You may program a simple command line interface for a File System. The program should read in pre defined commands and perform the appropriate operations.
Points will be given for completing every feature. Bonus Points will be granted for optimizations as well as efficiency.
We have deliberately retained some details so that there is room for improvisation and interpretation. A contributor has the option to implement any subset of the features mentioned below.
Use of suitable Data Structure and Algorithm should be ensured to maintain file structure. Appropriate logic and libraries should also be used for Multi Processing.
Seperate branches are available for different choices of programming languages for implementation. You may create a new branch for your choice of language if it isn't already present
File System
File Structure and Storage (+10 points)
Features executable as Commands
Extra features
Searching for a file or folder on the entire system (+10 points)
Caching ( most recently accessed files / most frequently accessed files) (+10 points)
File editing features:
Multi Processing