using NS3 is a simulator designed for a blockchain-based trading environment specifically tailored for network operators and robots (blockchain maintainers). This simulator models the interactions within a decentralized market, enabling the study of transaction dynamics, consensus mechanisms, and resource management in a controlled environment.

Workflow Overview

Simulator Workflow

Figure 1: Simulator Workflow Diagram

The workflow encompasses the following stages:

  1. Network Setup: Establishes the network topology using NS3.
  2. Robot Deployment: Initializes robots that act as blockchain maintainers.
  3. Transaction Generation: Simulates offers and demands based on predefined scenarios.
  4. Consensus Mechanism: Implements the Tendermint consensus protocol for block validation.
  5. Data Collection: Gathers and analyzes simulation results.


  • Decentralized Network Simulation: Models a network of robots acting as blockchain maintainers.
  • Transaction Generation: Simulates offers and demands with configurable parameters.
  • Consensus Mechanism: Implements the Tendermint consensus protocol for block validation.
  • Resource Management: Tracks and manages resources within the network.
  • Scenario-Based Simulations: Supports various market scenarios like high demand low offer, random, and low demand high offer.
  • Comprehensive Statistics: Generates detailed results on latency, resource utilization, price volatility, and more.
  • Extensible Architecture: Easily extendable with additional smart contracts and scenarios.

Installation Guide

Follow the steps below to install, configure, and build the simulation environment.

1. Install NS3 Requirements

Ensure you have all the necessary dependencies for NS3. Follow the NS3 Installation Guide for detailed instructions.

2. Download and Install NS3

  1. Create a Directory for NS3:

    mkdir ns3
    cd ns3
  2. Clone the NS3 Repository:

    git clone
  3. Download the Specific Version of NS3 Used in This Project (v3.29):

    ./ns-3-allinone/ns-3.29/waf configure

3. Add RapidJSON

  1. Return to the Workspace Root:

    cd ..
  2. Clone the RapidJSON Library:

    git clone
  3. Run the Installation Script:


    Note: Ensure that correctly places RapidJSON in the appropriate directory or adjusts include paths as necessary.

4. Build NS3 using WAF

  1. Navigate to the NS3 Directory:

    cd ns3/ns-allinone-3.29/ns-3.29
  2. Configure the Build Environment:

    CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14" ./waf configure --enable-static
  3. Build NS3:


5. Build the Simulator

  1. Unzip the Simulator Files to Your Workspace.

  2. Navigate to the Application Model Directory:

    cd simulation/src/application/model/
  3. Update the NS_BUILD_DIR in if Necessary.

    Open and ensure that the NS_BUILD_DIR points to the correct NS3 build directory (e.g., ../ns3/ns-allinone-3.29/ns-3.29/build/).

  4. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../ns3/ns-allinone-3.29/ns-3.29/build/lib

    Replace the path with the actual NS_BUILD_DIR used in

  5. Reload Environment Variables:

    source ~/.bashrc
  6. Install Qt5 for Building the GUI (If Applicable):

    sudo apt-get install qt5-default
  7. Build the Simulator:

    make clean

    Ensure that the build process completes without errors.

Build Result

Figure 2: Build Process Result


Running the Simulator

Once the simulator is built, you can run it using the following command:

./simulator [parameters]


./simulator --nb_robots=4 --scenario=0 --seed=42 --malicious=0 --commission=5 --duration=1000

Simulation Output

Figure 3: Simulation Output

Parameter Configuration

The simulator accepts various parameters to customize the simulation environment. Below is a list of available parameters:

Parameter Description Example Value
--nb_robots Total number of robots (blockchain maintainers) 4
--scenario Defines the market scenario 0 for HIGH_DEMAND_LOW_OFFER
--seed Seed for random number generation 42
--malicious Number of malicious robots in the network 1
--commission Transaction commission rate (%) 5
--duration Total duration of the simulation in seconds 1000

Scenario Types:

Value Scenario Type

Batch Simulation Execution

To efficiently run multiple simulations with varying parameter combinations, the provided batch script bash/ automates the process. This script allows you to explore different configurations, such as the number of robots, scenarios, durations, and more.

