PL/SQL Scripts for creating and populating EIA OMS Data Mart First load must be done to OMS_TEMP_RMS_YYYY (not partitioned), otherwize attributes correction will not work. After load is done and attributes corrected, OMS_TEMP_RMS_XXXX must be copied into OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART_XXXX (partitioned) I. OMS
- DDL for creating table OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART, view OMS_TEMP, materialized view log on OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART, materialized view OMS_MV, view OMS_T
- PL/SQL with loop for initial load (1st year 200709-200809 where Oracle ADM is used for all snapshots and Demand Sales for all months)
- PL/SQL with loop for regular loads: OMS_TEMP_RMS (target table itself) is used for PY Snapshot and for 5 preceding months OMS sales (instead of Demand Sales) - this speeds up processing and helps identify FOAs (ADM Snapshot doesn't contain FOAs)
- PL/SQL with loop for correcting IMC attributes basing on neighbour months - to run after initial loads - normally is not required in monthly process
- New partition must be explicitly created before adding a new month (i.e. no partitions created "in advance" with the initial DDL) II. OMS_MKTG
- Scripts for monthly updates of OMS_MKTG_TEMP and OMS_MKTG - the same scripts are used for initial loads and monthly updates
- In OMS_MKTG_TEMP, new partition must be explicitly created before adding a new month (i.e. no partitions created "in advance" with the initial DDL)
Order of running updates:
Steps for updating OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART ouside of the scheduled update dates in case of updated which affect long periods (more than 1 year):
- Ensure that Sales Dashboard doesn’t have a scheduled refresh for the period during which OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART will be under maintenance
- Create a staging table with the same structure as OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART for temporary storing new data, not necessarily partitioned
- Insert new data (which must replace data in OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART) into staging table: first 12 months must be inserted with the script for initial load, the rest with the script for current data flow
- Run correctional script on the new table to assign attributes for ABOs who were not in the snapshot
- Drop Materialized view log on OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART and materialized view OMS_MV
- Truncate all partitions (or subpartitions, depending on update) which must be reloaded, in OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART
- Insert data into OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART from the staging table
- Gather statistics om OMS_TEMP_RMS_PART
- Recreate Materialized view log
- Recreate materialized view
- Drop staging table
- Purge Recycle bin
- Recompile all dependent views (ALTER VIEW… COMPILE)
- Recover refresh schedule for Sales Dashboard if necessary
If necessary, update marketing tables after this