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WebGL app using ThreeJS to explore computer graphics techniques: geometry and normals calculation for complex models, lighting and shadows, runtime UV coordinates, bump mapping, surface smoothing, UI, skybox, reflections, finite state machine, aabb colliders, particles system


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WebGL project using ThreeJS, HTML5 and OOJS (object oriented javasctipt) for exploring several computer-graphics techniques:

  • Geometry and Normals calculation for complex models
  • UV coordinates calculation
  • Surface Smoothing by using Vertices Normals
  • Lighting and Shadows
  • Skybox and reflections
  • User Interface (sliders, toggles, buttons)
  • Finite State Machine to handle "shooting robot"
  • Collision detection using AABB
  • Particles System with Nebula-Threejs

NOTE: You can play this app at smooth-dragon-github-page (desktop or mobile device)


  • three-global.js
    • It is used to create a global object THREE and add functionalities to it
      1. Imports three.js library as module from npm
      2. Names it THREE (following the nomenclature used in other modules)
      3. Exports the object THREE from this script / module to be imported into the rest (ex: in OrbitControls.js)
      4. In OrbitControls.js, or other scripts, new functionality is added to THREE object
  • Graphical Programming with Threejs libgptjs
    • The classes at libgptjs/ are importing three-global.js
    • Wrapper / Library to facilitate re-use of code and organize the graphics pipeline
    • It contains several objects (classes) for wrapping all the logic required for creating an scene with threejs
      • This allows modularity and we can reuse code creating instances of those clases
  • GPT_Coords
    • Gets vertices (Float32Array) and edges array (Uint32Array)
    • Calculates the normal vector for each triangle
    • Provides a method for calculating the UV coordinates for each triangle
  • GPT_Model
    • Simple class to integrate mesh + geometry + material
    • Provides method for cleaning gl buffers that were reserved
  • GPT_LinkedModel
    • Model formed of joining several THREE.Object3D in order to create articulated models like robot arms
    • Provides method for adding a new link between two Object3D and finally linking all of them in sequence
  • GPT_ModelCollider
    • Attaches an AABB (axis aligned bounding box) to an existign Mesh
    • Provides a method for detecting collision with another AABB
  • GPT_Scene
    • List of GPT_Models and GPT_Light
    • Provides abstract methods for initial configuration and updates in every frame
      • These methods have to be overriden when creating the instance of the GPT_Scene
    • Provides methods for adding and removing models at runtime
  • GPT_Render
    • It initializes the camera and camera-handler
    • This is the main object that creates a webgl-renderer and invokes methods of GPT_Scene
  • GPT_App
    • Top-level object that configures the window and uses GPT_Render
    • It contains the main loop for animation in which the update and render are being invoked

