Canvas mindmap for obsidian while we waiting for Obsidian canvas update.
Mindmap is build upon exceptional work of wanglin2. Plugin can be buggy, uncomfortable and inconsistent. There would be low attention into support and update of it.
Custom frames plugin
- Download, install and enable. Custom frames plugin.
- Download latest version of this plugin from releases.
- Navigate to your Obsidian vault folder, make hidden folders visible.
- Navigate to .obsidian > plugins. Copy paste Obsidian-Mindmap-Canvas folder into plugins.
- Navigate to Obsidian-Mindmap-Canvas and open index.html.
Copy full url path.
- Open Custom Frames plugin. Add new frame. Paste into URL our path.
Important: after your url path insert your new mindmap name.
- Additional settings: Name: Mapname Icon: map tick Open in Center tick Add Ribbon icon
- Restart obsidian. Now if you click on ribbon icon it will open Mindmap.
Language: Click on first text button in bottom panel and change language to ENGLISH
Dark Theme: Click on T-Shirt icon on right panel. Choose dark looking theme.
You can create multiple instances of Custom Frames mindmaps.
Just create new Frame and add name of new or existing mindmap
Plugin stores mindmaps in LocalStorage. Access them by clicking on field and then -> button. To create new mindmap write its name in field and click ->. It will automatically navigate to it and copy all data from current mindmap.
Current mindmap name displayed at top right corner.
To select different mindmap name written in this field use CTRL + Backspace not just backspace.
Navigate to any other mindmap. Select in field map you want to delete and click x button.
Add image
Navigation use arrow keys
Zen mode
Import xmind mindmap
Export mindmap
Load mindmap
Save mindmap locally