This project shows how to:
- dockerize nodeJS api
- dockerize nextJS frontend
- deploy all on AWS ECS with Fargate and ALB.
First try on your local machine:
- start mysqlDb locally like this:
- install and run Docker Desktop
- $
cd dev_db
- $
docker-compose up -d
Then run backend locally:
- $
cd backend
- create .env:
- $
npm run dev
- navigate to
to see if you get a successful response
deploy backend to AWS in steps:
- $
cd deployment
- create
- $
cdk deploy RdsStack --profile fhyahoo
- then do the manual step:
After deploying this stack, please connect to the created RDS Instance (thru e.g.: MySqlWorkbench)
The password for the connection will be in AWS Console / Secrets Manager
Once connected, create a database with the name of whatever you have in .env/DB_NAME (I have `dockertestdb`). Like this:
$ CREATE DATABASE dockertestdb;
- $
cdk deploy EcrStack --profile fhyahoo
- then do the manual step:
When this stack is deployed for the first time you will need to push the backend docker image into the created ecr repo.
It's easy to do. Run these commands:
cd backend
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 --profile fhyahoo | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-account-id>
docker build -t nodejs-api:latest .
docker tag nodejs-api:latest <your-account-id>
docker push <your-account-id>
- $
cdk deploy EcsStack --profile fhyahoo
- Once deployed go to the http://FargateEndpoint that prints after the deployment and check the server is running.
Before deploying Pipeline stack a manual step must be taken: Go to github, create access token and put it in Secrets Manager. Put the github token & other github details into .env
Create a github token like this: go to your Github / click ur profile picture (right up) / Settings (left sidebar) Developer Settings / Personal Access Tokens / Tokens (classic) Generate new token / choose classic / Select scopes: repo & admin:repo_hook / name it e.g.:
/ Generate token Copy the value of the token (something like:ghp_66PWc461Drgh0nvEFiiKnsabzPJtZf2583Wq
) -
Put the github token in AWS / SECRETS MANAGER under the name github-token like this: copy the value of the github-token and go to AWS / SECRETS MANAGER / Store a new secret / Other type of secret / Next in Key/value pair section click Plaintext tab and paste the github-token there / Next / Secret name: github-token / Next / complete the procedure…
add the Secret Manager github-token arn into .env + add your github details: GITHUB_TOKEN_SECRET_ARN=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:991342932037:secret:github-token-SZacAA GITHUB_OWNER=FeroHriadel GITHUB_REPO=dockerproject GITHUB_BRANCH=main
cdk deploy PipelineStack --profile fhyahoo
There's no certificate attached to the ALB. Implications:
- It means FE (which is on https) cannot communicate with the server - browser will block it.
- to attach the certificate check out the FE code:
. You can use the same domain name for BE. Something along the lines:
Assign Subdomains:
Use a subdomain like for your API and (or just for your frontend.
Setup Route53 DNS Records:
In AWS Route53, create a DNS A or CNAME record for pointing to your API's ALB.
Create another record for (and optionally pointing to your frontend's ALB.
Attach SSL/TLS Certificates:
Use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to request a certificate for both and
Attach the certificate to the ALBs for both the API and frontend.