How to Use

  1. Open the Script:

    Open bash/ and customize the parameter ranges to fit your experiment. The key parameters include:

    • SCENARIOS: Define the type of simulation scenarios (e.g., high demand, low supply).
    • N_VALUES: Set the number of robots participating in the simulation.
    • DURATION_VALUES: Specify the simulation durations.
    • SEEDS: Provide random seeds for reproducibility.
  2. Make the Script Executable:

    chmod +x batch/
  3. Execute the Script:


Code Structure

Understanding the code structure will help you navigate and extend the simulator effectively.

Key Components

1. Experiment (


  • Sets up the simulation environment.
  • Creates and places robot nodes.
  • Establishes network connections.
  • Installs robot applications on the nodes.
  • Runs the simulation and collects results.

Key Functions:

  • Experiment::Experiment(...): Constructor initializing simulation parameters and creating nodes.
  • Experiment::CreateNetwork(): Establishes the network topology using point-to-point links.
  • Experiment::Install(): Deploys robot applications on the nodes.
  • Experiment::Run(): Executes the simulation.
  • Experiment::Results(): Gathers and outputs simulation results.

2. Robot ( & robot.h)


  • Represents blockchain maintainers (robots) that handle transactions.
  • Manages transaction generation, broadcasting, and consensus participation.
  • Implements the Tendermint consensus protocol for block validation.

Key Classes and Methods:

  • Robot Class:

    • StartApplication(): Initializes the robot, sets up sockets, and starts transaction generation.
    • GenerateTransaction(): Creates transactions based on the defined scenario.
    • SendPropose(), SendPrevote(), SendPrecommit(): Handle different phases of the Tendermint consensus.
    • HandleRead(): Processes incoming packets.
    • MatchingLogic(): Matches offers and demands within a block.
    • InvokeSmartContract(): Executes smart contracts upon block confirmation.
  • RobotStatics Struct:

    • Tracks statistics like expired offers and demands.
  • RobotParameter Struct:

    • Holds configurable parameters for the robot’s behavior.

3. Utilities (utils.h)


  • Provides helper functions and defines protocol parameters essential for simulation.

Key Functions and Definitions:

  • Helper Functions:

    • GetSeconds(): Returns the current simulation time in seconds.
    • dump(), toBinary(): Data conversion utilities.
    • stream2hex(), hex2stream(): Hexadecimal conversions.
    • tokenize(): Splits strings based on delimiters.
    • SerializeCharBuffer(), DeserializeCharBuffer(): Handles JSON serialization/deserialization.
    • HashDataBuffer(): Generates SHA1 hash of data.
  • Constants and Enums:

    • Defines various constants like delays, transaction sizes, and Tendermint parameters.
    • Enumerations for ScenarioType, TRADE_TYPE, SMARTCONTRACTS, and RESSOURCE_TYPE.


After running simulations, results are generated and saved in the results directory. Key outputs include:

  • Latency Metrics:

    • Average total delay for offers and demands.
    • Matching delays and blockchain confirmation times.
  • Resource Utilization:

    • Percentage of offers vs. demands.
    • Wasted resources due to expired offers or demands.
  • Price Volatility:

    • Average transaction prices and their standard deviations.
    • Decay rates and buyer/seller savings.
  • User Satisfaction:

    • Metrics indicating the efficiency and satisfaction levels within the network.
  • Security Metrics:

    • Front-running attack rates based on malicious robots.

Sample Output (latency.csv):


Explanation of Columns:

  • nb_robots: Number of robots in the simulation.
  • scenario: Scenario type identifier.
  • seed: Seed value for random number generation.
  • duration: Duration of the simulation in seconds.
  • avg_offer_delay: Average delay for offers.
  • avg_demand_delay: Average delay for demands.
  • avg_blockchain_delay: Average delay for blockchain confirmations.
  • percent_offers: Percentage of offers in total transactions.
  • percent_demands: Percentage of demands in total transactions.
  • wasted_resources: Percentage of resources wasted due to expired transactions.
  • matched_quantity: Total quantity of matched transactions.
  • malicious: Number of malicious robots.
  • attack_rate: Rate of front-running attacks.
  • commission: Transaction commission rate.
  • avg_seller_savings: Average savings for sellers.
  • avg_buyer_profit: Average profit for buyers.
  • nsp_profit: Profit for the network service provider (NSP).
  • average_price: Average transaction price.


For any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out:

ORCID: 0000-0002-7989-8962



This simulator models a blockchain-based trading environment specifically designed for 5G resource trading. It enables the study of transaction dynamics, consensus mechanisms, and resource management within decentralized markets using NS3.







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