Releases: GottFaust/WWDC
- Mods can be locked to specific weapons now. Select a weapon from the "Weapon Unique"(name pending) box in the mod manager.
- Berserker now multiplies attack speed correctly (uses "FireRate(Multiplicative)" instead of "FireRate").
Delete/reset your mods.db and maximizermods.db files if you want your mods updated Or make the changes manually.
0.11.7 + Fix
- Updated dispos and some weapons
- Added support for Mutalist Quanta bubbles
Post release fix: Changed the way Qutalist Quanta bubbles affect crit damage
Added support for weapons that cause explosions on impact (komorex, astilla, tombfinger, tonkor, etc)
- Select one of the "Explosive" options under "Elemental Damage type" to get fields to enter stats for the explosion
- The "status breakdown" percents will add up to double your status chance because 2 procs are possible per projectile.
- Only Komorex and Astilla are updated with this feature. Others can be updated manually with the weapon manager.
Protip: If testing Komorex, enter "-75" in the extra effects fire rate field (unless you're "quickscoping" to bypass the fire rate)
- Adding Shattering Impact support
- The "Maximizer" was skipping some combinations. I think I fixed it
- Added/changed some guns
- Fixed some things that I can't remember
Quick fix: Fixed new targets having 0 armor due to some integer stuff.
- Added Maining Strike + a whip stance with slide attacks in it. Delete stances.db in the install folder if you want the whip stance or add it manually. If you're adding slide attacks for another stance, use delay = 0.5 and multiplier = slide damage / base damage (~2.14 for whips, 6.0 for tonfas, etc). Check for multihits in the wikipedia entry for the stance but ignore the listed multipliers.
- Melee weapon DPS is affected by stances now. The displayed DPS is the maximum sustained DPS (As if you were attacking a target with infinite HP). Don't assume that the highest DPS stance gives the fastest kill times unless you're killing level 1000 enemies.
- Changed a lot of the DPS math for slash procs. This did not affect the TTK simulation.
- Re-added electric proc damage
- Maximizer now only shows complete results and creates the csv if you have "SmartMax" unchecked. Otherwise you only get the "lowest maximum kill time" result.
Still not entirely sure if everything remains unbroken!
Added support for melee stances (only added one stance, though). I probably broke everything in doing so.
Stances only affect the TTK simulation, not the "DPS" values.
How to add a new stance/combo:
- Look at the wiki and use the multipliers and procs there
- Lazy way to do "delays": Each button press have delay of 1. Multihits have a delay of 0.
- Hard way to do "delays": Take a recording of the weapon with a macro executing the combo as quickly as possible. Count frames between hits and convert to time. Delay = time*attackspeed.
Edit: just realized that I broke all non-melee simulations. uploaded the fixed .jar
- Further optimized the Maximizer and added a checkbox to disable intelligent modding so that users can still calculate complete results for the csv file.
- Changed some headshot DPS math. The issue did not affect TTKs.
- Moved the Vigilante mod set functionality to the "extra effects" area.
- Added all the archguns and archgun mods (delete your weapons.db and reset your mod lists if you want them).
- Mod manager shows possible archgun riven stats and can grade your rivens.
Quick fixes: fixed non-snipers having 0 damage and some archgun stuff not showing up.
- Mod stats no longer clear out when switching between mod lists. I did this so it's easier to swap mods between them.
- Added some missing/new weapons and updated dispositions. Some dispositions may be wrong, as I primarily went by what the forum post listed and their list wasn't entirely correct.