Welcome to LAPIS, the light assisted positioning intelligence system.
LAPIS is a work in progress system to interface ROS with the existing FRC hardware.
Using the rosinstall file, copy the rosinstall file into your catkin workspace
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FRC-1721/LAPIS/master/kinetic.rosinstall
Then run the update
cp kinetic.rosinstall src/.rosinstall
wstool update -t src
Newer versions of pynetworktables no longer support Python 2.7, unfortunately ROS doesn't really support Python 3 even with the latest Melodic release. To get a version of pynetworktables that works with Python 2.7:
sudo pip install pynetworktables==2018.2.1
We do not want to rely on DNS for communications. Therefore, we need to tell everything to use IP addresses. On the robot computer, make sure to run the following command before running any launch files:
export ROS_IP=X.Y.Z.1
Make sure to use the IP address for the actual interface that outside computers can access.
On your computer, you need to set both ROS_IP to your computer's IP address, and set the ROS_MASTER_URI to the robot's computer IP address:
export ROS_IP=X.Y.Z.2
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://X.Y.Z.1:11311
To run everything on the real robot (laser drivers, odometry, URDF):
export ROS_IP=
roslaunch hungry_toaster hungry_toaster.launch
To simuate network tables for odometry:
rosrun tidalforce_odom simulated_rio.py
To just view the URDF/meshes:
roslaunch hungry_toaster view_urdf.launch