Took me awhile, but I created Blackjack. It's a game I've wanted to do for awhile but haven't had the skills yet... now I do!
View Blackjack here.
This helped me with better understanding flexbox and the DOM and I learned about async to create the bot playing.
Created Using
- Flexbox
- Javascript
Things to improve soon...
- The Ace card plays 1 or 11 when needed, but it doesn't adjust from 11 to 1 when needed. I attempted it, and it kind of worked, but for some reason it occasionally glitched and seemed to include face cards I think. But I'm not positive. And if that is the case, I have no idea why.
- The other thing I need to do is refactor. I haven't really done it much in the past, but I know there's some "junk" in there that needs to be removed/editted.