- PHP后端:
composer require evit/php-gm-crypto
- 对应前端:
npm install evit-gm-crypt
Implement of Chinese encrypt algorithm in PHP.
完全兼容openssl的sm4-cbc和sm4-ecb国密SM算法,openssl >= 1.1.1支持国密算法时直接调用openssl进行SM4加解密,否则调用自定义算法。
Fully compatible with the sm4-cbc and sm4-ecb state secret SM algorithms of openssl. When openssl >= 1.1.1 supports the state secret algorithm, directly call openssl for SM4 encryption and decryption, otherwise call the custom algorithm.
新增SM3实现,openssl >= 1.1.1支持国密算法时直接调用openssl进行SM3杂凑,否则调用自定义算法。
Consistent with openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt, NUL
is silently filled when the password length is less than 16; When the password length is greater than 16, it is truncated silently.
要使用openssl国密算法,openssl库需 >= 1.1.1。
To use openssl state secret algorithm, openssl library needs > = 1.1.1.
- SM4
- SM3
- SM2
composer require evit/php-gm-crypto
// If you are using a framework that does not support psr-4 autoloader, you need to explicitly import package from the vendor directory.
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use Evit\PhpGmCrypto\Encryption\EvitSM4Encryption;
$config = [
// mode string 'cbc' or 'ecb' is supported, default is 'cbc'.
'mode' => 'cbc',
// password, will be processed by substr(md5($key), 0, 16) if $config['hash']
'key' => '{replace-your-key-here}',
// the iv used by 'cbc' mode, will be will be processed by substr(md5($iv), 0, 16) if $config['hash']
'iv' => '{replace-your-iv-here}',
// weather do md5 to key and iv or not
'hash' => false
$sm4 = new EvitSM4Encryption($config);
// Encrypt
$start = microtime(true);
$encypted = $sm4->sm4encrypt('{replace-your-plaintext-here}');
$end = microtime(true);
var_dump('Encrypt time elapsed:' . number_format($end - $start, 8) . ' s');
var_dump("Cipher text:{$encypted}");
// Decrypt
$decStart = microtime(true);
$decrypted = $sm4->sm4decrypt($encypted);
$end = microtime(true);
var_dump('Decrypt time elapsed:' . number_format($end - $decStart, 8) . ' s');
var_dump("Plain text:{$decrypted}");
// Determine whether openssl library is used
$algorithm = $sm4->isOpenssl() ? 'openssl' : 'php-gm-crypto';
var_dump("Algrithm is:{$algorithm}");
var_dump('Total time elapsed:' . number_format($end - $start, 8) . ' s');
// If you are using a framework that does not support psr-4 autoloader, you need to explicitly import package from the vendor directory.
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use Evit\PhpGmCrypto\Encryption\EvitSM3Encryption;
$sm3 = new EvitSM3Encryption();
$input = 'abc';
$output = $sm3->sm3($input);
var_dump("SM3 hash result of '{$input}' is '{$output}'");
npm install evit-gm-crypt