My nemesis on XPlane 10 is using the dials on the GPS to try to enter data. so I've made a hardware interface to the gps1 module.
so far 11 buttons and 2 rotary encoders wired to simulate the 10 buttons and the button on the dual rotary encoder. (but I ran out of buttons)
I doubt I'll be adding the other 2 (left side) rotaty encoders as I have the saitek pannel with the same controls but it should be easy to add them.
XPlane plugin and more deatils can be found at https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_flightsim.html
just a vague idea of what it should look like as fritzing doesn't have the correct parts ;)
- 12 Buttons Non lactching type
- 1 Dual Rotary encoders with Push Button
- or
- 2 Single Rotary encoders with 1 with push button
- teensy 3.1 Board https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy31.html
- Project case * no idea what size as haven't got that far yet *
- Bread Board
- wire
- header pins
- luck!