UNIT3D-Community-Edition v8.2.0
v8.2.1 to follow next weekend with bulk torrent deleting (hopefully waiting on upstream livewire bug to be fixed), donations system and #4043
What's Changed
- (Revert) Group histories and uploads by month by @Roardom in #3806
- (Update) Clean up nerd bot messages by @Roardom in #3800
- (Fix) Groups stats advance calculations for date values by @Obi-Wana in #3801
- (Fix) Prevent duplicated notifications by @Obi-Wana in #3802
- (Fix) Meta Data Links by @arthurmelton in #3807
- (Add) Custom top 10 interval by @Roardom in #3809
- (Fix) Unit3dAnnounce Service by @HDVinnie in #3811
- (Update) Commands by @HDVinnie in #3788
- (Add) Auto submit 2fa code when 6 digits are entered by @Roardom in #3813
- (Add) Request #3692 by @HDVinnie in #3814
- (Fix) Connectable status on user actives page by @Roardom in #3816
- (Fix) Wrong variable used in top 10 custom interval cache by @Roardom in #3820
- (Fix) Group requirements seedtimes by @Obi-Wana in #3821
- (Fix) Catch error when external tracker is offline by @Roardom in #3822
- (Fix) Random media caching when nothing to cache by @Roardom in #3828
- (Fix) Use query builder instead of eloquent by @Roardom in #3830
- (Fix) Type of fillable model attribute by @Roardom in #3827
- (Update) Chunk users in autogroup command by @Roardom in #3797
- (Refactor) String Helpers by @Roardom in #3833
- (Update) Redesign footer by @Roardom in #3835
- (Fix) Use light-themed navbar on light theme by @Roardom in #3836
- (Fix) Provide fallback font for revel stylesheet by @Roardom in #3837
- (Update) Improve key-value styles by @Roardom in #3838
- (Fix) Escaping out of quick search by @Roardom in #3839
- (Fix) Img alt tags by @Roardom in #3841
- (Fix) Various playlist styles by @Roardom in #3842
- (Fix) Exclude private playlists from torrent search by @Roardom in #3843
- (Update) timeElapsed now returns used values only by @ThyThal in #3846
- (Fix) Revel stylesheet touchups by @Roardom in #3845
- (Add) Livewire playlist search by @Roardom in #3844
- (Fix) Bug #3812 by @HDVinnie in #3848
- (Fix) Footer Link by @HDVinnie in #3849
- (Fix) genres for games and collection array error by @LostRager in #3853
- (Update) Remove user avatar from playlist card by @Roardom in #3852
- (Update) Use PHP strict types for all files by @Roardom in #3855
- (Update) Improve hierarchy files by @Roardom in #3856
- (Fix) Allow
, etc. for id entry by @Roardom in #3857 - (Update) Copy announce url to clipboard on click by @Roardom in #3858
- (Fix) Broken bookmarks button by @Roardom in #3859
- (Fix) Quicksearch hardcoded category ids by @Roardom in #3860
- (Fix) Refundable torrents by @Roardom in #3861
- (Fix) User bon earning calculation by @Roardom in #3862
- (Refactor) Wishlist and add movie/tv subscriptions by @Roardom in #3863
- (Add) Display peer visibility on external torrent page by @Roardom in #3865
- (Fix) Only include visible peers when sending to external tracker by @Roardom in #3866
- (Fix) Encode settings overflowing out of torrent code box by @Roardom in #3867
- (Fix) Tagging users in posts by @Roardom in #3868
- (Add) Updated timestamp to user notes panel by @Roardom in #3869
- (Update) Torrent group monthly season pack naming by @Roardom in #3870
- (Remove) Unused columns on users table by @Roardom in #3871
- (Update) Normalize user settings by @Roardom in #3872
- (Update) Use eager loading for comment children existence by @Roardom in #3873
- (Fix) Types on torrent meta trait by @Roardom in #3875
- (Fix) Force redirect
requests by @Roardom in #3877 - (Update) Reduce queries on playlist show by @Roardom in #3874
- (Fix) Strict types by @Roardom in #3878
- (Fix) Download check key value styles by @Roardom in #3879
- (Fix) Setting meta attribute on torrent meta trait by @Roardom in #3880
