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ymjdz committed May 2, 2016
1 parent 9935a20 commit 74b2475
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Showing 84 changed files with 109,380 additions and 0 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions Adjust_profile_position.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function Adjust_profile_position(in_filename,out_filename)
%Adjust_profile_position - Adjusts the position in a motion profile file to
% make it consistent with the velocity
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 2/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs
% in_filename Name of inpit file, e.g. 'In_profile.csv'
% out_filename Name of inpit file, e.g. 'Out_profile.csv'

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Parameters
deg_to_rad = 0.01745329252;
rad_to_deg = 1/deg_to_rad;

% Input truth motion profile from .csv format file
[in_profile,no_epochs,ok] = Read_profile(in_filename);

% End script if there is a problem with the file
if ~ok
end %if

% Initialize navigation solution
old_time = in_profile(1,1);
old_L_b = in_profile(1,2);
old_lambda_b = in_profile(1,3);
old_h_b = in_profile(1,4);
old_v_eb_n = in_profile(1,5:7)';
old_eul_nb = in_profile(1,8:10)';
out_profile(1,:) = in_profile(1,:);

% Main loop
for epoch = 2:no_epochs

% Input data from profile
time = in_profile(epoch,1);
v_eb_n = in_profile(epoch,5:7)';
eul_nb = in_profile(epoch,8:10)';

% Time interval
tor_i = time - old_time;

% Update position
[L_b,lambda_b,h_b]= Update_curvilinear_position(tor_i,old_L_b,...

% Generate output profile record
out_profile(epoch,1) = time;
out_profile(epoch,2) = L_b;
out_profile(epoch,3) = lambda_b;
out_profile(epoch,4) = h_b;
out_profile(epoch,5:7) = v_eb_n';
out_profile(epoch,8:10) = eul_nb';

% Reset old values
old_time = time;
old_L_b = L_b;
old_lambda_b = lambda_b;
old_h_b = h_b;
old_v_eb_n = v_eb_n;
old_eul_nb = eul_nb;

end %epoch

% Write output profile

% Ends
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions Adjust_profile_velocity.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
function Adjust_profile_velocity(in_filename,out_filename)
%Adjust_profile_velocity - Adjusts the velocity in a motion profile file to
% make it consistent with the position
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 2/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs
% in_filename Name of inpit file, e.g. 'In_profile.csv'
% out_filename Name of inpit file, e.g. 'Out_profile.csv'

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Parameters
deg_to_rad = 0.01745329252;
rad_to_deg = 1/deg_to_rad;

% Input truth motion profile from .csv format file
[in_profile,no_epochs,ok] = Read_profile(in_filename);

% End script if there is a problem with the file
if ~ok
end %if

% Initialize navigation solution
old_time = in_profile(1,1);
old_L_b = in_profile(1,2);
old_lambda_b = in_profile(1,3);
old_h_b = in_profile(1,4);
old_v_eb_n = in_profile(1,5:7)';
old_eul_nb = in_profile(1,8:10)';
out_profile(1,:) = in_profile(1,:);

% Main loop
for epoch = 2:no_epochs

% Input data from profile
time = in_profile(epoch,1);
L_b = in_profile(epoch,2);
lambda_b = in_profile(epoch,3);
h_b = in_profile(epoch,4);
eul_nb = in_profile(epoch,8:10)';

% Time interval
tor_i = time - old_time;

% Update velocity
v_eb_n = Velocity_from_curvilinear(tor_i,old_L_b,...

% Generate output profile record
out_profile(epoch,1) = time;
out_profile(epoch,2) = L_b;
out_profile(epoch,3) = lambda_b;
out_profile(epoch,4) = h_b;
out_profile(epoch,5:7) = v_eb_n';
out_profile(epoch,8:10) = eul_nb';

% Reset old values
old_time = time;
old_L_b = L_b;
old_lambda_b = lambda_b;
old_h_b = h_b;
old_v_eb_n = v_eb_n;
old_eul_nb = eul_nb;

end %epoch

% Write output profile

% Ends
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions CTM_to_Euler.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
function eul = CTM_to_Euler(C)
%CTM_to_Euler - Converts a coordinate transformation matrix to the
%corresponding set of Euler angles%
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 1/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs:
% C coordinate transformation matrix describing transformation from
% beta to alpha
% Outputs:
% eul Euler angles describing rotation from beta to alpha in the
% order roll, pitch, yaw(rad)

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Calculate Euler angles using (2.23)
eul(1,1) = atan2(C(2,3),C(3,3)); % roll
eul(2,1) = - asin(C(1,3)); % pitch
eul(3,1) = atan2(C(1,2),C(1,1)); % yaw

% Ends
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions Calculate_errors_NED.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
function [delta_r_eb_n,delta_v_eb_n,delta_eul_nb_n] = Calculate_errors_NED(...
%Calculate_errors_NED - Calculates the position, velocity, and attitude
% errors of a NED navigation solution.
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 3/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs:
% est_L_b latitude solution (rad)
% est_lambda_b longitude solution (rad)
% est_h_b height solution (m)
% est_v_eb_n velocity solution of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame,
% resolved along north, east, and down (m/s)
% est_C_b_n body-to-NED coordinate transformation matrix solution
% true_L_b true latitude (rad)
% true_lambda_b true longitude (rad)
% true_h_b true height (m)
% true_v_eb_n true velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved
% along north, east, and down (m/s)
% C_b_n true body-to-NED coordinate transformation matrix
% Outputs:
% delta_r_eb_n position error resolved along NED (m)
% delta_v_eb_n velocity error resolved along NED (m/s)
% delta_eul_nb_n attitude error as NED Euler angles (rad)
% These are expressed about north, east, and down

