Cancer is a disease that seriously threatens human health. Cancer is a condition in which some cells in the body develop uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer can develop practically anyplace in the human body, which contains trillions of cells. Human cells normally develop and multiply (a process known as cell division) to generate new cells as the body requires them. When cells age or get damaged, they die, and new cells replace them. hen this ordered mechanism fails,damaged cells grow and reproduce when they should not. These cells can combine to produce tumours, which are tissue masses. Tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous).Cancerous tumours infiltrate neighbouring tissues and can move to distant locations in the body to produce new tumours. This process is called metastasis.
Breast cancer is the leading cancer among females. Breast cancer is the most prevalent malignant tumour in women. It is the second leading cause of mortality. Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue, and symptoms include breast lumps, epidermal tissue dimples, form changes, and red plaques on the epidermis.
Our goal here is to forecast whether or not a woman has breast cancer. There are several classification methods employed, and the accuracy of each approach is determined. This will assist us in determining which model will provide the most accurate results.
Keywords: Breast cancer,malign type,benign type cancer, cancer,supervised learning technique,Logistic regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Accuracy,Prediction