Comrade is a programming language which transpiles to C
Comrade is not production ready
Get used to arrows. Sorry C++ devs
is objectively better than ::
Also no semicolons
include std->io
fun main(_argc -> i32, _argv -> str[]) => u8 {
io->out("Hello World")
return 0
JS devs will have a good time here
creates a mutable variable
creates an immutable constant
let mutable = 0
const immutable = 1
ASCII letters, underscores and numbers but the very first character can't be a number.
const test = 15 // ok
const test2 = 16 // ok
const _2test = 17 // ok
const 2_test = 18 // not ok
const 2test = 19 // not ok
include std->io
const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // ok
const list2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 // ok
const list3 = 1 2 3 4 5 // ok
io->out(list[0]) // 1
Technical Note: This is an accidental feature
While statements are simple, they take a true false statement
No braces needed
include std->io
while true {
io->out("Hello World")
Iterators can be iterated over with the in
If you define the variable as mutable, then if you change the value, the value of the item in the iterator will also change.
include std->io
let iterator = 1 2 3 4 5
for let value in iterator {
value += 1
io->out(iterator) // 2 3 4 5 6
Instead of semicolon seperating parts, use /
include std->io
for let i -> i32 = 0 / i < 10 / i++ {
if and else if are nothing special
include std->io
age = 16
if age >= 18 {
io->out("Here is your beer")
} else if age >= 13 {
io->out("Here is your pepsi")
} else {
io->out("Here is your orange juice")
match statements exist
include std->io
match 5 > 4 {
true => io->out("TRRUUUUUUU")
false => io->out("NAHHHHH")
default => io->out("Impossible")
The syntax for function is
fun greater_than(x -> i32, y -> i32) => bool {
if x > y {
return true
return false
Functions can be mutable, meaning their internal code can be modified
But the function signature can't be changed
fun let mutable_function() => i32 {
let x = 5
return x
fun const immutable_function() => bool {
return false
fun immutable_by_default_function() => bool {
return true
io->out(mutable_function()) // 5
fun let mutable_function() => i32 {
let x = 4
return x
io->out(mutable_function()) // 4
// doesn't work
fun let mutable_function() => u32 {
let x -> u32 = 4
return x
// doesn't work
fun const immutable_function() => bool {
return true
C style format is used for now, f-strings might be implemented later
include std->io
include std->string
let res = ""
io->out("Enter word: ")
io->out(string->format("%s", res))
let s = "" // implicitly "str"
let x = 5 // implicitly "i32"
let y -> u32 = 18
let z -> str[] = "Hello" "World"
let xx -> u8[] = 0 128 255
let yy -> i8[] = -128 0 127
Reserved keywords for types
u4 u8 u16 u32 u64 u128
i4 i8 i16 i32 i64 i128
f4 f8 f16 f32 f64 f128
str bool
include std->math
fun calc(x -> i32, y -> i32) => f32 {
return math->sin(x) + math->cos(y)
fun calc2(x -> i32, y -> i32) => f32 {
return math->sin(2 * (x + y))
fun __init__() {
include weird_namespace->weird_lib
fun test() {
include src->file
include src->file2
fun main() => i32 {
// std->math doesn't exist here
// weird_lib does exist here
file->calc(14, 78)
file->calc(14, 78)
weird_lib->weird_function2() // works
math->cos(15) // doesn't work
file2->test() // works
return 0
Comrade allows you to directly access C
fun x() => i32 {
return 0
externC {
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World");
return x();
Borrow checker, same as rust
Classes are bullshit
Rust inspired traits
trait Vehicle {
fun drive(&mut self)
fun honk(&self) -> !None
Plain old structs
struct Truck {
name -> str
capactity -> u8
on_road -> bool
Rust inspired implementation system
import std->io
implement Vehicle for Truck {
drive(&mut self) {
self->on_road = true
honk(&self) -> !None {
implement Truct {
fun set_capacity(&mut self, new_capacity) {
self->capacity = new_capacity
import std->io
enum HumanEmotions {
Happy Sad Angry Fart Jealous
fun main() => i32 {
let emotion = HumanEmotions->Fart
io->out(emotion) // 3
return 0
Rust inspired macros
import std->io
import std->string
macro test {
compile {
// code ran at compile time
() => {
io->out("compiling test macro")
(arg: i32) => {
io->out(string->format("compiling test macro with %d", arg))
main {
() => {
2 + 2
(arg: ) => {
2 + arg