- RPI is installed above the bell chime in a plastic housing and is powered over POE ethernet cable
- RPI is setup and wired based on the circuit diagram
- Bell chime ring button is wired to the rpi
- rpi is wired to a relay
- Once the button is pressed rpi is activating the relay
- A telegram notification is sent
- Relay activation is determined by settings defined by user
- User changes settings via telegram chat bot
- User settings gets saved to firecloud realtime database
- mode: on/off - to ring chime or not
- phrase: what telegram message says when bell rings
- calendar: on/off - whether block the ring chime based on a calendar schedule
- events: the calendar events when to block the door chime
- RPI is running 3 services
- doorbell.service - for relay activation
- doorbell_telegram.service - for telegram bot communication
- doorbell_calendar_sync.service - for calendar sync (9:00 and 23:00 everyday runs a sync between 2 calendars and saves the events to firecloud db)