Releases: Greedquest/vbInvoke
What's Changed
🎯 Use MIT by @Greedquest in #5
🎯 Switch to tbShellLib by @Greedquest in #10
- Improved support for returned Type Information with complete ITypeLib interface
- Purge a load of dead code
- This is helped by the switch to fafalone/tbShellLib for common interfaces
- Fix logging of the linked list pointers (see #7 )
- Add Readme
- Treat .twin files as VBA (#8)
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
Fix code to work in 32-bit and 64-bit saved & unsaved
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
Fixed faulty ITypeLib definition so that this works on 32-bit
- 64-bit xlsm must be saved and re-opened
- 32-bit xlsm must be saved and have mature content
Otherwise this technique doesn't seem to pick up the parent typelib name and will raise an error
First public release. Has 2 main methods and 2 ways of calling them:
ActiveX DLL (Tools⇒Add Reference
Function GetStandardModuleAccessor(ByVal moduleName As String, ByVal proj As VBProject) As Object
Function GetExtendedModuleAccessor(ByVal moduleName As String, ByVal proj As VBProject, Optional ByRef outPrivateTI As [_ITypeInfo]) As Object
Standard DLL Declare
Declare PtrSafe Function GetStandardModuleAccessor Lib "vbInvoke_win64" (ByVal moduleName As Variant, ByVal proj As VBProject) As Object
Declare PtrSafe Function GetExtendedModuleAccessor Lib "vbInvoke_win64" (ByVal moduleName As Variant, ByVal proj As VBProject, ByRef outPrivateTI As IUnknown) As Object
Note: The standard DLL version uses Variant
for the module name and has no optional arguments
These 2 functions create "Accessors": IDispatch
Objects that can be used with dot notation accessor.Foo
or call by name CallByName(accessor, "Foo", ...)
to invoke
- Public methods/functions/properties of modules (Standard Accessor)
- Public or Private methods/functions/properties (Extended Accessor)
You can also use the Extended Accessor in a For-Each loop to print all the public & private methods (although this API may change to be more useful):
Dim exampleModuleAccessor As Object
Set exampleModuleAccessor = GetExtendedModuleAccessor("ExampleModule", ThisWorkbook.VBProject)
For Each methodName In exampleModuleAccessor
CallByName exampleModuleAccessor, methodName, vbMethod
Next methodName
Finally you can reference this library as a .twinpack
. This library only works when compiled into in-process DLLs or VBE Addins - it cannot be used to create a standalone EXE as it relies on sharing memory with the active VBProject.