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API Documentation

KekOnTheWorld edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

This explains how you can use this api.

~ is the base url of the api!

This route is used to create a new upload stream for uploading to.


Name Description Type
<ext> The file extension string (0 < len < 7)

If the request succeeded you will receive a 64 character long string which is the id needed to access your upload stream.


POST http://localhost:6942/c/png85bvoJGgos5pD5p4yH3hGV-0GnpxsM6Kr7fRJwf-GGcC-xgfww6XHqFNVUwYH_i1

This route is used to upload a chunk of data to the upload stream.


Name Description Type
<id> The upload stream id string (len == 64, result of create)
<hash> The sha1 hash of the body hex digest (lowercase len == 40)

The body size must be under 2mb!

If the request succeeded you will receive an 'OK'.


POST http://localhost:6942/u/85bvoJGgos5pD5p4yH3hGV-0GnpxsM6Kr7fRJwf-GGcC-xgfww6XHqFNVUwYH_i1/539a0aaa37ae283644be2c1b47b8a3e48d8525e0 'Test somes'OK

This route is used to close an upload stream. This will delete the tmp file that was generated.


Name Description Type
<id> The upload stream id string (len == 64, result of create)

If the request succeeded you will receive an 'OK'.


POST http://localhost:6942/r/85bvoJGgos5pD5p4yH3hGV-0GnpxsM6Kr7fRJwf-GGcC-xgfww6XHqFNVUwYH_i1OK

This route is used to finalize an upload stream.


Name Description Type
<id> The upload stream id (len == 64, result of create)
<hash> The sha1 hash of the entire file hex digest (lowercase len == 40)

If the request succeeded you will receive a string with the length 6 which is the final id used to download the file. You can access the file using download


POST http://localhost:6942/f/85bvoJGgos5pD5p4yH3hGV-0GnpxsM6Kr7fRJwf-GGcC-xgfww6XHqFNVUwYH_i1/539a0aaa37ae283644be2c1b47b8a3e48d8525e0hG5D_q

This route is used to download an uploaded file. The id is the result of finish!


Name Description Type
<id> The file id string (len == 6)

If the request succeeds and the id is valid you will receive the uploaded file.


GET http://localhost:6942/d/hG5D_qTest somes

This route is used to embed an uploaded file on discord or other platforms that support embeding. The id is the result of finish!


Name Description Type
<id> The file id string (len == 6)

If the request succeeds and the id is valid you will receive HTML which contains the correct tags to embed the file.

API Documentation

   Create upload stream
   Upload chunk
   Finalize file
   Remove file
   Download file
   Embed file

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