- Proposal: HXP-0002
- Author: Alexander Kuzmenko
- Status: implemented in 4.0.0
Provide better syntax for anonymous functions declaration.
Even simple closures encourage splitting expressions into multiple lines, which makes code too bloated. It's hard to read and maintain code that heavily relies on anonymous functions.
//hard to read var names = users.map(function(u) return u.getProfile()).filter(function(p) return p.inCountry('USA')).map(function(p) return p.getName()); //a little better var profiles = users.map(function(u) return u.getProfile()); profiles = profiles.filter(function(p) return p.inCountry('USA')); var names = profiles.map(function(p) return p.getName()); //best var names = users.map(u -> u.getProfile()).filter(p -> p.inCountry('USA')).map(p -> p.getName());
In some cases total length of boilerplate code may be two times bigger than useful code size.
array.map(function(a) return a.toInt()).sort(function(a, b) return a - b); //vs array.map(a -> a.toInt()).sort((a, b) -> a - b);
Required boilerplate reduced from 32 chars to 4.
Nowadays arrow functions are largely adopted by programmers community. Lack of such functions in Haxe raises questions for newcomers that Haxe suffers stagnation in development. This factor has negative impact on growth of Haxe community.
Current syntax of anonymous functions in Haxe is quite verbose compared to other languages.
//Haxe function() return expr function(arg) return expr //TypeScript () => expr arg => expr //JavaScript () => expr arg => expr //C# () => expr arg => expr //Scala () => expr (arg) => expr //Java () -> expr (arg) -> expr //Swift { expr } { arg1 in expr } //Ruby ->() {expr} ->(arg) {expr} //And so on...
Following syntax is proposed for arrow functions in Haxe:
No arguments:
() -> expr //equivalent for function() return expr;
Single argument (parentheses are optional):
arg -> expr (arg) -> expr //equivalent for function(arg) return expr;
Multiple arguments:
(arg1, arg2) -> expr //equivalent for function(arg1, arg2) return expr;
Explicit typing:
(arg1:Int, arg2:String) -> expr //equivalent for function(arg1:Int, arg2:String) return expr;
Explicit return type for arrow functions should not be allowed to not interfer with existing syntax of function type.
Since proposed syntax is just another way to express function declaration, no AST changes required.
But in Haxe 4.0 new field @:optional isLambda:Bool
could be added to haxe.macro.Function structure to distinct normal and arrow function syntaxes in AST.
Arrow functions will have no impact on existing code.
It's a compile-time feature so it will not affect runtime.
No drawbacks.
Since users got used to use arrow functions in other languages, various implementations were created with macros: at least two librarys on haxelib and few more projects in outher sources. However such implementations impact compilation time, introduce non-standart (and different) syntax and should be avoided inside of other macros (breaks compiler cache)