The code samples are under each component folder. Currently following code samples are available:
Code sample name | Supported Intel(r) Architecture(s) | Description |
Nbody | GPU, CPU | a simulation of a dynamical system of particles |
mandelbrot | GPU, CPU | a famous eurmomgeyxample of a fractal in mathematics |
matrix_mul | GPU, CPU | Simple program that multiplies two large matrices in parallel using DPC++, OpenMP and MKL |
Particle_Diffusion | GPU, CPU | a simple (non-optimized) implementation of a Monte Carlo simulation of the diffusion of water molecules in tissue |
iso3dfd_dpcpp | GPU, CPU | A finite difference stencil kernel for solving 3D acoustic isotropic wave equation using DPC++ |
iso2dfd_dpcpp | GPU, CPU | A simple finite difference stencil kernel for solving 2D acoustic isotropic wave equation using DPC++ |
iso3dfd_omp_offload | GPU, CPU | A finite difference stencil kernel for solving 3D acoustic isotropic wave equation using OpenMP |
The code samples are licensed under MIT license
- If you are using Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.0 or newer is required.
- To build samples on Windows, a cersion version of Windows SDK is required: 10.0.17763.0. If it is not installed, follow the instructions below to avoid build failure:
- open the code sample's .sln with Visual Studio 2017 or 2019, right click on the project name in "Solution Explorer" and select "Properties". It pops up the project perperty dialog.
- on the project property dialog, make sure to select "General" tab on the left, on the right side of the dialog, 2nd item is "Windows SDK Version". Click on the drop-down icon to select a version that is installed on your system.
- click on [Ok] to save. Now you should be able to build the code sample.
- For initial beta, OpenMP offload code sample does not support Windows.