Combines GT5u and many GT addons into one big workspace for easy development of cross-mod changes and large-scale refactoring.
Each individual addon is a git submodule (read the docs here), so you can locally set up separate branches in each of them and push to their respective upstreams for making PRs.
git clone
cd GTNH-DevEnv
git submodule update --init
./gradlew prepareWorkspace
Now you can open the folder as an IDEA workspace and work on the mods as you wish. Importing the project for the first time might take a significant amount of time, be prepared.
You can cd
into the individual mods, add git remotes, push, pull like usual - just make sure to not make PRs to the devenv repository (it will be periodically updated with the latest master versions of mods for convenience).
Run the following in your console/git bash:
git config 'url.ssh://[email protected]/.insteadOf' ''
Verify if dependency substitution is working
./gradlew NHCM:dependencies --configuration=compileClasspath
Output when it works:
+--- com.github.GTNewHorizons:TecTech:5.1.7 -> project :TecTech
+--- com.github.GTNewHorizons:bartworks:0.6.10 -> project :bartworks
git submodule add
And then add it to the list in settings.gradle.kts