Using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for solving atomic time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) in perturbative regime. Various experiments are available within the project framework:
- Hydrogen orbitals (solving unperturbed atomic time-independent Schrödinger equation (TISE))
- Hydrogen atom in a DC Stark setting
- Unperturbed hydrogen orbital evolution (solving unperturbed atomic TDSE)
- One-level atom in an AC Stark setting
Create and activate the conda
conda env create -f conda.yml
conda activate pinns-experiments
Enforce styling with black
python -m black src
Experiment scripts are located in examples
directory. All experiment parameters can be defined by a config (.yaml
) file in examples/experiment_configs
, such as:
n: 2
l: 1
m: 0
radial_extent: 30
backbone: "ResNet"
input_size: 3
output_size: 2
num_neurons: 50
num_blocks: 3
num_domain: 10000
num_boundary: 2000
lrs: [1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7]
optimizers: ["adam", "adam", "adam", "adam"]
epochs: [50000, 50000, 5000, 5000]
loss_weights: [1,1,1,1,1,1,10,10,1,1,1,1]
strict_boundary: True # loss weights and strict boundary must be compatible!
results_path: "Enter the path of your results folder here"
In order to run the example experiment for the hydrogen orbitals, define the path of the results directory in examples/experiment_configs/TISE_hydrogen_without_decomposition/example_resnet.yaml
, e.g.:
results_path: "examples/results/TISE_hydrogen/"
Then, you can run the training script:
python TISE_hydrogen_without_decomposition --config_path ./experiment_configs/TISE_hydrogen_without_decomposition/example_resnet.yaml
The model checkpoints will be saved in the results directory given in the config file.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of your experiments and create beautiful plots, use the
script in src/pinnse/
. Fill the following lines in the main
script = "TISE_hydrogen_without_decomposition"
save_pth = "model ckpt path"
config_path = "config file path"
And go ahead and evaluate your experiments: