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CraftTweaker Support

Gustaf Järgren edited this page Jul 15, 2018 · 13 revisions

HorsePower natively supports CraftTweaker. Click to expand the documentation for each device.



For the separate recipes to work you still need to change the config B:"Separate Grinding Recipes"=true

mods.horsepower.Grindstone.add(<input>, <output>, <time>, <hand>, <secondary>, <chance>);

input (ItemStack) – Item used in the recipe, accepts ore items
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, doesn’t accepts ore items
time (Integer) – The time for the grinding
hand (Boolean) – (Optional) If the recipe is for the hand grindstone or not, if false and separate recipes isn’t used they are for both
secondary (ItemStack) – (Optional) The secondary output, doesn’t accepts ore items
chance(Integer) – (Optional) The chance of the secondary output


output (ItemStack) – Output of recipe being removed. Will remove all recipes with this output.

Chopping Block


For the separate recipes to work you still need to change the config B:"Separate Chopping Recipes"=true
You also need to remember that when not separated the manual chopping block uses I:"Chopping Multiplier"=4 and when separated they use the provided value
When adding for the horse powered one, you need to consider the I:"Windup time for chop"=8 config option, the provided “time” is the amount of chops, the config say how many locations around the chopping block the horse needs to go for one chop

mods.horsepower.ChoppingBlock.add(<input>, <output>, <time>, <manual>);

input (ItemStack) – Item used in the recipe, accepts ore items
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, doesn’t accepts ore items
time (Integer) – The amount of “points” needed to chop
manual (Boolean) – (Optional) If the recipe is for the manual chopping block or not, if false and separate recipes isn’t used they are for both


output (ItemStack) – Output of recipe being removed. Will remove all recipes with this output.


mods.horsepower.Press.add(<input>, <output>);

input (ItemStack) – Item used in the recipe, accepts ore items
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, doesn’t accepts ore items

mods.horsepower.Press.add(<input>, <fluidOutput>);

input (ItemStack) – Item used in the recipe, accepts ore items
output (FluidStack) – Fluid returned


output (ItemStack) – Output of recipe being removed. Will remove all recipes with this output.

Dynamic chopping block recipes

One of the items in the ingredients must be the type item.

mods.horsepower.Recipes.addShaped(<type>, <output>, [<ingredients>]);

type (Ingredient) – The Ingredient to use as the type for the block and in the recipe, either item or ore dict
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, must be either the horse chopping block or the manual chopping block
ingredients (ItemStack) – Items used in the recipe, works as the vanilla recipes

mods.horsepower.Recipes.addShaped("name", <type>, <output>, [<ingredients>]);

name (String) – The name of the recipe
type (Ingredient) – The Ingredient to use as the type for the block and in the recipe, either item or ore dict
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, must be either the horse chopping block or the manual chopping block
ingredients (ItemStack) – Items used in the recipe, works as the vanilla recipes

mods.horsepower.Recipes.addShapeless(<type>, <output>, [<ingredients>]);

type (Ingredient) – The Ingredient to use as the type for the block and in the recipe, either item or ore dict
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, must be either the horse chopping block or the manual chopping block
ingredients (ItemStack) – Items used in the recipe, works as the vanilla recipes

mods.horsepower.Recipes.addShapeless("name", <type>, <output>, [<ingredients>]);

name (String) – The name of the recipe
type (Ingredient) – The Ingredient to use as the type for the block and in the recipe, either item or ore dict
output (ItemStack) – Item returned, must be either the horse chopping block or the manual chopping block
ingredients (ItemStack) – Items used in the recipe, works as the vanilla recipes

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