Final project in computer graphics course in university - (WARNING: ACCESS AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
The project is to build a snake game, we have obstacles, coins, the snake must eat obstacles.
Open the solution using VS 2013, hit F5 and the compilation starts.
ESC : Quit the game
q : Rotate camera left
e : Rotate camera right
w : Start the movement
n : Go to next level (It's called Haxxx :D)
i : Show current coordinates
+ : Change camera position
- : Regenerate the level
p : Pause/Resume the game
r : Restart the level
F1 : Toggle fullscreen
F2 : Toggle sound
- Sometimes the snake pass through coins and obstacles
- Sometimes the game freeze when going to the next level
- Sometimes the snake moves abnormally
If you find more bugs please open an issue and report it, and i will happily ignore that report :)
- The FreeGLUT library for easing my life
- Irrklang library for simplifying the sound embedding process