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Authors: Yannik Suhre, Jan Faulstich, Skyler MacGowan, Sebastian Sydow, Jacob Umland


language version last-edited licence

🚴 This repository shows how to predict the demand for bikes available for rent through Washington D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare.

Check it out!

You can check our live demo here. If you want to have a deeper insight in how we did things, you can read our paper, which is also available within this repo.

Introduction for reproducibility

πŸ’‘ The text that follows outlines how to fully reproduce the findings of this repository.

You must firt install and then run this repository. To do so we recommend that you use docker and Visual Studio Code as this corresponds with our methodology. Alternatively, you can also use Anaconda.


πŸ‹ This will explain how to use docker for an easy install

To use Visual Studio Code and Docker, please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Download the repository and open the folder in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). If you are new to VS Code please install the Remote Development Add-On.
  2. On the bottom left corner of your open window on VS Code, two signs should appear. Click on those. Doing so should cause a list to open.
  3. On this list, click the Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container entry. Note: If this is the first time you are doing this, it can take some time as Docker will create your image with all the necessary requirements.
  4. Following the completion of Step 3, you have your file editor on the left side and can click through the files. If you want to execute a file, just click the Play button on the top right corner; doing so will execute the Python script.


🐍 This will explain how to use Anaconda to use this repo

Should you prefer to use Anaconda (miniconda was not tested) start by downloading the repository. Then open the Anaconda prompt, navigating to the downloaded git-repository Bikerus (one can navigate within the Anaconda prompt using normal command line commands; cd <your-path-to-bikerus>. Should you have any spaces within your path use quotation marks around your path. Also, should you have to change your Harddrive use \<your-harddrive-letter>. In total that would look like: cd \\<your-harddrive-letter> "<your-path-to-bikerus>"). Once you have navigated there with your prompt, create a new python environment:

conda create --name bikerus python=3.8

Next activate this environment:

conda activate bikerus

Now, we use pip to install the necessary packages from the requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

This installs all the necessary packages within your Anaconda environment. Now you can start and execute every script by itself without worrying about packages and versions.


🐳 This paragraph is only applicable if you are using Docker with VSCode

Once your Docker Container is running inside your VSCode, you can just enter the following:


This will execute all scripts in the correct order and you don't have to run them indivdually. Should you use Anaconda you have to run them individually, since the Anaconda prompt cannot execute shell scripts.

Data acquisition

πŸ’Ύ This paragraph will explain how you can obtain the data used

In order to obtain the data used by this project, please clone this repository and then execute the file. This file will:

  • Download the files from the web
  • Extract them into a folder within the parent directory called data/raw
  • Load these raw datasets and convert them into a compressed file in data/interim (for the sake of convenience we left the raw data there, should you want to make modifications thereto).

Data visualization

πŸ—ΊοΈ This section shows how the data visualizations can be created

Bike Rental Station Map

In order to reproduce the map with the bike share rental stations, you have to execute the file within the python folder. This will create a folder images within the parent directory. Once you enter this folder there should be a .html file, which contains this map.

Data Preprocessing

Imputing NAs

πŸ₯‹ This paragraph will show how the NAs are imputed

In order to impute your own missing values please execute the script named This will create a file in the folder data which is named preprocessed. In this folder you can find the final version of the Bike Rental data.

Further preprocessing

🌾 This paragraph describes how the further preprocessing works

Based on the data resulting from imputing NAs, further preprocessing is done by executing the script 2_pipeline_preprocessing: ❌ unnecessary data features are dropped, ➑️ data is transformed to correct data types, πŸ“Š and the continous variables are normalized. This script will create a file for the preprocessed data in the folder data as well as another file for the storing the actual (non-normalized) minimum and maximum values for the target variable.

Data Partitioning

πŸ—‚οΈ This paragraph will explain how you can partition the used data into training and testing sets. Additionally it explains how the training set can be partitioned into a training set as well as a cross-validation-set (for additional testing), if GridSearchCV is not used. GridSearchCV uses (Stratified)KFold as a cross validation splitting strategy (see parameter cv). The following explaination describes a variation of KFold which returns first k folds as training set and the (k + 1)th fold as testing set.

Steps for creating training and testing sets:

  1. Import the data. Use df = decompress_pickle(<path>.pbz2) for importing.

  2. Call the function train_test_split_ts.

    The function takes two arguments: The first one is the data (type: DataFrame). The second is the size of the training set (type: float). The size of the training set must be greater than 0 and smaller than 1.

    The function returns the sets for X_train, Y_train, X_test and Y_test. X_train and X_test including all columns except for the target column. Y_train and Y_test only include the target column (field to predict). X_train and Y_train are used for training including determining the samples for cross validation. X_test and Y_test are only used for the (final) testing. The files are exported to: './data/partitioned/'.

Steps for creating training and testing sets for cross validation (if GridSearchCV is not used):

  1. Import the date: X_train, Y_train. Use df = decompress_pickle(<path>.pbz2) for importing.

  2. Call the function get_sample_for_cv.

    The function takes six arguments. Two arguments are optional (refer to the steps for creating a horizontal bar diagram to visualize the train-test-splits).

