Simple Service for Managing Pools of 10s or 100s of Virtual Machines
With Provisionr we want to solve the problem of cloud portability by hiding completely the API and only focusing on building a cluster that matches the same set of assumptions on all clouds, assumptions like: running a specific operating system (e.g. Ubuntu LTS), having the same set of pre-installed packages and binaries, sane dns settings (forward & reverse ip resolution - as needed for Hadoop), ntp settings, networking settings, ssh admin access, vpn access etc.
- Can provision 10s or 100s of virtual machines across multiple clouds
- Fully persistent granular internal workflows based on Activiti
- The application server can be restarted at any time with no impact
- Has a modular architecture based on OSGi and Apache Karaf
- Can be used as an interactive tool or as a REST service (work in progress)
For each cloud provider we define an Activiti pool management process similar to this:
You can use Activiti Explorer to inspect the process while running:
... and manage everything from an interactive shell:
Apache License Version 2.0
We are working on making all this run as expected on Amazon EC2 (as a reference implementation) & CloudStack
You can build a binary release by running:
$ ./scripts/
And you will find the .tar.gz file in:
Extract the custom Karaf distribution:
$ cd karaf/assembly/target/
$ tar xvfz org.apache.provisionr-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
$ cd org.apache.provisionr-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Start and configure the Amazon provisionr:
$ ./bin/provisionr
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:edit
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:proplist =
secretKey = secret
felix.fileinstall.filename = file:[...]/etc/
region = us-east-1
accessKey = access
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:propset accessKey "XXXXXXX"
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:propset secretKey "XXXXXXX"
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:update
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ config:list "("
Create a pool:
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ provisionr:create --id amazon --key mypool --size 2 --hardware-type m1.small
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ provisionr:pools
Pool{provider=Provider{id='amazon', endpoint='', accessKey='XXXXXXX', options='{region=us-east-1}'},
network=Network{type=default, ingress=[Rule{cidr=, ports=(-1?-1], protocol=ICMP},
Rule{cidr=, ports=[22?22], protocol=TCP}], options={}}, adminAccess=AdminAccess{username='andreisavu',
publicKey='ssh-rsa ....'}, software=Software{baseOperatingSystem='default', files={},
packages=[git-core, vim], options={}}, hardware=Hardware{type='t1.micro', options={}}, minSize=1,
cacheBaseImage=false, expectedSize=1, bootstrapTimeInSeconds=900, options={}}
Business Key: mypool
You should see an Activiti process in execution:
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ activiti:list
BPMN Deployments
ID Name Deployment Time
[1 ][ ][Dec 13, 2012 1:52:05 PM]
[5 ][org.apache.provisionr.cloudstack][Dec 13, 2012 1:52:07 PM]
BPMN Process Definitions
Definition ID Name Ver Resource
[amazon:1:4 ][Amazon Process][1 ][OSGI-INF/activiti/amazon.bpmn20.xml ]
[cloudstack:1:8][cloudstack ][1 ][OSGI-INF/activiti/cloudstack.bpmn20.xml]
History of BPMN Process Instances
Def Ins Sta End
Active BPMN Process Instances
Definition Ins Executions
[amazon:1:4][9 ][13,14,16,19,9]
Make sure you also check the Activiti Explorer at (login kermit:kermit):
If you want to manage Apache Karaf you can access the webconsole at
And don't forget to destroy the pool
provisionr [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] $ provisionr:destroy --key mypool
Maven as usual:
$ mvn clean install
This will download dependencies, compile the sources and run unit tests and some of the integration tests (karaf feature install)
All the unit tests are executed as part of the normal build.
For SSH tests we assume the current user can do "ssh localhost" and authenticate automatically using the local ssh keys.
You can run tests against a specific cloud provider for individual activities by running:
$ ./scripts/ ID # (amazon or cloudstack)
Or you can the test the pool management process as a whole by running:
$ ./scripts/ ID # (amazon or cloudstack)
Your cloud provider credentials should be in ~/.m2/settings.xml or sent as system properties