Releases: End3r6/URPUnderwaterEffects
URP Underwater Effects -v3.0.0
Version 3 introduces a brand new effect on the water line. That is a blurred area where the water intersects the screen.
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v3.0.0
URP Underwater Effects -v2.0.1
Fixed a couple of bugs that made things a little annoying.
The main one was that the Caustics.hlsl file reference in the screen effect shader wasn't relative. This cause an error to happen anytime this tool was imported into a new project
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
URP Underwater Effects -v2.0.0
Major overhaul on how things are done for greater ease of use and efficiency.
Drawing water meshes into horizon texture is no longer done via shader tag and is now done via layer masks. This lets transparent objects be drawn underneath the water properly.
In the readme, GIFs are now used instead of images.
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v2.0.0
URP Underwater Effects -v1.2.0
Bubbles 🫧 are now included.
Fixed a bug that would prevent transparent objects from drawing in the fog correctly
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
URP Underwater Effects -v1.1.0
Effects now change with the sky color.
Changed the passes so that you don't have to add the shaders in yourself.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
The first official release of UPR Underwater Effects 🥳🥳
Fog is done.
Caustics is done.
Volumetric sun rays are done.
May make the fog effect inherent from the suncolor as well. 🧐
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v1.0.0
URP Underwater Effects - v0.1-beta.1
Fixed a bug where the underside of water meshes would not draw as black and would mess up the underwater effects pass
Full Changelog:
URP Underwater Effects -v0.1-beta.0
This release contains full functionality for underwater caustics, fog, and refraction.
This is set to beta for lack of sun rays and some bugs.
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