This datasource gets data from FIWARE Orion Context Broker. It expects a JSON response from Orion which is converted to a table for displaying on Grafana Dashboards and panels.
- Grafana <=8.5.x
Get Orion Entities by Service, Service Path, type, id, filter
As Grafana table
As Grafana table with complex query (Multi-value attribute)
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "Entities", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$fiwareService", "servicePath": "$fiwareServicePath", "type": "$entityType" }, "attributeName": "id,name", "queryFilter": "name=='$name'", "executePostQueryFilter": true }
Get Orion Entity Attribute Name by Service, Service Path, type, id
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "AttributeName", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$service", "servicePath": "$servicepath", "type": "$entityType" }, "entityId": "All" }
Get Orion Entity Attribute by Service, Service Path, type, id, attribute name
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "AttributeValue", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$service", "servicePath": "$servicepath", "type": "$entityType" }, "entityId": "All", "attributeName": "name,project", "queryFilter": "project=='$project'", "executePostQueryFilter": true }
Get Orion Entity Attribute by Service, Service Path, type, id and attribute name as Mapping Id List
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "AttributeValueAsMapping", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$fiwareService", "servicePath": "$fiwareServicePath", "type": "$entityType" }, "entityId": "$entityId", "attributeName": "resources,name,project", // first attribute array to list "queryFilter": "project=='$project'", "executePostQueryFilter": true }
[{ text: "NAME", value: "ENTITY_ID" }]
Get Orion Entity Attribute by Service, Service Path, type, id and attribute name as List
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "AttributeValueAsList", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$fiwareService", "servicePath": "$fiwareServicePath", "type": "$entityType" }, "entityId": "$entityId", "attributeName": "resources,name,project", // first attribute array to list "queryFilter": "project=='$project'", "executePostQueryFilter": true }
Get All Fiware Services
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "FiwareServices" }
Get All Fiware Service Paths by Fiware Service
As dashboard variable
{ "request": "FiwareServicePaths", "fiwareScope": { "service": "$fiwareService" } }
- Orion 3.6.0 (recommended)
Install dependecies
$ npm install
$ yarn install
Construct dist
$ yarn watch
$ yarn build
Grafana docker-compose:
Configure root url:
Add plugin dist compiled:
volumes: - type: bind source: ./dist target: /var/lib/grafana/plugins/orion-datasource
Environment value required for correct visualization:
Update plugins command:
$ grafana-cli plugins update-all
- Dashboard variables:
- fiwareService
- fiwareServicePath
- $entityId
- $entityType
Docker exec:
$ cd docker-compose $ docker-compose up
Create a new orion-datasource with url on datasources:
Commands to initiate the Context:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities' \
--header 'fiware-service: test' \
--header 'fiware-servicepath: /test' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": "urn:ngsi:Test1",
"type": "Test",
"name": {
"type": "Text",
"value": "Test1",
"metadata": {}
"LAeq": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 35.6,
"metadata": {}
"latitude": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 38.077053,
"metadata": {}
"longitude": {
"type": "Number",
"value": -1.271294,
"metadata": {}
"resources": {
"type": "StructuredValue",
"value": ["CO", "NO", "NO2", "SO2","O3"],
"metadata": {}
"CO": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 1,
"metadata": {}
"NO": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 2,
"metadata": {}
"NO2": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 3,
"metadata": {}
"SO2": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 4,
"metadata": {}
"O3": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 5,
"metadata": {}
"location": {
"type": "geo:json",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"TimeInstant": {
"type": "DateTime",
"value": "2022-05-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"metadata": {}
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities' \
--header 'fiware-service: test' \
--header 'fiware-servicepath: /test' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": "urn:ngsi:Test2",
"type": "Test",
"name": {
"type": "Text",
"value": "Test2",
"metadata": {}
"LAeq": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 60,
"metadata": {}
"latitude": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 39.481377,
"metadata": {}
"longitude": {
"type": "Number",
"value": -0.377954,
"metadata": {}
"location": {
"type": "geo:json",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"TimeInstant": {
"type": "DateTime",
"value": "2022-05-25T01:00:00.000Z",
"metadata": {}
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/urn:ngsi:Test1' \
--header 'fiware-service: test' \
--header 'fiware-servicepath: /test'
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/urn:ngsi:Test2' \
--header 'fiware-service: test' \
--header 'fiware-servicepath: /test'