- (Update) Remove duplicate query in top nav by @Roardom in #3881
- (Fix) Various wishlist issues by @Roardom in #3882
- (Fix) Unexpected
effects by @Roardom in #3883 - (Add) Validate max textarea length by @Obi-Wana in #3823
- (Refactor) Clean up user settings controllers by @Roardom in #3885
- (Fix) Select default user settings when none exists by @Roardom in #3886
- (Update) Show error when external tracker returns error by @Roardom in #3887
- (Fix) Adding blacklisted clients to external tracker by @Roardom in #3888
- (Update) Remove duplicate query in torrent search by @Roardom in #3892
- (Update) Allow saving default torrent sort column by @Roardom in #3894
- (Add) Livewire top users by @Roardom in #3895
- (Update) Spanish translation by @Deci8BelioS in #3893
- (Fix) Custom stylesheets by @Roardom in #3896
- (Fix) Footer size when configured meta description is too long by @Roardom in #3898
- (Refactor) Move user torrent layout query into torrent search component by @Roardom in #3899
- (Add) Lazy loading to top 10 page by @Roardom in #3900
- (Fix) Error 500s generated from torrents not having meta by @Roardom in #3901
- (Fix) Quick search not showing people with no still by @Roardom in #3902
- (Update) Condense featured torrents slider by @Roardom in #3903
- (Add) User setting to disable torrent search autofocus by @Roardom in #3904
- (Add) Search torrents by episode/season number via web ui by @Roardom in #3906
- fix: use
to set custom model propeties by @Roardom in #3907 - (Fix) Migration create stub return type by @Roardom in #3909
- (Update) Add debugbar and storage symbolic link to gitignore by @Roardom in #3911
- (Refactor) Modularize system notifications and prevent replies by @Roardom in #3912
- (Add) Private message threads by @Roardom in #3913
- (Refactor) Use form request for storing application by @Roardom in #3914
- (Fix) Language stats by @HDVinnie in #3910
- (Fix) Add types to mediainfo helper by @Roardom in #3916
- (Fix) Fetch the first record in resurrection check by @Roardom in #3917
- (Fix) Types for livewire comments by @Roardom in #3918
- (Fix) Chatroom deletion only comparing name by @Roardom in #3920
- (Remove) Unused bot columns by @Roardom in #3919
- (Update) Allow configuring HSTS from env by @Roardom in #3922
- (Fix) Register page SEO by @Roardom in #3924
- (Add) Loading text on login by @Roardom in #3925
- (Add) Torrent soft deletes by @HDVinnie in #3927
- (Fix) Create invite should be link, not form by @Roardom in #3930
- (Fix) Conversation creation by @Roardom in #3931
- [Update] auth.php Spanish by @Deci8BelioS in #3932
- (Fix) Escape more text in blade templates by @Roardom in #3933
- (Fix) Anon comments by @Roardom in #3934
- (Fix) Various Conversation Issues by @Roardom in #3935
- (Update) Reduce interval for unapproved torrents by @Roardom in #3936
- (Fix) Laravel 11 migration syntax by @Roardom in #3938
- (Fix) PHPStan Errors by @HDVinnie in #3937
- (Fix) Group requirements showing wrong age by @Roardom in #3942
- (Update) Save prewarned timestamp by @Roardom in #3945
- (Fix) Consistently upsert user into external announce on group change by @Roardom in #3944
- (Fix) IRC Bot PRIVMSG prefix missing by @costaht in #3950
- (Add) My downloads menu item to top nav dropdown by @Roardom in #3947
- (Fix) Comments disappear after replying by @Roardom in #3948
- (Fix) Remove version from
by @Roardom in #3949 - (Add) Outbound mail rate limiter by @Roardom in #3951
- (FIX) Appending missing colon to the function privmsg by @costaht in #3952
- (Update) Moderation Private Message by @MiM-MiM in #3955
- (Add) Request #3646 by @HDVinnie in #3954
- (Fix) Send system messages from system instead of user by @Roardom in #3956
