The Green Globe is GainForest's central hub for visualizing and understanding environmental data from around the world. The goal of our platform is to help researchers, funders, and citizens make informed decisions about our planet's future.
Start by installing dependencies:
yarn install
Then change into that directory and start the development server:
yarn redwood dev
Your browser should automatically open to http://localhost:8910.
All data must be stored in the public/data
folder. You'll see folders for audio, drone, edna, and flight paths, accordingly.
Extract your flight paths from a DJI drone flight: They're either .srt or .csv files. Run the script found in to convert them to .geojson
files and move those output files into this folder. Update config.ts
accordingly, with the flight path. Sample geojsons have been provided.
Have an idea that you would like to build? Join our telegram group and let us know your proposal!
More in-depth documentation coming soon.