SceneDragon scripts

  • main.js
    • It is the entry point. It checks webgl compatibility and instanciates GPT_Renderer, GPT_App, and SceneDragon
    • Then invokes init and run loop
  • Common.js
    • Contains all constants to be re-used in several points in the code
  • CoordsDragon.js
    • Stores arrays of dragon model (vertices and edges)
    • Since it inherits from GPT_Coords it provides methods for computing normals and UVs coordinates
  • CoordsGripper.js
    • Stores arrays of gripper model (vertices and edges)
    • Since it inherits from GPT_Coords it provides methods for computing normals and UVs coordinates
  • ModelSkybox.js
    • Creates a big cube and maps the texture to simulate environment
    • These skybox images will be reflected on the Dragon surface and Gripper surface
  • ModelDragon.js
    • Inherits from GPT_Model and overrides get_geometry and get_material methods
    • Creates and initializes geometry and material objects to be inserted into a mesh
    • Computes UV coordinates per face (triangle) in order to simulate reflections of the skybox onto the dragon surface
    • Contains a GPT_ModelCollider
  • ModelGripper.js
    • Idem to ModelDragon
  • ModelRobot.js
    • Inherits from GPT_LinkedModel
    • Creates separately the parts of the robot (base, arm, forearm, hand and gripper). Then links them all in sequence
  • ModelTrajectory.js
    • Given 2 initial points to be used as direction vector
      • It computes the control points (p1, p2, p3, peak and end) to be used later into the spline points calculation
      • Control points form a triangle with one of the edges following the p1 and p2 direction
        • Peak point is in the middle of triangle and is the highest point
        • End point is on the floor
      • Spline points are calculated using the control points and catmullrom with N (30) segments
      • Final spline points are used to create line geometry to be rendered
  • ModelBullet.js
    • Creates the geometry, material, mesh, and GPT_ModelCollider
    • Needs a trajectory and a starting point3D
    • Provides a method for moving the bullet between 2 consecutive points3D of the trajectory based on time passed since last frame
  • InputManager.js
    • Checks if it is running on mobile device or desktop
    • Creates the UI (sliders, toggles, etc.) and installs the onChange callbacks to be executed when a value is updated by the user
    • Creates html button for "shoot" and attaches the corresponding callback
  • FSM_Robot.js
    • Defines a finite state machine for robot shooter
    • Defines States, Events and Transitions
    • Defines Transitions as a dictionary of allowed state-event pairs
    • Provides methods for transiting from one state to other depending on the "Event"
    • Provides method for updating the current state based on timers expiration
  • SceneDragon.js
    • Contains the handling of main interactions: InputManager, animation (update) of objects, etc.
    • Inherits from GPT_Scene and overrides createObjects, createLights, updateObjects and updateLights methods
    • Performs all setting up of models and lights: floor, dragon, skybox, robot, trajectory, etc.
    • Performs periodic updates of models and lights: translate, rotate, destroy and create new trajectory, etc.
    • Contains a method where actions are triggered depending on the change of state of FSM_Robot
      • Any change of state is reflected into the UI
      • Idle
        • Rotate Dragon, update AABB
      • loading_bullet
        • Rotate shooting arm
        • Increase power while user keeps clicking and update UI slider
        • When power increased set shooting arm to red color
      • bullet_traveling
        • Draw the trajectory
        • Move the bullet along the trajectory
        • Rotate while traveling
      • hit
        • Blink dragon to red
        • Stop bullet at collision point
    • Limits the reaction to the incoming "shoot events" by checking if current robot state is idle

Computer Graphics Techniques

Geometry and Normals calculation for complex models

  • A triangle is the basic polygone
    • It is formed of 3 vertices, each vertex has 3 components float (x, y, z)
    • Its vertices are defined clockwise by default. This is taken into account when computing the face (triangle) normal vector
  • A geometry in threejs is formed of several arrays
    • position
      • It is a Float32Array in which all the coordinates of all vertices of all triangles are packed together
      • Array lenght is 3 * num vertices
      • Example forming the first 2 triangles
        CoordsGripper.prototype.getArrayVertices = function () {
            return new Float32Array([
                0, 0, 0,
                0, 20, 0,
                19, 20, 0,
                19, 0, 0,
                0, 20, 4,
                0, 0, 4,
      • itemSize 3 because there are 3 components per vertex
        ModelDragon.prototype.get_geometry = function () {
            const _geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
                new THREE.BufferAttribute(this.coords.vertices_coordinates, 3)
    • normal
      • It is a Float32Array containing all the normal vectors for all triangles
      • Array lenght is 3 * num triangles
      • It is computed at GPT_Coords calculateNormals
      • Idem to positions
    • indices
      • It is a UInt32Array containing all the sequence of indices (of positions array) to form triangles
      • Example forming the first 2 triangles
        CoordsGripper.prototype.getArrayEdges = function () {
            return new Uint32Array([
                2, 0, 1,
                3, 0, 2,
      • itemSize 1 because there are 1 component per vertex-index
        _geom.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(this.coords.edges_indices, 1));
    • uv
      • It is a Float32Array containing the UV coordinates for all vertices of all triangles
      • Each vertex will have 2 UV components (texture coordinates)
      • UV coordinate values are in range [0.0, 1.0]
      • Array lenght is 6 * num triangles
      • It is computed at GPT_Coords.js getUVs
      • itemSize 2 because each vertex has 2 UV componets
            new THREE.BufferAttribute(uvs, 2)
  • A Mesh Phong Material in threejs is needed to define the rendering of the geometry
    ModelDragon.prototype.get_material = function () {
        // loading TextureCube as skybox
        const _mat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(
                color: 0xe5ffe5,
                emissive: 0xb4ef3e,
                flatShading: true, // initially per-triangle normals
                specular: 0x003300,
                shininess: 70,
                side: THREE.FrontSide,
                transparent: true,
                opacity: 0.75,
                envMap: Common.SKYBOX_CUBE_TEXTURE
  • A mesh in threejs is formed of a geometry and a material
    this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material);

