obspyDQ Data Query
SeisDQ is a flexible seismic framework to fetch seismic data from online or local database. It can be implimented easily for other purpose.
- GetEvent.py
When I was a graduate student, I used to process raw seismic data recorded by reftek rt130. The first step is convert all data to miniseed and then event data was cutted. I decided to write a script to directly fetch raw data from data achive (GetEvent.py).
- Breq.py
When I started to do my research dependently, I need to request data from IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). I wrote a script to apply for data through the breq_fast.
- splitlab
I write scripts to prepare data for splitlab to estimate shear wave splitting.
Found Problem
The codes above are similar.
It is difficult to maintain the code.
They all contains travel time calculation, data application, data preprocess ( convert to proper format, add header information etc.)
At last, I decided to refactor the code.
- python of version 3 (3.6 or higher recommended),
- obspy
download the source code install requirements:
- pip install requirements.txt
- python setup.py install
- edit the parameter file & run test
python iris_breq.py --par iris.json
python reftek_test.py --par reftek.json
for reftek test, please make sure the reftek utility are available (arcfetch, pas2sac, pas2segy et.,). The obspy can read reftek data, but not fully implemented yet.
please note, for reftek data, I use Z, N, E component for stream1, stream2, stream3 as default
In order to impliment this code for other purpose, please refer to the iris_breq.py and the reftek_test.py