This repository holds the source code for the Fingerprint Project developed during the Image Analysis Class (Institute of Computing - Unicamp, 1st Semester of 2022).
The fingerprint project is composed of 2 phases:
- Phase 1: Detecting the Region of Interest on images (Fingerprint) and cropping it through morphological operations
- Phase 2: Alignment of the Fingerprints and Detection of the individual to which the fingerprint belongs.
One can find the source code related to each phase in the folders src_phase_1 and src_phase_2. To compile and execute the source code, see the inside each code folder.
The following students contributed to the development of this repository.
- Felipe Crispim da Rocha Salvagnini
- Gustavo Lelis
- Mateus Oliveira
- Wilson Legnaro Volpi Nakano
To compile the source code for project01 and project02 one needs the libift library. To download it, please access and download it from the last Image Analysis Class (At Courses/Image Analysis/Examples of codes using a C library).