A set of utilities for declarative specification of data download pipelines for ETL jobs. Great care was taken not to add external dependencies (it only requires paramiko
to manage SSH connections).
At the moment, these utilities are focused on retrieving data from FTP servers, from remote machines using SSH or files downloaded from URLs.
Suppose that we have a remote machine in which, inside a path, there are files named by date, and we want the data from
the files between a start_date
and an end_date
ssh = SSHConnection(host="ec2-14552256.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
path = "/home/ec2-user/data/"
result = (path
| contents(ssh)
| filter(lambda date: start_date <= (date | date_from_str("%Y-%m-%d.xml")) <= end_date)
| warn_if_not_found
| map(lambda name: os.path.join(path, name))
| map(download(self.ssh))
| map(parse_xml(tag="users"))
| concat)
Now suppose we have an FTP server and we want data from a range of dates from a single file:
ftp = FTPConnection(host=config.get("host"),
result = ("data.csv"
| download(ftp)
| parse_csv
| filter(
get("Date") | date_from_str("%Y-%m-%d")
| Pipe(lambda date: start_date <= date <= end_date))
| warn_if_not_found)
There are cases where there might be files with some duplicated information that we want to filter out:
result = ([file1, file2, file3]
| map(download(ftp))
| map(parse_csv)
| join_if_different_ids(id_column="DataID"))
In other cases, the data can be compressed:
result = (path
| contents(ftp)
| filter(
split("/") | get("-1") | strip(r"\D+") | date_from_str("%m%d%Y")
| Pipe(lambda date: start_date <= date <= end_date))
| warn_if_not_found
| map(download(ftp))
| map(ungzip)
| concat
| map(parse_json)
| concat)
Or even password protected:
result = (path("recent")
| download
| unzip(password=config.get("password"))
| concat
| map(parse_csv(delimiter="|"))
| filter(
| capitalize
| date_from_str("%d-%b-%Y %I:%M %p")
| Pipe(lambda date: start_date <= date <= end_date))
| warn_if_no_found)
There is still a lot to be done. Pull requests or feature requests are welcome.