UV coordinates calculation

GPT_Coords.js getUVs

  1. Calculates UV for planar surface (x, y, z) where z = 0
  2. Depends on geometry bounding box
  3. Computes the UV values for each face (triangle)
  4. Stores UV coordinates for each triangle (6 float components)

Surface Smoothing by using Vertices Normals

  1. First you need to have per-face (triangle) normals
    • GPT_Coords.js calculateNormals
      • Creates points3D array by grouping 3 values from positions array
      • Creates triagles array by grouping 3 values from points3D array
      • Computes normals for each triangle clockwise
        1. v1 = p2 - p1
        2. v2 = p3 - p2
        3. cross_product(v1, v2)
        4. Applies modulus
        5. Stores normal (3 float components)
  2. Then you can invoke computeVertexNormals in order to make the transition between faces (triangles) smoother when computing the lighting
    SceneDragon.prototype.createDragon = function () {
        // pre-calculated for surface smoothing
  3. You must update the material to be smooth shading ( flatShading = false)
    _cbs.on_change_dragon_smoothing = (new_val_) => {
        const _dragon = this.gpt_models.get("dragon");
        // boolean
        if (new_val_) {
            _dragon.material.flatShading = false;
        else {
            _dragon.material.flatShading = true;
        _dragon.material.needsUpdate = true;

Lighting and Shadows

SceneDragon.js createLights

  1. Creates an ambient light that will be added when shading the models surface
    • 5% white
    • It doesn't need a position into the Scene
  2. Creates a point light
    • 75% white
    • Emits in all directions
  3. Creates a directional light
    • 75% white
    • Emits only in the direction vector provided (-200, 200, 0)
  4. Creates a focal light
    • 75% white
    • Emits light in a cone volume
    • Direction of the central lighting vector is pointing to the center of the floor (0,0,0)
    • Defines angle and distance to make a fading lighting from the center of the cone to the exterior
    • Defines the cone like shape by defining parameters of shador: near, far and fov

Skybox and reflections

  1. ModelSkyBox.js
    • Creates a BoxGeometry
    • Attaches a texture (material) per face
      • The texture images must be specifically for a cube texture, like the ones at skybox_images/
      • They need to be mapped properly ordered
        • posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz
    • Makes the inner of the box visible instead of the outside
      ModelSkybox.prototype.get_material = function () {
              new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
                  map: _loader.load(_img_path),
                  color: 0xffffff, // white
                  side: THREE.BackSide // inside the cube
  2. Reflections on ModelDragon.js
    • Sets transparent, opacity, and shinines to simulate "glass"
    • Sets the Skybox Textures Array as envMap
    ModelDragon.prototype.get_material = function () {
        const _mat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(
                color: 0xe5ffe5,
                emissive: 0xb4ef3e,
                flatShading: true, // initially per-triangle normals
                specular: 0x003300,
                shininess: 70,
                side: THREE.FrontSide,
                transparent: true,
                opacity: 0.75,
                envMap: Common.SKYBOX_CUBE_TEXTURE
  3. Idem for hand of the robot ModelGripper.js

User Interface (sliders, toggles, buttons)


  1. It creates a dat.gui object
    • dat.gui assumes the GUI type based on the target's initial value type:
      • boolean: checkbox
      • int / float: slider
      • string: text input
      • function: button
    • When user updates a value with the UI we store the new value in effect variables
  2. It attaches the corresponding onChange callbacks to be executed when a new value is set using the UI
  3. Saves references to UI controllers, so we can reflect updates on the UI
    • Reflects text of robot_state
    • Reflects value of robot_power
  4. Creates a custom html button for shoot, which is separated from the rest of the panel for better usability
  5. Creates a stats widget at the bottom of the canvas container. This reflects the frames per second

Finite State Machine to handle "shooting robot"


  1. Defines States, Events and allowed Transitions
  2. A transition is defined as destination state given a pair State-Event
  3. Updates the current state based on the expiration of timers
    • IDLE --> shoot --> LOADING_BULLET
    • LOADING_BULLET --> timer.expired --> BULLET_TRAVELING
    • BULLET_TRAVELING --> collision --> HIT
    • BULLET_TRAVELING --> timer.expired --> NO_HIT
    • HIT / NO_HIT --> timer.expired --> IDLE