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Position error calculation, using (2.119)
[R_N,R_E] = Radii_of_curvature(true_L_b);
delta_r_eb_n(1) = (est_L_b - true_L_b) * (R_N + true_h_b);
delta_r_eb_n(2) = (est_lambda_b - true_lambda_b) * (R_E + true_h_b) *...
delta_r_eb_n(3) = -(est_h_b - true_h_b);

% Velocity error calculation
delta_v_eb_n = est_v_eb_n - true_v_eb_n;

% Attitude error calculation, using (5.109) and (5.111)
delta_C_b_n = est_C_b_n * true_C_b_n';
delta_eul_nb_n = -CTM_to_Euler(delta_C_b_n);

% Ends
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions ECEF_to_ECI.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
function [r_ib_i,v_ib_i,C_b_i] = ECEF_to_ECI(t,r_eb_e,v_eb_e,C_b_e)
%ECEF_to_ECI - Converts position, velocity, and attitude from ECEF- to
%ECI-frame referenced and resolved
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 2/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs:
% t time (s)
% r_eb_e Cartesian position of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved
% along ECEF-frame axes (m)
% v_eb_e velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved along
% ECEF-frame axes (m/s)
% C_b_e body-to-ECEF-frame coordinate transformation matrix
% Outputs:
% r_ib_i Cartesian position of body frame w.r.t. ECI frame, resolved
% along ECI-frame axes (m)
% v_ib_i velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECI frame, resolved along
% ECI-frame axes (m/s)
% C_b_i body-to-ECI-frame coordinate transformation matrix

% Parameters
omega_ie = 7.292115E-5; % Earth rotation rate (rad/s)

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Calculate ECEF to ECI coordinate transformation matrix using (2.145)
C_e_i = [cos(omega_ie * t), -sin(omega_ie * t), 0;...
sin(omega_ie * t), cos(omega_ie * t), 0;...
0, 0, 1];

% Transform position using (2.146)
r_ib_i = C_e_i * r_eb_e;

% Transform velocity using (2.145)
v_ib_i = C_e_i * (v_eb_e + omega_ie * [-r_eb_e(2);r_eb_e(1);0]);

% Transform attitude using (2.15)
C_b_i = C_e_i * C_b_e;

% Ends
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions ECEF_to_NED.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
function [L_b,lambda_b,h_b,v_eb_n,C_b_n] = ECEF_to_NED(r_eb_e,v_eb_e,C_b_e)
%ECEF_to_NED - Converts Cartesian to curvilinear position, velocity
%resolving axes from ECEF to NED and attitude from ECEF- to NED-referenced
% Software for use with "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems," Second Edition.
% This function created 2/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs:
% r_eb_e Cartesian position of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved
% along ECEF-frame axes (m)
% v_eb_e velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved along
% ECEF-frame axes (m/s)
% C_b_e body-to-ECEF-frame coordinate transformation matrix
% Outputs:
% L_b latitude (rad)
% lambda_b longitude (rad)
% h_b height (m)
% v_eb_n velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame, resolved along
% north, east, and down (m/s)
% C_b_n body-to-NED coordinate transformation matrix

% Parameters
R_0 = 6378137; %WGS84 Equatorial radius in meters
e = 0.0818191908425; %WGS84 eccentricity

% Copyright 2012, Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details

% Begins

% Convert position using Borkowski closed-form exact solution
% From (2.113)
lambda_b = atan2(r_eb_e(2),r_eb_e(1));

% From (C.29) and (C.30)
k1 = sqrt(1 - e^2) * abs (r_eb_e(3));
k2 = e^2 * R_0;
beta = sqrt(r_eb_e(1)^2 + r_eb_e(2)^2);
E = (k1 - k2) / beta;
F = (k1 + k2) / beta;

% From (C.31)
P = 4/3 * (E*F + 1);

% From (C.32)
Q = 2 * (E^2 - F^2);

% From (C.33)
D = P^3 + Q^2;

% From (C.34)
V = (sqrt(D) - Q)^(1/3) - (sqrt(D) + Q)^(1/3);

% From (C.35)
G = 0.5 * (sqrt(E^2 + V) + E);

% From (C.36)
T = sqrt(G^2 + (F - V * G) / (2 * G - E)) - G;

% From (C.37)
L_b = sign(r_eb_e(3)) * atan((1 - T^2) / (2 * T * sqrt (1 - e^2)));

% From (C.38)
h_b = (beta - R_0 * T) * cos(L_b) +...
(r_eb_e(3) - sign(r_eb_e(3)) * R_0 * sqrt(1 - e^2)) * sin (L_b);

% Calculate ECEF to NED coordinate transformation matrix using (2.150)
cos_lat = cos(L_b);
sin_lat = sin(L_b);
cos_long = cos(lambda_b);
sin_long = sin(lambda_b);
C_e_n = [-sin_lat * cos_long, -sin_lat * sin_long, cos_lat;...
-sin_long, cos_long, 0;...
-cos_lat * cos_long, -cos_lat * sin_long, -sin_lat];

% Transform velocity using (2.73)
v_eb_n = C_e_n * v_eb_e;

% Transform attitude using (2.15)
C_b_n = C_e_n * C_b_e;

% Ends

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