Major components include:
- graph_decompose: subgraph decomposing logic
- graph_counting: sampling to count logic
- peregrine: a previous enumerating work as baseline
Details can be found here: Arya (NSDI'23)
Count number of certain patterns in a large graph
Single Machine multi-threading setting:
cd graph_counting/src/{branch}
make clean ; make all
./GraphCounting.out ../../graphs/mico/mico.undigraph ../../patterns/triangle 40000000 40
Distributed Replicated Graph setting:
cd graph_counting/src/{branch}
make clean ; make all
mpirun -n 4 -f host ./GraphCounting.out graphs/mico/mico.undigraph patterns/triangle 40000000 40 4
raw results after merge nodes (total_prob_inverse, total_sampled_times): 502464449642959.8 40000000
pattern_nums time_consumed(us) sampling_times sampling/second
12561611.24107399 2065807 40000000 19362893.04857617
GraphCounting graph_file subgraph_file sampling_times(separated by \',\' 10000,20000) #threads(separated by \',\' 1,4) #processes
- graph_file: edge list of the large graph ; sorted by vertex ids, each edge has two copies (e.g., (1,2), (2,1)), example:
1 2
1 3
2 1
3 1
- subgraph_file: pattern to count ; example: ./patterns/triangle_2_star
- the subgraph_file is supposed to be output from the graph_decomposing logic
# first line: num of odd-cycles (k), num of stars (j) in the pattern
# following k lines: odd-cycles
# following j lines: stars (the first vertex is the center)
# following lines: remaining edges to test
1 1 # indicates 1 odd-cycle, 1 star
1 2 3 # the first and only odd-cycle
4 5 6 # the first and only star
2 4 # only one remaining edge
- Step 0: Install Memcached and libmemcached
cd scripts ; bash
- remote config:
cd scripts; bash node1
to config node1
- (Not Used) Start Memcached with:
- enable remote connect:
pkill memcached ; ufw allow 11211; memcached -d -m 100000 -p 11211 -u root -M
- NOTE: no need to start with automatic loading
- enable remote connect:
- Step 1: load graph:
cd scripts ; python graph_directory
- e.g.
python ../split_graph/mico
- single machine load:
python graph_path edge_start_id
, e.g.python global_subgraph_0 0
- e.g.
- in the graph_directory:
- machine_info: must contain num_machines and total_edges in the first line
- each line is a memcached node
- Step 2: distributed estimators:
python machine_info pattern total_num_estimators num_threads_per_node
- e.g.
python ./ ./split_graph/mico/machine_info ./patterns/5_cycle_2_star 10000000 20
We use MPI and multi-threading for load balancer of the replicated graph setting.
First set up ssh between node0 and other nodes.
MPI installalation:
Download MPICH3 ( from and extract the contents of the MPICH package to some temporary location, before compiling the source code to binaries. We download MPICH v3.2 (
cd {the-directory-containing-downloaded-mpich-package}
tar -xvzf mpich-3.2.1.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.2.1
Choose a directory for installing MPICH3 (we use /usr/local/mpich), and then compile and install MPICH3.
./configure -prefix=/usr/local/mpich --disable-fortran
sudo make
sudo make install
Append the following two environment variables to the file $HOME/.bashrc. Here, $HOME, ~ and /home/{your_username} are equivalent, which is your home folder.
export MPICH_HOME=/usr/local/mpich
Compile the file with the command source $HOME/.bashrc.