Collision detection using AABB


  • Main concept can be read at link
  1. Attaches an AABB (axis aligned bounding box)
  2. Updates the dimensions of the AABB at runtime
  3. Checks if intersects with other AABB (collided)

Particle System with Nebula-Threejs

  • Follow tutorial at
  • Nebula is a particle system engine that works with threejs
  • It provides an editor to create manually and save to json file

Integration with libgptjs


  1. Adapted manually for our SceneDragon scale:
            "type": "Radius",
            "properties": {
                "width": 20,
                "height": 80,
                "isEnabled": true
            "type": "RadialVelocity",
            "properties": {
                "radius": 400,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "z": 1,
                "theta": 10,
                "isEnabled": true
  2. The rest of values (color, sprite, life cycle, etc.) were edited using the Nebula editor (windows)


  1. Loads the particle system from json file and creates an instance of nebula that will be used to render
    • Nebula.SpriteRenderer needs the main THREE.Scene
  2. Provides a method for updating the dragon fire particles according to dragon mouth position
    • DragonFire.update_to_dragon_mouth performs a sequence of translations and rotations to place / update properly the particles emitter while dragon is rotating

This repository

NodeJS configuration

This project is buildt with NodeJS. The dependencies packages and configuration are locate at package.json

  1. Working with versions:
    • npm: 6.14.17
    • nodejs: v16.15.0
  2. Install all dependencies
    • npm install
  3. Two modes of "compiling" the code: dev and build
    • Running in development mode with a local webpack-dev-server
      • npm run dev
    • Building compressed / production code for deployment in a remote server
      • npm run build
      • Assets (images, index, etc.) and code will be placed at ./dist/
      • You can use vs-code-plugin live-server to simulate a remote server and view the result

Webpack configuration

This project uses webpack-5 for building the final js code. Webpack configuration is done at config/

  • paths.js
    • src
      • Directory path for source files path (libgptjs, main scripts)
    • build
      • Directory path for production built files (compressed, images, html, etc.)
    • static
      • Directory path from which the assets will be copied to the build folder
  • webpack.common.js
    • Uses webpack-plugins to integrate all resources (js scripts, html, images, etc.)
    • entry
      • Defines the point as index.js, which also loads index.scss and main.js
        • This makes canvas background green and starts our app entry point (main.js)
    • output
      • Defines the final js code bundle [name].bundle.js which will be placed at build
    • CopyWebpackPlugin
      • Used to copy resources from origin to destination assets folders
    • HtmlWebpackPlugin
      • Used to load init_template.html, replaces some headers and defines the div where our project will be embedded into:
        • div id="container"></div>
    • Includes webpack.common.js and adds configuraiton for development server
    • Includes webpack.common.js and adds configuration for building production bundle (split in chunks, minify code, etc.)

Compiling smooth-dragon project

Compile instructions:

git clone
cd Smooth-Dragon
npm install     # install all nodejs packages needed for this project (in node_modules/ folder)
npm run dev     # compile and run a development version
npm run build   # build an optimized website (html + javscript + images) in dist/ folder

Building Threejs.min manually

For reducing the transmision of data when loading our webgl app in the client web browser we can build a minified version of ThreeJS. This will compress and unify all the ThreeJS scripts in one.

  • Tutorial for building Threejs.min using google closure compiler: Link

  • Using an online (unofficial) builder: Link

Summary (building Threejs.min using google closure compiler):

git clone --depth=30
cd ./three.js
npm install  # This will install google closure compiler dependencies (Youy need to install NodeJS for npm)
npm run build-closure
# "created build/three.module.js in 2.3s"

ls -lh build/
total 3,0M
-rw-r--r-- 1 Gio 197121 1,2M jul.  8 16:01 three.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 Gio 197121 614K jul.  8 16:01 three.min.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 Gio 197121 1,2M jul.  8 16:01 three.module.js


WebGL app using ThreeJS to explore computer graphics techniques: geometry and normals calculation for complex models, lighting and shadows, runtime UV coordinates, bump mapping, surface smoothing, UI, skybox, reflections, finite state machine, aabb colliders, particles system








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