    • n_splits: This determines the number of splits that will be used for cross-validation. It must be an integer and greater than 1.
    • fold: This determines the current fold (subsample) of the train and test set for cross validation. It must be an integer and greater than 0 and not greater than the number of splits.
    • X_train and Y_train: Data used for training including determining the samples for cross validation. X_train includes all columns except for the target column. Y_train only includes the target column (field to predict).

    The function returns the sets for X_train_current and Y_train_current as the current fold/sub-sample. Additionally it returns X_test_cv_current and Y_test_cv_current for cross-validation.

Steps for creating a horizontal bar diagram to visualize the train-test-splits:

The function get_sample_for_cv can create a horizontal bar diagram for the visualization of the the train-test-splits. The function only creates the bar diagram if X_test is added as a parameter and if the parameter vis == True.

  • X_test: X_test is needed to visualize the final round of testing with X_test and Y_test, which we created at the beginning with the function train_test_split_ts. To create the horizontal bar diagram, X_test must be added to the function.
  • vis: Vis is used as decision variable for the creation of the diagram. It is initalized as False. Therefore, the horizontal bar diagram will not be created. To create the horizontal bar diagram, add True as the last parameter when calling the function. The figure is saved in the path ./data/partitioned/.

Data modelling

In order to load or train all models (with the exception of fastai - see here why) with the given train and test split, execute the script This will:

  • Load the given models or train them
  • Save them to the local drive
  • Create two dataframe:
    • One dataframe with all given predictions (normalized and unnormalized)
    • Another with the given $R^2$ values
  • Saves the aforementioned dataframes

CatBoost - Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees

🐈 This paragraph explains how the catboost regressor is used

  1. Run the Grid_Search_Catboost-param.ipynb to comprehend my Catboost settings. The best parameters of the CatBoostRegressor for this dataset are depth = 6, learning_rate = 0.1 and iterations = 1000.
  2. Open the script. Check the calculated parameters with the parameters in the CatBoostRegressor. Afterwards run the script to create the CatBoost model based on the parameters and the BikeRental dataset. Additionally the script also saves the state of the CatBoost model in a file in the bikerus folder. The file is named Catboost_model.
  3. Last but not least open the script. This script loads the previously saved CatBoost model. Additionally, there is also a test dataset of of 1. January 2013 0pm. If you run the script, the model will predict the Bike Rentals for this specific hour based on the testdata set. Since we fed the model with normalized data, it returns a normalized count value.

Fastai - Neural Net Regressor

⚠️In order to try this one, one has to install fastai within an anaconda environment, since the pip version is really hard to install. Thus it cannot be installed within a container. Please follow the fastai link above for a more detailed explanation of how to setup fastai in your local environment. You have to uncomment the function fastai_neural_net_regression within the script model_creation as well as the line where you import fastai. If you want to run the script with the fastai_neural_net_regression make sure also to uncomment that, when you are in a anaconda enviroment with fastai.

🌠 The following will explain how to use FastAI for a regression task

FastAI is a framework developed for fast and accessible artificial intelligence. Since its second version it can deal with structured tabular data, using neural nets as a regressor.

Scikit-learn - RandomForestRegressor

🌲 This paragraph explains how the RandomForestRegressor is used.

  1. Open the script and run it.
  2. The following steps are performed within the script:
    1. The script loads the preprocessed data using decompress_pickle("./data/preprocessed/BikeRental_preprocessed.pbz2").
    2. The column 'datetime' needs to be dropped, because the RandomForestRegressor cannot handle its type.
    3. The train and test samples are created using the function train_test_split_ts.
    4. Here, GridSearchCV is not used. Following from the explanation about cross validation iterators in scikit-learn (chapter 3.1.2.), if one knows that the samples have been generated using a time-dependent process, it is safer to use a time-series aware cross-validation scheme. Therefore, cross validation is performed by applying the function get_sample_for_cv to also consider the time series character for cross validation. Here, 5 folds are created. The different hyperparameters are applied to the folds through cascaded for loops. The Pseudo-R^2 is calculated for each fold and the respective hyperparameter combination. At the end, a mean of each hyperparameter combination across the five folds is calculated. The hyperparameter combination with the highest mean is returned. Under consideration of the trade-off between a high Pseudo-R^2 and the model's robustness, the hyperparameters max_depth = 11, n_estimators = 300, max_features = 10 and max_leaf_nodes = 80 were chosen.
    5. The RandomForestRegressor is trained with the best hyperparameters and the R^2 and Pseudo-R^2 are calculated.
    6. The Model is saved using joblib.dump(RForreg, "./RandomForest_Model/" + str(filename)).

Scikit-learn - MLPRegressor

πŸ•ΈοΈ This paragraph explains how the MLPRegressor is used.

  1. after having finished all preprocessing steps, run in order to run the models.
  2. after execution you can find the saved multilayer perceptron model, its optimal hyperparamters and r squared values as well as the predicted dataframe in NN_MLP_files in the models folder.

Deployment and live predictions

πŸš€ This paragraph explains how to start up a flask app, which deploys the models and makes live predictions

Bascially all you have to do is to run In VSCode with Docker backend just click the play button in the top right corner. In Anaconda run from the top level of the bikerus folder:

python flask/

Go to the given webpage (most likely and enjoy predicting!


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