Hello there !!!
The above folders contains the source codes files for the Fee Module project. The Module has been created by students of Department of Computer Application of NIT JSR. ( Niteesh Kumar , Rohit Tiwari , and Monu Verma)
In this fee module , online database/ collection is used (MongoDB) Here for payment we have use the RazorPay Payment Gateway to accept the payments from the user , currently it is in test mode.
For creating FEE MODULE we have used MERN Technology ( i.e. MongoDB , Express JS , React JS , and Node JS). The Module is an example of following the MVC architecture, where each of the above-mentioned language have been used for doing the task.
For View part , which we can also understand as the Front End of the system. We have used React JS for creating the frontend pages. View part consists lots of pages which user will be shown while using the module throughout. In this part, we are handling the data entered by the student , manipulating and showing the details to the user , we are also showing the alert and confirmation messages to the student who is currently using the system in the View Mode.
For Model View, which we can understand as the database related work like structure or the reference which must be followed while dealing with the data. For this we have used the Mongoose Package of Node JS to create schemas for the Database at the backend. We are using ONLINE DATABASE SYSTEM named MONGODB for storing the Details which are important , and also using this system for fetching the details as per the sub-modules requirements.
For Controller, which we can understand as the one which is helping us to communicating properly with the frontend and backend also handling the request properly. Controller is the one which is dealing with the communication with the Database and our Backend. For controller part we are using EXPRESS JS to deal the task of communication and routing.
For Backend , we are using Node JS language to handle the task of backend.
This is a Single Page Website where there are no multiple html pages instead of it , we have several components which gets active when they are called or used.
Youtube link for the Demo of the Fee Module:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GALjHVkQLy0