StickFight is a Windows Console based game.
StickFight matches the player against the computer, or another player on the same keyboard.
Yep, two players on the same system. Fairly retro.
I guess this is the most relevant question, isn't it?
This is a result of being ahead in school, and asking a random friends for an idea on some random programming project.
A couple of years back, I started this as a result of being ahead in class, and a playable beta version was ready after a couple of days. I've slighting improved on the code over the years, whenever I've felt like it.
Note that this is years back. I'd like to think I've improved since then.
1.4 (Honestly, no clue. But I've done approximately 4 "large" edits since the initial finish).
(Runs ASP.Net, so might take some time for the initial load)
Tech used for development is as following:
- C#: Language used for coding the entire game.
- Visual Studio: IDE used for coding the entire game.
No frameworks was used for the development of this. I made this before I was actually aware that there existed frameworks for C#.
Seriously though. Don't be a dick