- (Add) Active and inactive uploader staff view by @Obi-Wana in #3824
- (Fix) Mark staff report replies as read automatically by @Roardom in #3957
- (Fix) Torrent search playlist filter by @Roardom in #3958
- (Fix)
relationship by @Roardom in #3959 - (Fix) Double url encoding in bbcode comparison by @Roardom in #3960
- (Update) Make quick search faster by @Roardom in #3962
- (Update) don't match
using whitelisted image domain syntax by @Roardom in #3961 - (Fix) Sorting by prewarned_at on user torrent history by @Roardom in #3965
- (Add) Internals Stats by @HDVinnie in #3971
- (Update) Uploader Stats by @HDVinnie in #3972
- (Update) Sort conversations by most recently updated by @Roardom in #3966
- (Fix) Cache null values for user settings/notifications/privacy relations by @Roardom in #3968
- (Refactor) Move torrent search facet queries to computed properties by @Roardom in #3967
- (Refactor) Move request search facet queries to computed properties by @HDVinnie in #3974
- (Add) Phpstan bladestan static analysis by @Roardom in #3975
- (Fix) Pre-generated links to torrent search facets by @Roardom in #3977
- (Fix) Type error in tracker exception by @Roardom in #3978
- (Refactor) Use DTO to modularize torrent searching by @Roardom in #3981
- (Update) Use composite primary key for peers by @Roardom in #3983
- (Update) Amend issue template to require stack trace for error 500s by @Roardom in #3985
- (Update) Don't run redundant commands when external tracker is used by @Roardom in #3986
- (Update) Larastan by @HDVinnie in #3991
- (Fix) Process mass pm not sending pms by @Roardom in #3992
- (Fix) External tracker column headers by @Roardom in #3994
- (Fix) Migration to change peers ip to varbinary by @Roardom in #3995
- (Update) Sort pinned topics by priority by @Roardom in #3993
- (Update) GitHub Actions by @HDVinnie in #3996
- (Fix) Bug #3815 by @HDVinnie in #3998
- (Fix) Bug #3735 by @HDVinnie in #3999
- (Add) Request #3660 by @HDVinnie in #4000
- (Fix) Small bookmark button again again by @Roardom in #4001
- (Fix) Bookmarks deleting themselves after navigating to next page by @Roardom in #4004
- (Update) Use composite primary key for history by @Roardom in #4007
- (Add) Expiration date for polls by @Obi-Wana in #4009
- (Refactor) Auto format .js, .vue, and .scss files with prettier by @Roardom in #4002
- (Update) Category, type and resolution table schema by @HDVinnie in #4013
- (Add) Request #4006 by @HDVinnie in #4014
- (Fix) Some user group permissions by @Roardom in #4011
- (Add) Responsive styles for comments on mobile screens by @EkoNesLeg in #4017
- (Update) Torrent icons by @HDVinnie in #4021
- (Update) Larastan by @HDVinnie in #4022
- (Fix) Torrent request filters by @HDVinnie in #4025
- (Update) Show freeleech and double upload status on featured icons by @Roardom in #4026
- (Update) Migration by @HDVinnie in #4027
- (Fix) Staff user edit page by @Roardom in #4028
- (Fix) Don't save non-existant can_download state by @Roardom in #4030
- (Fix) Larastan relations by @Roardom in #4031
- (Add) Types to chat repository by @Roardom in #4032
- (Update) Improve client stats by @Roardom in #4033
- (Refactor) Use relational upserts by @Roardom in #4034
- Group shows by season by @Obi-Wana in #4035
- (Update) Improve invite log search by @Roardom in #4038
- (Fix) Larastan errors in notifications by @Roardom in #4039
- (Update) Lazy load stats index by @Roardom in #4040
- (Add) Invite tree user page by @Roardom in #4042
- (Fix) Various invite tree fixes by @Roardom in #4044
- (Refactor) Release Years by @HDVinnie in #4047
- (Add) Staff Audit Activity by @HDVinnie in #4046
- (Release) v8.2.0 by @HDVinnie in #4050
New Contributors
- @Deci8BelioS made their first contribution in #3893
Full Changelog: v8.1.3...v8.2.0